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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
First of all I'm not more confident about Tizen than jolla.
Could've fooled everyone here....

It's just that Jolla has showed the world some kind of device samsung has not.
So since I know more about jolla device and less about Tizen and ubuntu devices I have lot more interest in them since they are unrevealed and unknown.
And if it had been the other way around, you would've been poo-poo'ing Jolla for knowing less compared to Tizen & Ubuntu devices.
We rarely (if ever) see the same level of criticism towards Samsung/Canonical from you, I wonder why.

Lol, you are more of a fanboy than I thought why do you care what I and others post in this thread if you don't beleive in tizen?
I never said I don't believe in Tizen, I hope it does well, but I also hope it's overall openness improves a great deal before that happens, there's still too much vagueness there.
And I'd prefer to see them adopt another dev framework like Qt instead of remaining so HTML5-centric (if Jupiter broadcasting's to be believed, they may be moving that way).
Also, instead of just moving touchwiz across to Tizen, it would be nice if they'd be so bold as to more dramatically reinvent the UX for Tizen, they certainly had the resources/time.

Legwork? I told you before. I was elected to lead not to read but if you don't know how I roll by know, I can tell you that this is my style. Did the same in n900 thread, n9 thread, jolla thread and now tizen thread
Yeah, it's unfortunate really, it makes for horrid reading for most involved...
In case you don't remember, it's actually why the original main Jolla thread was moved to off-topic.

By the way, Jalyst. If you feel threatened by this thread jalyst. you can relax. Just check out my poll over here. Jolla has rock solid support over tizen:
Well, that's not terribly surprising in a thread...
Arbitrary polls like that have never meant much anyway, no matter the format or internet audience, there's better data for collating trends.

You are Maybe right or maybe wrong. Smallness vs connections? It all depends on how Google looking at their play store. They might want to spread it instead lock it since they don't make the real money on android?
Fair point.....

And finally just for you jalyst. great tizen news:
Good man, keep up the good work!

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-05-29 at 11:42. Reason: clarification