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Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post

-IF (and I completely believe it) the device will be so security conscious that essentially there simply isn't anything like it or present
why.. in this over sensitive post-snowden wiki-leak these absolutely perfect conditions..

1-why don't we have more of the security conscious in society to the downright neurotically paranoid average consumer stepping up to purchase? I mean there are literally BILLIONS of paranoid potential purchasers out there...and millions of neurotics with enough cash to why are we stalled at 423 donators/purchasers?
this is a good point. I hope it will change massively as soon as shop with *true preorders* opens and even more when we can demonstrate a working sample (proto-v2)
Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
2-why don't we have the corporations who MUST HAVE secure communications banging down the door to order? A decade ago Blackberry ruled the corporate and business world and their angle was in great part ..the secure communications..they're done and their methods of security with them..and really no one has stepped up to the plate and filled the gap or done even better still..until now with the neo's un-comparable why aren't there the 100 000's...10 000's ...even 1000's of companies and businessmen banging down the door?
we already had 2 requests from software houses that sell security-improved/hardened phones resp OS for phones, and they are highly interested in cooperating with us. I think I reported about it in IRC and here in TMO
Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
3-Why ...(like Mr. Stallman has mentioned many times) ...that Governments MUST have secure systems... and secure linux is what they run... Why are they not banging down the door to purchase everything that is available?
dunno. There's a certain err... inflexibility in authorities when it comes to such things.
Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
4- IF (and I completely believe it) there is the ability to create such a limited number of devices... 1000 possibly 2000 units...
why isn't that being reflected in a stupidly-rapid escalation of demand?
Demand should be choking the living-crap out of supply ...
There simply should not be one single unit available for purchase... out of the maximum 2000 units (that is the ceiling) to produce ...
This is exactly our problem. For risk parts like N900, 1GByte RAM PoP etc we only know how much we can source when we sourced it. That's why we start the webshop now.
Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
Considering all the above "1" to "4" ...there is no reason why... in all of creation's green and pleasant lands ...there shouldn't be one unit left 2 years on now...available for purchase.

Only 400+ people in 2 years ...something is off PR wise....really.
Well, the UG is just one year old, fundraiser started some 4 months or so earlier iirc. 2 years is a tad exaggerated.
Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post
A Seriously professional PR (possibly team) is needed here...really really really badly.
To Pitch it , wrap it up pretty for advertising, directed right at the audience intended.
Yes, that's a valid point. Do you volunteer? We're only 2.5 guys here (depending on how you count it) and none of us is a professional PR guy. It's not easy to find somebody doing professional PR and website maintenance and all that, particularly with that low budget we have. And then this gal or guy must actually understand the project and the concept behind it.
Originally Posted by endsormeans View Post

When I make a "line" of a collection...the fact that "there are only these units or a single unit is available" and pitch...part of my pitch also is selling the story behind the pieces..their meanings..selling that they can have the same things the same the same things as the "kind" of life I live...also part of the graphic story I've carved painted..worked.. is little sometimes common...but usually little known and obscure imparting to the client the visibly seen yet "hidden" meaning(s) rendered makes the client feel inclusive..part of the own it...which they should...there is soul to the that is also pitch.....selling "must have" elements...(longevity, quality..etc)..more pitch..diversity..wife wants jewelry, husband wants belt buckles, embellishment work in a favourite gun stock ..etc..more product pitch...and security..."quality hand weapons, knives, swords, blunt and otherwise rendered unique and exquisitely for the protection of self and loved ones..for you, your wife, your kids..some are great for practice..great for training ..all are heirlooms to pass down...quiet..and no reloading bullets required" ...I pitch products across the board...
All told after estimating the intended audience and their needs ..doing some good pitching.. and that usually creates a frenzy right there and the work is sold...

(perhaps in this sitch ..selling the pitch to a more general audience is a good idea...since I see the pitch aiming at a very small section of the hacker community...Broadening that pitch's scope to include the stock-broker, corporate executives in companies who need secure comm. , government security agents, government low-high level officials...etc ...would help I'm sure..)


- to all the donators/ investors...
I know it is hard...despair and feeling hopeless ain't an easy thing to deal with and it isn't a solution...
and I'm sure the team has had enough rough patches of their own and dealt enough with that..

Take a breath...Grit your teeth boys ..
I know that isn't easy...and lets wait a bit ...
It isn't just up to the team to come up with solutions...

We all can help with that...

Being re-active never helped anyone..
It doesn't take control of the sitch.
It's just "responding" to it.
Being pro-active will help.

Wicket, wpwrak and some others voiced that...and I agree..
what is needed are solutions ..alternatives...ideas....
accepted or rejected...

Our best ability as a community of gadgeteers is finding a way... problem solving...
It isn't the ability to "give up"..

Walking out the door because we "hear" or "see" a number isn't an answer...
well it IS an answer...
but it is the wrong one at this point.
Thanks for this, couldn't have put it better. Also from my mouth it would sound somewhat strange


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