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Originally Posted by Dirish View Post
Seems like a launcher is a no brainer. Why don't more people utilize that approach than?
It just fits pretty good to what modRana needs on Sailfish OS, other projects might have other (and likely simpler) requirements, especially if the application (or at least its GUI) is only targeting Sailfish OS.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
@MartinK - good reasons. Few comments below

For Pure Maps, I am using symlinks to select platform (similar to your UC) and just import using a known symlink name in QML sources. That way QML files are the same and symlink is set while building a package.
That's clever, relatively clean & simple! Would have not thought about something like this, but thinkin about it now, symlinks is what for example systemd uses to mark a unit enabled/disalber, to set the default target, etc. So that validates the concept I guess.

For modRana and Universal Components I guess it would likely work as well:
  • no UC backend seems to use "Import UC 1.0" internally, so it not being in QML import path should not be a problem
  • while technically possible there could be 2+ supported component sets on a single platform, non platform actually provides this (eq. two sets that are both supported well enough by UC)

The only possible problem I can thing of are environments where symlinks can't be used, such as running on top of FAT32 or from resource files on Android. But both is again more or less theoretical.

So while I don't think I want to change the launcher architecture for UC usage for modRana now, the symlink method seems like a good tip to add to the UC docs. Thanks for the idea!

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
I ended up writing bash script for harbour-pure-maps, but that was for command line options support. Not sure whether its store-compatible, but that's a future-me problem.
That's the conclusion I also ended with - since you can't prepend QML_IMPORT_PATH to the Exec line in the .desktop file, you would have to put that to a script instead. Not sure if "bash some script" is acceptable in the Exec line either, but maybe an executable script residing in /usr/bin/harbour-<app name> might get through. But that would still (due to Harbor requirements) require me to use sailfish-qml and submit to all its more or less stupid hardcoded limitations. At that point I've decided to just got the Qt5/C++ launcher code.

As I don't really do any C/C++ coding regularly, it was more or less cobled together from how other OSS Sailfish OS apps do app startup & QtCreator autocomplete.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
Obviously there is more flexibility using C++, as you outlined.

Flatpak does require exe (script or something else), indeed. Have been using a script so far.
Do they provide a binary that can launch QML files (qmlscene ro something like that) ? IIRC from reading the Pure Maps flatpak packaging metadata it looked like such a binary the script can call is not available and the app needs to build it itself.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
As for disadvantages - mainly missing noarch and a need to compile the code for distribution.
My idea is that the native launcher is only really important for modRana that gets installed from a package (or in the future Flatpak). The package already goes through a buildsystem so might as well contain some C++ code and generate arch-specific artifacts. Users will very likely not notice any difference.

ModRana itself still continues to be noarch and I don't plan to change it. Also all the other startup methods (running directly or the qmlscene using shell scripts in the "run" subfolder are still fully supported & are actually the main/intended method of running modRana if you just do a checkout from git or grab a tarball.

Originally Posted by rinigus View Post
As soon as you start extending with C++ (cannot use plane qmlscene or similar), development will be hit a bit. So, while not really needed, its better to avoid it as well.
This is just an idea at this point in time. If I ever start using that I plan to make the features provided by C++ code to either be backed a fallback implemented in Python (this is actually how many Python modules do C extensions - there is a fast C path and a slow but correct Python path that gets used if the compiled C code is not available) or make the functionality an optional addon, not something that would prevent modRana from running (otherwise) normally.
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

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