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railroadmaster 2014-11-24 05:08

Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla
Many have suggested that if Nokia were to return to phones that they would acquire Jolla, in my view Nokia acquiring Jolla would be a bad idea. In my view part of the advantage that Jolla has is that it is small enough to be nimble and flexible. Jolla isn't hindered by the largess, lack of focus, and bureaucracy the is found in large companies like Nokia. Ari Jaaski described Nokia' bureaucracy a "Soviet-like". Jolla has also created something unique and different than what Nokia offered. Being part of Nokia is also a large part of what hindered the Maemo/Meego team, the team willingly left for a reason. Nokia and Jolla also have different corporate cultures, something that is very important to consider. Jolla can offer something different while still reaching mainstream sales channels and not being super niche or small quantity like the Openpandora, an advantage similar to Archos or Meizu.
If Jolla were to become part of Nokia then Jolla should retain a high degree of independence and leverage certain Nokia assets like the brand and intellectual property. Another option would be joint partnership similar to the former Sony-Ericsson partnership.
I think Jolla is best as it currently is and should remain unlike.

pichlo 2014-11-24 07:04

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla
I don't know if it's true but I've been told that Nokia's bureaucracy went so far that if you wanted your PC moved from the left side of the desk to the right, you were not allolwed to do it yourself, you had to raise an IT department ticket to do it for you. Such a company deserves to die. Sorry, Nokia.

youmeego 2014-11-24 07:23

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla
Nokia is a cheap brand now without pureview.

JulmaHerra 2014-11-24 07:24

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla
I rememeber one occurrence back in time when I had just received my N900. A friend of mine was recruited to Nokia and if I remember correct, he waited for two weeks to just get his credentials to his computer. We all know the company was bloated back then. However, Nokia nowadays is different. NSN has been honing the organization for years, way before such thing was done in Nokia's devices-department. And now that the slimmed down devices was sold to Microsoft, Nokia is more agile and I believe it has a future. However, there's not much point in acquiring Jolla. The company ethos is so different between them and also, Nokia doesn't need to own a company to have profitable cooperation. This is effectively what Jolla has been doing from the beginning - cooperation and partnering instead of buying or doing everything in-house. I believe this method allows more innovation because there is more incentive for other companies to do things.

Kangal 2014-11-24 10:39

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla
Nah, not again.

I was going to recommend Palm or RIM, but one has been dissolved and the other is a ship on fire.

-Samsung would obviously screw Jolla like the way they do to Android (Touch Jizz fiasco). They don't even want their own OS; Bada and Tizen.
-Apple, out of the question.

So who's left in the phone and computer business?
-Lenovo.... that could be interesting.
-LG.... I see some potential
-HTC... nah
-SONY... they lost their computer segment, are managing their PlayStation OS, phones not doing too well
-Xiaomi.... dunno

ste-phan 2014-11-24 11:19

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla
Phrases like the slimmed down Nokia has a future don't mean anything for me as the future I am interested they have mostly thrown away.
I can't buy the device I love the most (Linux + Pureview) while supporting the future of thousands of employees of which a reasonable part are locally employed in Finland (home base country)

I use the Nokia Here Maps but I suspect that I am the product, not like in the old days where it was the key functionality of a flagship phone.

Hope they get some cash out their new key activities being it Here maps or wearable smart rubber boots that display burned calories, inside humidity and outside ground sample analysis on the fly and make it flow to Jolla unconditionally.

That's the least they can do.

NokiaFanatic 2014-11-24 12:01

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla
People need to forget about Nokia and Jolla joining forces. First of all, other than a brand, Nokia have nothing that Jolla need. In the grand scheme of mobile, HERE maps is barely even relevant in the mapping/location sphere and all Nokia's HW/SW expertise has been sacked or moved to MSFT. The fact that their new tablet is being made by another company and features another company's OS makes this abundantly clear. The second thing that makes collaboration difficult is the fact that Nokia and Jolla have now become competitors. Both are selling a very similarly specced tablet at around the same time at the same price point.

I think a more likely scenario over the next year would be for Jolla to collaborate with the likes of Meizu, Xiaomi or one of the Indian mobile companies to have them make a device that runs Sailfish. China and India are huge markets and the Jolla senior leadership have been clear they want a piece of that pie. The best way for Jolla to make that kind of break through would be by partnering with a local manufacturer.

juiceme 2014-11-24 12:02

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla

Originally Posted by pichlo (Post 1449037)
I don't know if it's true but I've been told that Nokia's bureaucracy went so far that if you wanted your PC moved from the left side of the desk to the right, you were not allolwed to do it yourself, you had to raise an IT department ticket to do it for you. Such a company deserves to die. Sorry, Nokia.

Really! :)
If such company does exist I sure agree with you, there's no hope whatsoever in that kind of envirnment! :D

JulmaHerra 2014-11-24 12:47

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla

Originally Posted by NokiaFanatic (Post 1449079)
People need to forget about Nokia and Jolla joining forces. First of all, other than a brand, Nokia have nothing that Jolla need.

Ahem.... how about pile of cash, HERE maps, boatload of patents... ;)

There is much that could contribute to Jolla and Sailfish. Otherwise, such merger doesn't really make sense. Nokia is not willing to build another device manufacturing operation anymore and if they want to use Sailfish for something, they can do it without acquisition.


The second thing that makes collaboration difficult is the fact that Nokia and Jolla have now become competitors. Both are selling a very similarly specced tablet at around the same time at the same price point.
Not directly. Jolla designs and creates devices. Nokia just licenses it's brand and lets the other manufacturers compete while collecting some profit without operational risk. For Nokia it doesn't really matter even if some manufacturer wanted to create Nokia branded device using Sailfish OS.


I think a more likely scenario over the next year would be for Jolla to collaborate with the likes of Meizu, Xiaomi or one of the Indian mobile companies to have them make a device that runs Sailfish.
Most likely yes. In addition to perhaps some smaller players who simply need a device without NSA-enabled OS.

ste-phan 2014-11-24 14:08

Re: Nokia Should Not Acquire Jolla

Originally Posted by JulmaHerra (Post 1449091)
Ahem.... how about pile of cash, HERE maps, boatload of patents... ;)

Interesting surely. All could flow to Jolla in a one way no strings attached direction as part of a favorable Here partner contract.

As far as patents go: if it could be only so simple as incentive "not to sue". Like with marihuana for own use. Or just provide them for free.
It would leave the job of exposing Jolla's infringement of Nokia patents and to start crying "unfair" about it to a third party.

If they were to merge, what about Microsoft starting to sue Nokia and Jolla after discovering their WP os platform is still on fire?


Originally Posted by juiceme (Post 1449080)
Really! :)
If such company does exist I sure agree with you, there's no hope whatsoever in that kind of envirnment! :D

Agree and likewise there's no hope for a company where only those employee's are left that don't dare to move their PC from the left to the right side of the desk and back as they please.

Kinda explains how Elop could get an audience that would not scold him gathered for his "leaked to blogosphere" internal Lumia video the days after N9 came out.

Hopefully the smart frogs have jumped the kooking pot in time and or now brooding eggs at Jolla!

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