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Posts: 1,196 | Thanked: 1,413 times | Joined on Aug 2011
Originally Posted by preflex View Post
I got pulseaudio working.
It was kind of tricky, and was muted by default.
I'll have to figure out what exactly I did, but here's an overview.

I created a user "nemo" inside the chroot, and changed his UID and GID each to 100000. I may have also added nemo to some groups. I'm not sure what actually stuck. systemd is weird.

you'll need the "xorg-xhost" package. "pavucontrol" may also be handy for looking at pulseaudio stuff, if you're unfamiliar with pacmd or pactl.

There was some extra stuff to mount:

then chroot in, set environment vars, and start kwin_wayland.

after that,
export DISPLAY=:0
xhost +
Then it gets a little weird.
sudo -u \#100000 bash
to get a shell as "nemo".

export $(dbus-launch)
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/100000
export DISPLAY=:0
Then, I unmuted the device in pavucontrol.

I was also able to get a full plasma session running in the xwayland window, but it was slow, and I couldn't disable desktop effects which were making everything even slower (using xrender, I imagine).

Still no luck running kwin_wayland --xwayland as anyone other than root.

How to created a user "nemo" inside the chroot, and changed his UID and GID each to 100000 please? in command line please

I have installed "xorg-xhost" and "pavucontrol" packages. It's OK for that.
What is the package name for pulseaudio?
Or what you install from your part? to enable audio and how to do it?

Stuff to mount like that?

mount --bind /run run
mount --bind /var/lib/dbus var/lib/dbus
mount --bind /tmp tmp
mount --bind /home/nemo/.config/pulse home/nemo/.config/pulse

How to set environment vars?

Can you help me in these error please?

I would like to have full command line please?

SailfishOS (Iijoki) (armv7hl)
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ devel-su
[root@Sailfish nemo]# cd Manjaro/
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /dev dev
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /sys sys
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /proc proc
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /dev/pts dev/pts
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /run run
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /var/lib/dbus/ var/lib/dbus
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /tmp tmp
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# mount --bind /home/nemo/.config/pulse/ /home/nemo/.con
[root@Sailfish Manjaro]# chroot ./
sh-4.4# export DISPLAY=:0
sh-4.4# xhost +
xhost:  unable to open display ":0"
sh-4.4# sudo -u \#100000 bash
[I have no name!@Sailfish /]$ export $(dbus-launch)
Could not get password database information for UID of current process: User "?
??" unknown or no memory to allocate password entry

Failed to start message bus: Memory allocation failure in message bus
EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
declare -x DISPLAY=":0"
declare -x HOME="/"
declare -x HOSTNAME=""
declare -x LANG="fr_FR.utf8"
declare -x LOGNAME="#100000"
declare -x LS_COLORS="no=00:fi=00:di=00;34:ln=00;36:pi=40;33:so=00;35:bd=40;33;
declare -x MAIL="/var/mail/#100000"
declare -x OLDPWD
declare -x PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/
declare -x PWD="/"
declare -x SHELL="/bin/sh"
declare -x SHLVL="1"
declare -x SUDO_COMMAND="/usr/sbin/bash"
declare -x SUDO_GID="0"
declare -x SUDO_UID="0"
declare -x SUDO_USER="root"
declare -x TERM="xterm"
declare -x USER="#100000"
declare -x USERNAME="#100000"
[I have no name!@Sailfish /]$ export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/100000
[I have no name!@Sailfish /]$ export DISPLAY=:0
[I have no name!@Sailfish /]$ startlxde
bash: startlxde: command not found
Thank you for your help

Last edited by n950; 2017-02-15 at 11:02.

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