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Posts: 7 | Thanked: 34 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ London, UK
Well, according to the script itself, here's what I've moved:

libqt4-core 9,988k
hildon-theme-alpha 7,668k
nokia-maps-ui 6,876k
adobe-flashplayer 6,700k
nokia-maps-core 5,316k
nokia-maps-maplets 2,608k

I'll probably move more stuff as and when I need it - for instance, microb can be moved, and that will free up another 20 meg or so counting all its packages. Really, it should be safe to relocate anything wholly gui-based - so gtk, libpurple and so on are candidates.
for((P=10**8,Q=P/100,X=320*Q/(`tput cols`-1),Y=210*Q/`tput lines`,y=-105*Q,v=-2\
20*Q,x=v;y<105*Q;x=v,y+=Y));do for((;x<P;a=b=i=k=c=0,x+=X));do for((;a*a+b*b<4*\
P*P&&i++<99;a=((c=a)*a-b*b)/P+x,b=2*c*b/P+y));do :;done;(((j=(i<99?i%16:0)+30)>\
37?k=1,j-=8:0));echo -ne "\E[$k;$j"mE;done;echo -e \\E[0m;done # Charles Cooke