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Posts: 32 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Not quite sure if it is okay to hijack this thread, but I was quite sucessful in adopting this to the N9 (Meego Harmattan).

Here is what I did to get it run, as a brief howto if anyone is interested. It would be great if other could contribute to make it perfect. Note: In my first attempt installing the tar ball instead of the deb I created a device malfunctioning error and had to reflash my phone. So all is at your own risk of course.

Prerequisite: a working scratchbox installation in armel mode

Step 1: Get source ,eg:

svn co

Step 2: Make changes to the source
First, follow this post

Regarding 3, what you want to do is commenting out two lines like this
/*output_ptr = (sample_t *)outputArray;
	decode_ptr = (sample_t *)(decode_fifo_buf + decode_audio->fifo.rptr);*/
it is line 213/4 in 7.6

Second, also add –tag=cc twice to in some freetype folder as in the following patch,(this also suggest to add -no-undefined at one point, not sure if necessary):

Step 3: now from within scratchbox,

run make -f Makefile.linux
then cd squeezeplay
make squeezeplay-deb

Step 4: Install the deb to the phone and create a launcher

for the launcher, create a file in /home/.local/share/applications

with name eg squeezeplay.desktop

and content

 [Desktop Entry]

Step 5: Modify skin to fit your need, i.e. at least increase resolution


* Audio plays only with root priviliges
* Skin runs either fullscreen so swiping is impossible or has a blank status bar on bottom.
*Further optimization of skin -eg keyboard

Further source:
Thanks to all of those on which this is based !

Last edited by christianko; 2011-10-30 at 14:01.