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Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
This will be a continuation of a 770 "blog" I maintained at

As you will see, it will mainly be links to mentions or items about the 770. I'd appreciate people NOT posting here unless it is with such links. I'm not big on clogging this thread with extraneous discussion. You'll see there was very little of that in the original.

I got to fondle a 770 at Linux Expo and wrote about here:

This was linked to by a bunch of sites and also spawned a "reprint" here:

I'll add to this as time and material warrants.
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
A 770 mention

Some items I will put here will be about Nokia the company. Did you know this company started out in *lumber*? And merged with a firm that did rubber goods (getcher mind out of that gutter; think galoshes!) and one that manufactured cable (as in wire; not coax)? It's a *very* interesting company, and some of these links will be here simply because I want them to be.

You lot stick to the 770 itself!

Mastering the Nokia money multiplication machine

Eurocom sells 8,000 Nokia 6680 handsets in 10 days

Here's an interesting site about cellphones. Yawn. I have no interest in them (sorry, Nokia -- not!), but appreciate this effort:

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-08-07 at 20:20. Reason: Gone back to format things
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
Needs some love: Prince of Persia on Nokia 770
>>>an interesting project to bring Prince of Persia game back to life.
-- nice screen snap!

2006 : The year of the e-book?

Nokia 770 - Wifi on Linux
-- pretty much a generic mention

Nokia 770 does not supply power to the USB cord
-- ouch! This is news. And not very good, either!

Phones That Are Compatible With Nokia 770 Internet Tablet
-- well no, not really. This is one of those frikkin roboblogs that clog the blogosphere. I put it here as an example to be scorned. So scorn it.

Doom on Nokia 770: Lets see how fast it can get
>>>Finally, I tried the doom deb file received from Kuisma (he received the file from Handful) and see how fast it is in the Nokia 770. The installation is quite tricky since you have to do something first before you can enjoy the game.
-- I am jealous of Mohammad. He not only had a very early 770, but it was *white* too! (I christened it the "albino 770.") He's since been sent a proper black one. For those eejits who have been maligning the 770, saying it's "slow," check out what Mohammad says about bloody **DOOM** on the 770: "the speed is awesome". Nuff said!

A computer you can use standing up
-- Roger is excited by the 770 too.

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-08-07 at 20:21. Reason: Gone back to format things
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
A papercast blog entry about the 770
-- go look, it's interesting.

One of those chi-chi mag websites mentions the 770

Mobile Linux, with a 770 mention

Factor thoughts and dreams
>>>Factor is a new programming language from Slava Pestov combining some forth, lisp and joy concepts in a great portable environment. Very good key features and a lot of good ideas .. I really like it.
>>>My ultimate dream: Factor runing on MAEMO with ARM back end compiler. I plan to buy the NOKIA 770 by the end of this year and I really like to use it for Factor coding pending my long (3H) daily transport in the train to go to work. Factor need few sign for write code so it should be possible even with the tactile keyboard.

Nokia Tablet-Handheld mit Linux
-- a generic mention, but I like this website's cheeky name!

Get this…
>>>I am writing this with the Nokia 770 tablet… I managed to get my hands on one… and I must say, I am impressed.

Nokia, el pingüino y el duende
-- a generic mention, in Spanish I guess. But the entire site is interesting:
And here is some *really* interesting news I found from it --
-- God Bless Ed Wood, Jr!

Re: [PATCH] Dynamic tick for x86 version 050602-2
>>>Yes, we did dyntick originally for ARM OMAP and 770.
-- might as well be Martian, for all I don't understand this.

Exclusive: New national Wi-Fi network could threaten radio
>>>Canada’s major cellular providers (competitors, remember) have just joined forces to create a single Wi-Fi network across the country. They plan to have more than 500 new hotspot locations.
>>>I can use one of these new Nokia 770 Internet Tablets and listen to MP3's on the fly. The Portable Streaming Internet Receiver.

>>>Was extremely happy about Fluendo and Imendio involvment in the perfect wardriving device, the Nokia 770 development.

Nokia choose to work with Fluendo on GStreamer multimedia framework for embedded devices

What is Imendio?

Of Debian, Gnome and Nokia
-- this is another interesting site; scroll to the article about Debian vulnerabilities. I hope Nokia has patched all that in Maemo!

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-08-07 at 20:25. Reason: Gone back to format things
RogerS's Avatar
Posts: 772 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Jul 2005 @ Montclair, NJ (NYC suburbs)
Hey, this looks like a good place to be!

Tripped over this today --

Feeds from Nokia 770 sites. Expect they'll pick you up soon.


Teleread (e-books: )
Electric Forest (digital libraries: )
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2005

I've got a couple of Symbian and PDA type mettings to attend over the next couple of months - If I see anything Tablet-flavoured, I'll try and get some images and maybe even video of it in action.
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Nokia chief ends 13-year reign,00.html
>>>Jorma Ollila, the man who orchestrated Nokia’s transition from a diversified industrial group to the world’s biggest mobile phone maker, is to step down as chief executive, the company announced today.

Good God! New leaders coming to Nokia. This is a surprise.

And it comes on the same day as the launch of *this* site.


-- edited to add:

To see Ollila and his successor pictured together, see --

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-08-07 at 20:26. Reason: Gone back to format things
Posts: 77 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2005
#8 has put up some of my posts which kinda feels weird. But I did get some people to come to my site from them. So I am ok with them.

My site is really taking off. I have gone from 1 hit a day to 2 hits a day. I am so happy.

Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
The Inquirer's cheeky take on the change in Nokia leadership

Harley rider gets boot from Nokia
-- what they miss by choosing to be cheeky instead of *thorough* is that Ollila was a *banker*. He came over to Nokia from Citibank Oy! He had been tasked with bringing some Nokia financial business over to Citibank.

So although Kallasvuo was a "bean counter" -- hey, so was Ollila!

-- edited to add:

A large picture of Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo is here --
-- can't be one of his good days...

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-08-07 at 20:27. Reason: Gone back to format things
Posts: 949 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jul 2005
Two non-Nokia/770 items, but related sorta:

Five addictive open source games
-- these all seem to be Java-based. The 770's initial model lacks Java. Let's hope it will get it.

Nintendo launches massive Wi-Fi advertising campaign for DS
-- if adults see their *kids* doing WiFi, maybe they'll wonder if there is an *adult* device for getting it. Could help 770 awareness and sales.

Last edited by Mike Cane; 2005-08-07 at 20:28. Reason: Gone back to format things

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