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Dan7712 2010-11-14 19:13

Nokia can't Fix N900's Screen
Now, this all seems pretty weird to me but let me explain:

My screen on my N900 was starting to get worn after only about three months of use. Where it was getting used a lot, down the right hand side for scrolling and in the centre you could see the screen actual screen was starting to wear (Not the plastic case but the actual screen). If I was on a white screen, the bits that was being used all the time were a lot brighter than the rest. So I had a line down the right hand side and a few dots in the middle of the screen. Now, I am very gentle with the device as it is like my baby so I am sure it wasn't me pressing too hard on the screen. Not sure if anyone else had a similar problem?

Well, I took it back to the CWH (Carphonewarehouse) and they failed to fix it after a week. So it went back to Nokia. They had it for about two weeks, decided that they couldn't replace the screen and they are just sending me out a replacement phone.

Now, this doesn't seem quite right to me... It can't be that hard to replace a screen, and I wouldn't thought it would have been cost affective to just give me a new phone.

Is this just happening to me? Or are other users having the same / similar experience?
But this will be the fifth N900 I have had (The rest were for Sim Errors)! I just don't think it like me. Shame I love it to much to swap it for a different one.

nidO 2010-11-14 19:18

Re: Nokia can't Fix N900's Screen
Most N900 hardware errors tend to result in a replacement rather than a repair.
It's not that they cant fix it (the screen is replaceable), its probably just easier and cheaper to ship a new device from their pile of them.

Dan7712 2010-11-14 19:26

Re: Nokia can't Fix N900's Screen
Really? I would have thought it would have been a lot cheaper to replace a screen than hand out a new £500 device? I mean, a screen can't be that hard to replace?

Is this a common problem with the N900 or is it a one off with me?

mikecomputing 2010-11-14 19:35

Re: Nokia can't Fix N900's Screen

Originally Posted by Dan7712 (Post 873286)
Really? I would have thought it would have been a lot cheaper to replace a screen than hand out a new £500 device? I mean, a screen can't be that hard to replace?

Is this a common problem with the N900 or is it a one off with me?

i takes time to replace it and mantime costs. And we dont knoe how many n900 has sold so maybe they have a alot of them in stock and that also costs money...

mele 2010-11-14 19:35

Re: Nokia can't Fix N900's Screen

Originally Posted by Dan7712 (Post 873286)
Really? I would have thought it would have been a lot cheaper to replace a screen than hand out a new £500 device? I mean, a screen can't be that hard to replace?

Is this a common problem with the N900 or is it a one off with me?

If you buy phone which costs 500pounds it doesnt mean that it costs to manufacture same amount. New phone costs nokia about 150pounds to make.

ragnar 2010-11-14 19:52

Re: Nokia can't Fix N900's Screen
It is generally cheaper just to hand out a new device than to have a skilled repairman to look at something, diagnose and think about if something can be fixed, if he has the right parts etc. and for this person to be even capable of doing what the robots in the manufacturing line are capable of doing in terms of assembling parts and hope that the fix actually fixes the device. It's the unfortunate side effect of miniaturization.

doctor madness 2010-11-30 08:55

Re: Nokia can't Fix N900's Screen
same trouble, but the repair center (not nokia itself, but nokia certified) didn't change anything on mine. So i got same problem. Is there a way to fix it, or do I need to replace the screen (and loose warranty ?)

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