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Posts: 11 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on May 2010
Hi, love the premise and appreciate the work you've put in. Sadly (for reasons of which I'm happy to accept are probably my own - being an end-user for all my well meaning attempts to get to grips with the inner workings of this marvellous machine) it's not working for me.
I think it all went wonky when I deleted all the preset categories, wanting to intuitively work my way back up, as it were. Despite creating new categories, sub-categories, moving apps around, refreshing, rebooting I'm stuck with the original hildon menu, except now it's doubled up - I have twice as many apps, or rather, duplicates of each.
Furthermore, no categories I create are appearing, and in the GUI of CatorisePLUS the landscape value is about 5 times too wide for my screen resulting in me having to scroll for millenia to see which app I've selected to place in a category I can't make exist. I've had a little whisk through this thread, but i've not noticed anyone having this problem. Any ideas on what i've done to ruin your app? :P