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does any know how I can retrieve the information provided by the light meter, microphone and accelerometers?

Are there ready to use classes? D-BUS?

Any hints, examples are appreciated.

Thanks and kind regards
blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Okay, for the accelerometers I found some information here:

noobmonkey's Avatar
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Originally Posted by blubbi View Post

does any know how I can retrieve the information provided by the light meter, microphone and accelerometers?

Are there ready to use classes? D-BUS?

Any hints, examples are appreciated.

Thanks and kind regards
Take a look at the healthcheck code - it's simple and just uses CLI style access to things. There is also some DBUS'yness in there too
(Once installed the python files will be in

Example code (Functions file):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import dbus

def funcAccel():
	print "** Start Function - Accel Co-ords **"
        f = open("/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord", 'r')
        coords = [int(w) for w in f.readline().split()]
        print " ** Getting orientation**"
        b = os.popen(' dbus-send --system --type=signal /com/nokia/mce/signal').read()
        coords = str(coords)
        jaccel = str(coords) + str(b)
	return jaccel

def funcBatchrg():
        print "** Start Function - Battery Charge **"
        gl = os.popen('hal-device bme | awk \'/l.p/ {perc = $3}; /s_c/ {isch = $3} END if (isch == "false") {print perc" %"} else {print "Charging"}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcBatLastChrg():
        print " ** Start Function - battery last charge**"
	gl = os.popen('hal-device bme | awk \'/ {print $3" mAh"}\'').read()
	return gl.strip()

def funcBattcurr():
        print "** Start Function - Battery Current **"
        gl = os.popen('hal-device bme | awk \'/g.c/ {print $3" mAh"}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcCamState():
        print "** Start Function - Cam Shutter State **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/cam_shutter/state').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcFMTrans():
        print "** Start Function - FM Transmitter power level **"
        ge = os.popen('cat /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-2/2-0063/power_level').read()
        ge = ge.strip()
        return ge

def funcHeadphoneState():
        print "** Start Function - Headphone State **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/headphone/state').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcKeySlider():
        print "** Start Function - Keyboard Slider State **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/slide/state').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcProxState():
        print " ** Start Function - proximity sensor state**"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/proximity/state').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcSysUptime():
        print "** Start Function - system uptime**"
        ge = os.popen('uptime | sed -e \'s/.*p *//\' -e \'s/, l.*//\' -e \'s/  / /\'').read()
        return ge

def funcCurrentCPUFreq():
        print "** Start Function - CPU Frequency **"
        gl = os.popen('echo $((`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq`/1000)) MHz').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcAppUsed():
        print "** Start Function - App Used **"
        gl = os.popen('df /home | awk \'/ho/ {print $5}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcAppFree():
        print "** Start Function - App Free **"
        gl = os.popen('df -h /home | awk \'/ho/ {print $4}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcBacklightAct():
        print "** Start Function - Backlight Info **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/brightness').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcBacklightMax():
        print "** Start Function - Backlight Info MAX **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/class/backlight/acx565akm/max_brightness').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcKernelInfo():
        print "** Start Function - Kernel Core Info **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/kernel/vmcoreinfo').read()
        return gl.strip()

def funcBootCount():
        print "** Start Function - boot count**"
        gd = os.popen('cat /var/lib/dsme/boot_count').read()
        gd = gd.strip()
        return gd

def funcBootReason():
        print "** Start Function - Boot Reason**"
        gl = os.popen('cat /proc/bootreason').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcMMCState():
        print "** Start Function - MMC Cover/latch **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/cover_switch').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcMemoryCUsed():
        print "** Start Function - Memory Card Used **"
        gl = os.popen('df /media/mmc1 | awk \'/mm/ {print $5}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcMemoryCFree():
        print "** Start Function - Memory Card Free **"
        gl = os.popen('df -h /media/mmc1 | awk \'/mm/ {print $4}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcMyDocsUsed():
        print "** Start Function - MyDocs % Used **"
        gl = os.popen('df /home/user/MyDocs | awk \'/My/ {print $5}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcMyDocsFree():
        print "** Start Function - myDocs MB Free **"
        gl = os.popen('df -h /home/user/MyDocs | awk \'/My/ {print $4}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcRootUsed():
        print "** Start Function - rootfs % used **"
        gl = os.popen('df | awk \'$1 == "rootfs" {print $5}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcRootFree():
        print "** Start Function - rootfs free MB **"
        gl = os.popen('df -h | awk \'$1 == "rootfs" {print $4}\'').read()
        gl = gl.strip()
        return gl

def funcSysLoad():
        print "** Start Function - load from uptime **"
        ge = os.popen('uptime | sed \'s/.*e: //\'').read()
        return ge

def funcDevOri():
        print "** Start Function - Device Orientation **"
        bus = dbus.SystemBus()             
        accel = bus.get_object('','/com/nokia/mce/request','') 
        orientation , stand , face , x , y , z = accel.get_device_orientation()
        return orientation

def funcCPUfreq():
        print "** Start Function - CPU Frequency File **"
        fh = open("/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies","r")
        igot = fh.readlines()
        print "** Adding CPUQ Frequencies **"
        aa = ""
        counter = 0
        for line in igot:
                s = line.split()
                for words in s:
                        counter = counter +1
                        if counter == 5:
                                aa = str(aa) +"\n \t\t\t\t"
                        if counter == 9:
                                aa = str(aa) +"\n \t\t\t\t"
                        if counter == 13:
                                aa = str(aa) +"\n \t\t\t\t"
                        aa = str(aa) + str((int(words)/1000)) + "MHz, "
        aa = aa.strip()[:-1]
        return aa

def funcProcInfo():
        print "** Start Function - Processor Information **"
        ga = os.popen('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Processor').read()	
        return ga.strip()[11:]

def funcN900Board():
        print "** Start Function - N900 Board Information **"
        gb = os.popen('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Hardware').read()
        return gb.strip()[11:]

def funcBoardVer():
        print "** Start Function - Board Version **"
        gj = os.popen('cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Revision').read()
        return gj.strip()[11:]

def funcSysLocale():
        print "** Start Function - System Locale **"
	gc = os.popen('locale | grep LANG').read()
	return gc.strip()[5:]

def funcHostName():
        print "** Start Function - Device Hostname **"
        ga = os.popen('cat /etc/hostname').read()
        return ga.strip()

def funcIMEI():
        print "** Start Function - Device IMEI **"
        b = os.popen(' dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call /com/nokia/phone/SIM/security Phone.Sim.Security.get_imei').read()
        b = str(b)
        b = b.strip()
        b = str(b)[-27:]
        b = b.strip()
        b = str(b)[:-12]
        return b

def funcInternalIP():
        print "** Start Function - Internal IP **"
        ga = os.popen('/sbin/ifconfig | awk \'/Bc/ {print $2}\' | cut -c6-').read()
        return ga.strip()

def funcWifiLinkQ():
        print "** Start Function - Wireless Link Quality **"
        ga = os.popen('cat /proc/net/wireless | awk \'/0/ {print $3}\' | awk -F. \'/./ {print $1" %"}\'').read()
        return ga.strip()

def funcWifiRSSI():
        print "** Start Function - Wireless RSSI **"
        ga = os.popen('cat /proc/net/wireless | awk \'/0/ {print $4" dBm"}\'').read()
        return ga.strip()

def funcWifiNoise():
        print "** Start Function - Wireless Noise **"
        ga = os.popen('cat /proc/net/wireless | awk \'/0/ {print $5}\' | awk -F. \'/./ {print $1" dBm"}\'').read()
        return ga.strip()

def funcMacAddress():
        print "** Start Function - MAC Address **"
        gl = os.popen('cat /sys/class/ieee80211/phy0/macaddress').read()
        return gl.strip()

def funcBluetooth():
        print "** Start Function - Bluetooth Name **"
        gl = os.popen('grep \'^Name =\' /etc/bluetooth/main.conf').read()
        return gl.strip()[7:]

def funcBluetoothMAC():
        print "** Start Function - Bluetooth MAC**"
        gl = os.popen('/usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 | grep BD').read()            
        s = gl.split(" ")
        return s[2].strip()

def funcCPUMinMax():
        print "** Start Function - Bluetooth MAC**"
        a = os.popen('cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq').read()
        a = a.strip()
        a = int(a) / 1000
        b = os.popen('cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq').read()
        b = b.strip()
        b = int(b) / 1000
        c = str(b) + "MHz" + " / " + str(a) + "MHz"
        return c.strip()
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Last edited by noobmonkey; 2010-06-07 at 12:11.

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Originally Posted by blubbi View Post

does any know how I can retrieve the information provided by the light meter, microphone and accelerometers?
Forgot to add - with the microphone part i'm struggling on that one.
Looking into and waiting for qtmultimedia/mobility
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----------- Author of the N900 Health Check Application ----------- New Version in Extras Devel (Dec 2010 - 2.9.10)
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blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
This answers most. Thanks a lot.

But why call external tools to read the "files"

why not simply use
def funcProxState():
        print " ** Start Function - proximity sensor state**"
        gl = open('/sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/proximity/state', 'r').read().strip()
        return gl
There is no need to make system calls to grep, cat, awk and others in python. Python has excellent string handling capabilities.


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I have just managed to play with accelerometer so here's a simple script to output the phone's state.

from ctypes import *
import os
import sys
import time
from math import atan2
from pprint import pprint

xlib = cdll.LoadLibrary("")
rr = cdll.LoadLibrary("")

def out_rotate():
    f = open("/sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord", 'r' )
    cdinate = [int(w) for w in f.readline().split()]
    return cdinate

print out_rotate()

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noobmonkey's Avatar
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Originally Posted by blubbi View Post
This answers most. Thanks a lot.

But why call external tools to read the "files"

why not simply use
def funcProxState():
        print " ** Start Function - proximity sensor state**"
        gl = open('/sys/devices/platform/gpio-switch/proximity/state', 'r').read().strip()
        return gl
There is no need to make system calls to grep, cat, awk and others in python. Python has excellent string handling capabilities.

Because........ erm..... errr..... it worked, and i stuck with it hehehe
(Very new to python, linux and QT, so the whole thing is a learning curve!
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----------- Author of the N900 Health Check Application ----------- New Version in Extras Devel (Dec 2010 - 2.9.10)
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blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by noobmonkey View Post
Forgot to add - with the microphone part i'm struggling on that one.
Looking into and waiting for qtmultimedia/mobility
The higher purpose of my question is the following:
I want to emit a IR-Signal when the signal level of on of the sensors (Proximity sensor, Microphone, Accelerometers) raises above a certain threshold and remotely trigger my Canon EOS 7D ;-)


Last edited by blubbi; 2010-06-07 at 12:32.

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blubbi's Avatar
Posts: 288 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by noobmonkey View Post
Because........ erm..... errr..... it worked, and i stuck with it hehehe
(Very new to python, linux and QT, so the whole thing is a learning curve!
Hehe, okay, I could have guessed that ;-)

Here some fine links:

By the way, do you know how I can get the light intensity like the app "luxus" does?


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noobmonkey's Avatar
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not seen luxus, but can check later.
which light intensity? the screen brightness intensity should be in the code above.

(out on lunch, so not near a pc)
----------- Follow me on Twitter here
----------- My Photography Website and Blog is here
----------- Author of the N900 Health Check Application ----------- New Version in Extras Devel (Dec 2010 - 2.9.10)
----------- Are you on the N900 World Map? - - masterpin: shotgun
----------- What apps do you want to see on the n900 or in MeeGo in the future? -

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