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Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
Originally Posted by andreas.k View Post
why is everything grey and orange ?

{had to}
Because that is the standard TMO color theme.

To right, those goddamned gluten fat free sympathisers.

Perhaps the real problem is that the majority of people here HATE noobs. Cannot stand them. They are the scum of the low. They should be forced to wear yellow stars and housed in intellectual ghettos. They demand sh**, they refuse to learn, they do not understand the most rudimentary of instructions and they never say thanks. Ban them. Ban them all. Ban them from the internet and cut off their thumbs so they cannot breed.


Newbies on the other hand. I love newbies (and boobies, however that is a whole different discussion for a whole different forum). We all love them. They are these people who do not understand a particular thing yet they are trying their damned hardest to figure it out. They post their cheesey scripts and say 'hay guys, how come my script does not work?'. We fall on them like hungry seagulls, devouring their problematic foodstuffs. We point them to the correct resources and usually write the script for them. Seriously, you pose a good noodle scratcher and your un-completed solution, people will take huge amounts of their personal time to help you.

These guys represent they way we were once. Young, free and optimistic un-constrained by the weighty mental burden of regex or knowledge that a perfectly good, cumbersome solution could be 'improved' upon with an AWK one liner. These people allow us the joy of learning the low hanging fruits again; vicariously through them.

It is like when I discovered my friend of some 20 years had not watched the films predator, robocop and starship troopers. I almost wept as I realised I could show him these films and he could enjoy them to their fullest extent as an adult in a way I could not as I had first seen them as a child. Through him I could relive 'this **** will make you a goddamned sexual tyranasaur"!

So yes, there is intolerance on this forum. Intolerance for recalcitrant noobery. Intolerance for the dumbass arsecandle who wants nothing more than to give away his freedom for an emasculated XMPP rip off just because his fellow peanuts breath buddies have it. Intolerance for the guys who are the poler-opposite of our way of thinking.

You WILL learn!
You WILL become self suffient!
You WILL crave knowledge and understanding!
You WILL push your own abilities to the limit!

or GTFO and RTFM.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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