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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
So true. For computer game players... think of Symbian as Daikatana, MeeGo as Duke Nukem Forever, and Nokia's programmers as Ion Storm and 3D Realms rolled into one.

Protesting the unfairness of being let go while not being able to deliver a solution despite record budget amounts (and PalmOS had ten version releases between its debut and HP's aquisition a little over a year later (compared to Maemo's 4) and was developed on a budget of three dollars and some pocket lint and was actually consumer-ready at launch) seems a little bit clueless. My next-to-last employer eventually went out of business, and some of us worked for up to three months without pay to try one final effort to land the company a new major account and turn things around - and that was after months of voluntary reduced pay, which was below market average in the first place. Heck, I went eight years without a vacation. Oh, and no health insurance or retirement plan. And we occasionally managed to steal accounts from competition several times our size.

A human resources employee at my next place of employment, a billion-dollar company, told me that "no one ever gets fired here". And trust me, you could tell. My boss had 15 people working under him and when weather was bad he'd let folks go home early... except myself and one other person. We were always told one of us could go. We initially thought it was some sort of loyalty test and we'd both make excuses to stay.
He eventually quasi-confessed that he'd only hired four of those 15 and we were the two best and he only had hiring authority but not firing authority. There was a lot of fun when an employee wanted to be fired rather than quit to collect unemployment benefits and like a tv comedy he couldn't get fired no matter what he intentionally screwed up or how he acted (including viewing Internet porn in full view of the rest of the office).

I'm sure there are a lot of new employees that had nothing to do with the Nokia mess that will be affected. On the other hand, I don't feel it heartless to suggest there are probably a lot of long-term employees there who probably should have been let go and replaced with less complacent and more ambitious employees a long time ago.
Poor you! I really feel for you. It is not because you don't have holidays that the rest of the human race have to have the same karma.

Since when does the bottom of the pile have any power of decision over what to develop? They only can do the tasks the top brains allow them to. Try having your own ideas and suggestions heard when the top brass has already decided what is best for everybody? I makes my heart sink.

To all that speak against the employees: you all stink! That's why the Earth is in this mess! Think yourselves homo sapiens? One step back into apes... what a pity!