Thread: eCoach
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Posts: 22 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jun 2010
First of all; Thank you for this app. I am using this on my running training always, as a backup. Phone is always with me but sometimes i forget to take my real sports-GPS with me. Or do an ad-hoc exercise and the Garmin is nowhere near. eCoach works as a nice backup and mapper, as the Garmin does not have any maps, even though it records the route.

However, to make eCoach a real substitute for a real sports GPS, it still needs work. Some easy-to-implement features I believe.

Without HR-belt:
- DISPLAY MODE OPTIONS: PACE/SPEED; If this is already in eCoach, I apologise. I have noticed that in the activity log you can view the pace (min/km), but I am not sure whether it is visible during activity, as I currently only using eCoach as a backup/mapper, as stated earlier.
- AUTOPAUSE; when speed drops below predefined or user defined speed or pace (perhaps some predefined values depending on exercise type and possibility for user to input a custom value): pause the exercise and record this part of the exercise as rest time, both time and distance; For example, "Autopause when speed drops below 5km/h" to pause exercise when I am standing in the traffic lights or when I am tying my shoelaces.
- SPEED/PACE ALERTS; possibility to set low speed/pace alert and high speed/pace alert independently, both at custom speed/pace or a speed/pace chosen from a set of predefined values depending on exercise type. It should be possible to set either of them independently, or to use both. For example: "Alert me when ever my pace is slower than 6min/km" or "Alert me when my speed is slower than 10km/h or when my speed is higher than 12km/h"
- AUTO-LAPS; At user defined (custom, or chosen from a list) intervals (either time or distance), log a lap, with distance and time and accumulated time. These must be viewable after the exercise. Preferably also show a "popup" for like 10 secs and give an audible alert. For example: "Autolap every 1km" or "Autolap every 6 minutes".
- TIME/DISTANCE ALERTS, should both be independently toggleable on/off and the limits should again be user defined (custom or chosen from a list). For example, "Alert me every 30 minutes". Or, "Alert me every 5 kilometers".
- SPEED AVERAGING: In some conditions GPS receiving is poor, and speed display might become "jumpy", showing very low or very high speeds. Averaging would be used to "smoothen" the display, calculating the average speed based on the last [user defined] seconds' data. At least I see spikes in my speed curve, and I am pretty darn sure I do not run at speeds of over 40km/h as my eCoach seems to tell me sometimes. Speed averaging would result in more realistic speed measurement. This feature you can also see in the Sports Tracker, and I am pretty sure my Garmin also does it. Even though its not configurable in the Garmin, as opposed to NST.
- VIRTUAL OPPONENT; Set your virtual opponents' average speed, and during your exercise, see how much you are behind or ahead of the opponent. Either timewise or distancewise.

With HR-belt (I do not know about these, as I am not using HR-BELT with N900, these may already be there):
- LOW/HIGH HR ALERTS; Same idea as speed/pace alerts above, basically to define the HR-range in which you want to train and alert if going outside of that

All alerts need to be audible even if using media players on the n900 at the same time. This would be better than sports-GPS + music player, because when the sports-GPS beeps on your wrist and you have loud music in your earphones, you can guess whther you can hear the alerts or not. Correct! You can't! But if the GPS and the media player are combined (as is the case for any GPS-enabled phone), this problem should be easy to overcome.

If you managed to read through all of this, I thank you. Especially if you have your fingers in the eCoach development . Some kind of eCoach RoadMap would be cool to have: What are you planning to develop, in what order, etc...

Once more, Thank you.
My N900 on the map

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