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Posts: 1,196 | Thanked: 1,413 times | Joined on Aug 2011
Packages (32) imlib2-1.4.9-1  libfm-1.2.5-1  libfm-extra-1.2.5-1
libfm-gtk2-1.2.5-1  libid3tag-0.15.1b-8  libkeybinder2-0.3.0-2
libnotify-0.7.7-1  libwnck-2.31.0-1  lxmenu-data-0.1.5-1
menu-cache-1.0.2-1  vte-0.28.2-8  vte-common-0.46.1-1
xf86-input-libinput-0.23.0-1.1  xmms2-0.8DrO_o.919.gece0baf0-7
xorg-server-1.19.1-1  xorg-xrandr-1.5.0-1  gpicview-0.2.5-2
lxappearance-0.6.3-1  lxappearance-obconf-0.2.3-1
lxde-common-0.99.2-1  lxde-icon-theme-0.5.1-3  lxdm-0.5.3-3
lxinput-0.3.5-1  lxlauncher-0.2.5-1  lxmusic-0.4.7-1
lxpanel-0.9.3-1  lxrandr-0.3.1-1  lxsession-1:0.5.3-1
lxtask-0.1.8-1  lxterminal-0.3.0-1  openbox-3.6.1-3

Total Download Size:   11.88 MiB
Total Installed Size:  41.86 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
libid3tag-0.15.1b-8...    23.9 KiB  70.2K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
imlib2-1.4.9-1-armv7h    477.1 KiB  96.0K/s 00:05 [#####################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'xf86-input-libinput-0.23.0-1.1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'xf86-input-libinput-0.23.0-1.1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'xf86-input-libinput-0.23.0-1.1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz
' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
warning: failed to retrieve some files
error: failed retrieving file 'xorg-server-1.19.1-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz' from rep : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'xorg-server-1.19.1-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz' from ftp : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'xorg-server-1.19.1-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz' from mir : The requested URL returned error: 404
warning: failed to retrieve some files
libnotify-0.7.7-1-a...    31.3 KiB   112K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
libwnck-2.31.0-1-armv7h  327.5 KiB  93.0K/s 00:04 [#####################] 100%
libkeybinder2-0.3.0...     5.4 KiB   134K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
xorg-xrandr-1.5.0-1...    28.9 KiB   111K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
vte-common-0.46.1-1...     2.2 KiB   218K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
vte-0.28.2-8-armv7h      283.9 KiB  83.3K/s 00:03 [#####################] 100%
gpicview-0.2.5-2-armv7h  104.2 KiB  87.5K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
lxappearance-0.6.3-...    76.6 KiB  82.4K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
openbox-3.6.1-3-armv7h   287.0 KiB  93.2K/s 00:03 [#####################] 100%
lxappearance-obconf...    48.4 KiB   107K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
lxde-common-0.99.2-...   792.2 KiB  76.2K/s 00:10 [#####################] 100%
lxde-icon-theme-0.5...     4.4 MiB  87.8K/s 00:52 [#####################] 100%
lxdm-0.5.3-3-armv7h       91.3 KiB  24.4K/s 00:04 [#####################] 100%
lxinput-0.3.5-1-armv7h    56.8 KiB  37.4K/s 00:02 [#####################] 100%
lxmenu-data-0.1.5-1-any   45.6 KiB  71.3K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
libfm-extra-1.2.5-1...    10.7 KiB   107K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
menu-cache-1.0.2-1-...    44.6 KiB  68.6K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
lxlauncher-0.2.5-1-...    44.0 KiB  73.3K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
xmms2-0.8DrO_o.919....  1280.8 KiB  71.3K/s 00:18 [#####################] 100%
lxmusic-0.4.7-1-armv7h   100.3 KiB  75.4K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
libfm-1.2.5-1-armv7h     469.7 KiB  79.5K/s 00:06 [#####################] 100%
libfm-gtk2-1.2.5-1-...   122.5 KiB  88.8K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
lxpanel-0.9.3-1-armv7h  1183.2 KiB  70.9K/s 00:17 [#####################] 100%
lxrandr-0.3.1-1-armv7h    49.8 KiB   111K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
lxsession-1:0.5.3-1...   216.1 KiB  74.5K/s 00:03 [#####################] 100%
lxtask-0.1.8-1-armv7h     58.6 KiB  67.3K/s 00:01 [#####################] 100%
lxterminal-0.3.0-1-...    94.9 KiB  57.8K/s 00:02 [#####################] 100%
pcmanfm-1.2.5-1-armv7h   248.5 KiB  60.5K/s 00:04 [#####################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
sh-4.4#  i
Why i have this error at the end?

sh-4.4# useradd nemo
sh-4.4# passwd nemo
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
sh-4.4# usermod -u 100000 nemo
sh-4.4# groupmod -g 100000 nemo
Like that?

[root@Sailfish nemo]# cd Manjaro/
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /dev dev
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /sys sys
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /proc proc
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /dev/pts dev/pts
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /run run
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /var/lib/dbus/ var/lib/dbus
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /tmp tmp
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /home/nemo/.config/pulse/ /home/nemo/.con
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# chroot ./
sh-4.4# mkdir /run/user/1001
sh-4.4# export $(dbus-launch)
sh-4.4# export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1001
sh-4.4# kwin_wayland --width 720 --height 1280 --xwayland &
[1] 6342
sh-4.4# No backend specified through command line argument, trying auto resolut
OpenGL vendor string:                   VMware, Inc.
OpenGL renderer string:                 Gallium 0.4 on llvmpipe (LLVM 3.9, 128
OpenGL version string:                  OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 13.0.4
OpenGL shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00
Driver:                                 LLVMpipe
GPU class:                              Unknown
OpenGL version:                         3.0
GLSL version:                           3.0
Mesa version:                           13.0.4
Linux kernel version:                   3.10.49
Requires strict binding:                no
GLSL shaders:                           yes
Texture NPOT support:                   yes
Virtual Machine:                        no
Disabling glamor and dri3, EGL setup failed
Failed to initialize glamor, falling back to sw
X-Server started on display :0
[D] unknown:0 - Configuring Lock Action
[W] unknown:0 - Could not create scene graph context for backend 'customcontext
' - check that plugins are installed correctly in /usr/lib/qt/plugins
[W] unknown:21 - file:///usr/share/kwin/virtualkeyboard/main.qml:21:1: module "
QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard" is not installed
import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.1
[W] unknown:21 - file:///usr/share/kwin/virtualkeyboard/main-enterprise.qml:21:
1: module "QtQuick.Enterprise.VirtualKeyboard" is not installed
import QtQuick.Enterprise.VirtualKeyboard 2.0
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-effect.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-script.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-script.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-script.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-script.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[W] unknown:0 - Could not locate service type file kservicetypes5/kwin-script.d
esktop, tried ("/root/.local/share", "/usr/local/share", "/usr/share")
[D] unknown:0 - The session is not registered:  "No such file or directory"
Service started, version: 7.0.0
sh-4.4# export DISPLAY=:0
sh-4.4# xhost +
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
sh-4.4# sudo -u \#100000 bash
[nemo@Sailfish /]$ export $(dbus-launch)
[nemo@Sailfish /]$ export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/100000
[nemo@Sailfish /]$ export DISPLAY=:0
[nemo@Sailfish /]$ startlxde
bash: startlxde: command not found
Doesn't work

Last edited by n950; 2017-02-16 at 08:56.