Thread: Rapier
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Posts: 60 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jan 2008
I've been away from the forum for a few weeks.
I'm still trying to get the NIV into Rapier. I have downloaded all the HTML files and run through the scripts that were posted some time ago (skipping the concordance steps).
# Download the scripts linked here, then make them available & executable.
$ mkdir ~/Bible/scripts			# These scripts know where they live.
$ mv * ~/Bible/scripts
$ chmod +x ~/Bible/scripts/*

$ mkdir ~/Bible/niv			# Make base dir, "beside" scripts.
$ cd ~/Bible/niv
$ ../Scripts/download bg 31 60		# Get NIV from Bible Gateway.  60 second minimum delay.
# Now make manual edits, per "text.bugs", described above.  Then...

$ ../scripts/ -h			# Grind original text for Sword.
$ ../scripts/concordance -h		# Create a concordance (optional).
$ cd ~/.sword/modules/texts/rawtext
$ ln -s ../../../../Bible/niv		# Accessibility to Sword utils.
$ cd ~/.sword/modules/lexdict/rawld4
$ ln -s ../../../../Bible/niv/concordance nivconcordance	# (optional).
Now I have one text file per chapter that looks like this
-n <div class="sechead"> The Mountain of the Lord </div> 
<span id="en-NIV-17687" class="sup">1</span> This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
<span id="en-NIV-17688" class="sup">2</span> In the last days <br />       the mountain of the LORD's temple will be established <br />       as chief among the mountains; <br />       it will be raised above the hills, <br />       and all nations will stream to it.
The files in the Rapier directories appear to be binary, and I don't know just what to do at this point. crossfire appears to be down (I hope temporarily) so I can't find help there.

Does the file fragment above look like a proper Sword file? does Rapier use Sword files? I thought the installer in the Rapier program was downloading from the Sword repository.

I'm sorry to be so dense about this. I'm not much of a coder but I can usually follow someone else's C or Python code well enough to use it or make minor modifications as necessary, and I do understand HTML fairly well. Help would be appreciated!
