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Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Update: If you are bothered about wifite using /tmp/ on rootfs to store temporary data, run this command AFTER you have installed everything:

sudo sed -i "s/(prefix='wifite')/(prefix='wifite',dir='\/opt\/tmp')/g" /opt/wifi_mon/; sudo if [ ! -d "/opt/tmp" ]; then mkdir /opt/tmp; fi
Update: Internet super hero Torpedo48 has created the installation/use guide this post was supposed to be. It don't get much easier than this folks!

Further to the MITM script above I present another shameless hijacking of somone else's work:

They called it

I call it wepon!

This is a mildly altered copy of with some accompanying scripts to hold the whole lot together.

Why should I care?

You should care because this is a FULLY automated WEP cracking solution. No more spazzing about with any arsecrack. Simply type into the terminal (as root) wepon, then after some minutes some WEP keys will appear on the screen for all the WEP networks around you.

While it is possible to attack WPA networks with wifite I have disabled it for obvious reasons. If you are the kind of person who carries several GB of rainbow tables around on his phone then by all means re-enable it. It was disabled to speed up attack time.

also install:

aircrack 1.1

The first script runs the original '' as written by lxp. It then puts your wifi into injection mode, then runs is a work of artistic scripting beauty, more details can be found here.

copy this script to '/usr/bin/wepon' and chmod +x it

#wifite starter
sleep 2
ifconfig wlan0 down
sleep 1 
iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
sleep 1
ifconfig wlan0 up
sleep 1
python /opt/wifi_mon/ --power 12 --pps 500 --anon

copy this script to '/usr/bin/wepoff' and chmod +x it


copy this archive to '/opt/wifi_mon/' and decompress it:

alternative here.

decompress with:

tar xzvf wifi.tgz

Final note

When you are done testing pens run the 'wepoff' script. This unloads the wifi injection modules, puts wifi back into normal mode and sets the device to european channels (this simply means up to wifi channel 13 is available).

Massive thanks to lxp for creating these injection drivers. If you have not donated him at least a measly $1 for his hard work to write them you are a total gonad.

Only for learning purposes, legal blah blah blah blah
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Last edited by vi_; 2011-06-23 at 21:13.

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