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Mitrigol 2014-01-16 18:55

"3G only" mode
2 Attachment(s)
This is now available as a patch from coderus, see THIS LINK
!You Have to uninstall ofonotwk if you want to install his patch!

You'll get an error at package install if not
You can now access/compile/review source files from there:
Thanks Coderus!
I finally got it, thanks to jare and nieldk hints.

I have to say that this was a pain in the ..s to get through. It was my first hands on with compile and everything.
But i did it! Yay! :D

I modified ofono and jolla settings to better suit network mode to my needs.
I think this would interess some other people, so here is a little explaination on how to install it.

But before reading it, you need to know some little things:

Only GSM, WCDMA and LTE technology are used. There are mode to use EVDO and CDMA. But they do not seem much in use so i did not include them. This may cause issue for some of you.

Every settings are provided "as is". You can adjust by yourself, i'll be glad to give all needed information.

If something goes wrong, the phone will still boot and connect to 2G by default.

TechnologyPreference settings:
"any" Radio access technology selection is done automatically, based on reception and availability.
"gsm" Only GSM used for radio access.
"umts" Only UMTS used for radio access.
"lte" Only LTE used for radio access.
"gsmumts" Dual mode, 2G/3G
"umtslte" Dual Mode, 3G/4G

I am not responsible in any way for any problem caused by this tweak. You install it at your own risks!

Here we go!

Ofono Tweak Installation How to:

- Copy to Downloads
- In terminal as root (devel-su):

cd /home/nemo/Downloads


pkcon install-local ofonotwk3/ofono-1.14+git61-1.16.1.twk.armv7hl.rpm
*accept the update*

cp /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/mobilenetworking/mainpage.qml /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/mobilenetworking/mainpage.qml.bak

cp ofonotwk3/mainpage.qml /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/mobilenetworking/
*accept to owerwrite*

- Close everything
- Reboot


To Remove Ofono Tweak:

- In terminal as root (devel-su):

cp /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/mobilenetworking/mainpage.qml.bak /usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/mobilenetworking/mainpage.qml

zypper install -f ofono
*accept the change*

- Close everything
- Reboot


Release Notes:

This is now available as a patch from coderus, see THIS LINK
!You Have to uninstall ofonotwk if you want to install his patch!

ofonotwk3 (Vaarainjärvi) 19.12.14
- Update ofono to 1.14+git61-1.16.1

- Coderus was kind enough to fork this and patch the modif there. So from now on you can access/compile/review source file from:
- Added source of modified files only, full archive is too big to be attached.

ofonotwk2 (Tahkalampi) 15.07.14
- Update ofono to 1.14+git35-1.11.1
- Back to default TechnologyPreference settings name as refered at: (don't know why i changed them at first...)
- Update mainpage.qml
- Update "installation/remove how to" following error detection

ofonotwk1 (Saapunki)
original release, ofono1.14+git26.2-1.10.1


Does anyone know if it is possible to force 3G only mode in the Jolla phone?

Prefer 3G actually switch a lot to 2G and this is not good for my everyday use.
There is already a thread about this on together, but there are no hint if this is possible via script or config file.

I am a bit lost about mer/nemo/jolla layers so i don't know where to start to search for this.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards.

Jare 2014-01-16 20:06

Re: "3G only" mode
Ofono is used for controlling the cellular modem and it can be configured via dbus. The relevant properties are accessible through the RadioSettings interface: However "Prefer 3G" sets the TechnologyPreference to "umts", which leads to automatic 3G/2G. So forcing 3G doesn't seem to be directly possible. As a workaround, you could try to set the GsmBand to some band that is not used in your country.

Mitrigol 2014-01-16 20:12

Re: "3G only" mode
I think Prefer 3G actually set TechnologyPreference to "any", as it switches between 2G/3G and it is specified that "umts" is only for umts.

i'll update if i'm able to confirm

Jare 2014-01-16 20:44

Re: "3G only" mode
Well i already checked it before i wrote my answer... The mode is set to the modem here. There is even a note about it:

                pref = PREF_NET_TYPE_GSM_WCDMA_AUTO; /* according to UI design */

And as you can see here there are a lot of choices available, so it is just a question of bringing them user configurable.

traysh 2014-07-02 20:31

Re: "3G only" mode
Thank you SO much!

szopin 2014-07-02 20:36

Re: "3G only" mode
Nice one, though from description sounds a bit risky, I wonder if modifying radio switcher app wouldn't be safer

Mitrigol 2014-07-03 07:15

Re: "3G only" mode
Thanks to mention it,

Radio Switcher will not work with this mod (only with ofonotwk1).

I modified the settings name and it uses the "vanilla" ones.

All the mode i added, are already present in ofono. See Jare links.
I only added case so we can configure them in Jolla settings (/usr/share/jolla-settings/pages/mobilenetworking/mainpage.qml).

But yes, this can/may cause issue as if Jolla did not add them yet, it may be because they are not fully tested.

I use it since days now and the only "problem" i face is that when you switch from any of the "only" modes, the data connection has to be disabled before you switch. You get "connection problem" message if not.

EDIT: to tell radio switcher does not work only with ofonotwk1

Mitrigol 2014-07-15 18:01

Re: "3G only" mode
Updated following Tahkalampi

HtheB 2014-09-30 16:09

Re: "3G only" mode
Just what I needed, works great! Thanks!
An installer would be great though for the noobs

coderus 2014-10-19 21:57

Re: "3G only" mode
sources, please?

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