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Moderator | Posts: 5,320 | Thanked: 4,464 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Well 10mth+ later I FINALLY got in touch with the guy, he may not even work there now for all I know.
God knows how I managed to totally forget about this Sorry people...
I've asked that he take some time to peruse the entire thread & answer all unique questions/concerns.
Fingers crossed... Prepared to be disappointed ofc, that is Nokia + F/OSS after all.
*update* 31/10/12 AustEST
I heard from him briefly a few days later, I asked if he could provide more comprehensive feedback in the thread.
I still haven't had a response to that yet, I will chase him up again soon...
So this was the full email correspondence, after almost 7wks I'm done nudging the guy.
He's pretty much been totally ignoring me since my last response to him below, classy.

On 19/10/12 7:18 PM, yyyyyy wrote:
> Thanks mate!
> I don't suppose you could go through the thread & try to address each
> unique point there?
> It would clear up MANY misconceptions....
> Anything that's "theoretically" fixable we (of course) won't expect at
> this late stage.
> But it'd still be great to know what's inherently flawed, & what's fixable.
> No rush, you could take as long as you needed...
> On 19/10/12 7:05 PM, xxxxxx wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For black spot issue I have some answer. It is common OLED "feature".
>> You can find it in most (all if enough samples?) OLED panels. For
>> example I have seen it in Samsung Galaxy S2.
>> Actually black spot area has "perfect" black. Other areas has some
>> very small leakage of current to OLED element producing very dim
>> light. Level is so low that you need to have extremely sensitive light
>> meter to see that difference. Contrast ratio in "normal" very dark
>> gray area is typically higher than 1:20 000. In black spot area you
>> can't measure it reliably. Eye is very sensitive after you have been
>> in dark about 15 minutes for adaptation of darkness. "Issue" is that
>> you can clearly see the difference of 1:20k and 1:10M contrast black
>> level.
>> Pa. My gmail address is
>>> ----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> Sent: 19. lokakuuta 2012 09:58
>>> To:
>>> Subject: N9 display issues
>>> Hi xxxxx,
>>> I was referred to you many months ago by Konttori (he says "Hi!"),
>>> somehow this To Do got lost amongst all my other To Do's.
>>> I was supposed to email you about 10-months ago now!!! :-/ I was
>>> wondering if you could spend some time perusing this entire thread &
>>> addressing all the unique Qns/concerns raised?
>>> Some of the questions/concerns are purely to do with the nature of
>>> PenTile displays, but not all of them.
>>> Some are due to the model/revision of PenTile CBD AMOLED panel used, &
>>> some may even be purely software-related.
>>> It would create a great deal of goodwill toward Nokia if you could
>>> help with this (at least to Pg 21)...
>>> There's still much angst toward it in the Maemo/MeeGo/Meltemi/Qt
>>> community, given the way it's been treated in the past 20mth.
>>> Thanks for your time & all the best,

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-12-04 at 05:06.

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