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chakotay_da_silver 2009-03-11 17:40

What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
Hey everyone!

I'd really appreciate YOUR personal opinion on the BEST media player for the n810 (maemo OS2008) in terms of something RELATEABLE to iTUNES...

In other words... I want to REALLY start using my n810 as an mp3 player (and videos but im less focussed on that right now)

It has to be:
- Something thats easy to use, and navigate & dosn't look like garbage
- Something that can handle a few gigs worth of audio files
- (hoping for only) something that can QUICK scroll or whatever u call it, like in Liqbase, and dosn't stall too long (eg im walking somewhere, & wanna get my beat on before too long!)

Thanks guys!

bigr3dd0g 2009-03-11 18:40

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
try canola

sjgadsby 2009-03-11 18:42

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)

Originally Posted by chakotay_da_silver (Post 270819)
I'd really appreciate YOUR personal opinion on the BEST media player for the n810 (maemo OS2008) in terms of something RELATEABLE to iTUNES...

As a Mac user who dislikes the entire iLife suite, my preferred tablet media player is, well, Media Player.

dfinch 2009-03-11 20:48

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
Medai Player is simple and finger friendly but it's auto media search function is currently broken (at least mine is).

chakotay_da_silver 2009-03-13 18:26

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
Okay so Canola and Media player have been suggested so far..

Any other suggestions / updates / points of view?

Thanks guys..

pycage 2009-03-13 20:08

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
I'd suggest MediaBox.


Originally Posted by chakotay_da_silver (Post 270819)
- Something thats easy to use, and navigate & dosn't look like garbage



Originally Posted by chakotay_da_silver (Post 270819)
- Something that can handle a few gigs worth of audio files

YES, it was built for this task


Originally Posted by chakotay_da_silver (Post 270819)
- (hoping for only) something that can QUICK scroll or whatever u call it, like in Liqbase, and dosn't stall too long (eg im walking somewhere, & wanna get my beat on before too long!)

YES, it has kinetic scrolling (I guess that is what you mean by "quick scroll" a la liqbase), and you
can also use the keyboard of the N810 for quickly jumping to a certain title by just entering a few letters.

nikolajhendel 2009-03-13 21:45

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
youamp is my preferred player. Simple interface, intuitive - but no playlists

chakotay_da_silver 2009-03-14 19:33

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
Okay thanks guys..after having tried a number of the ones in the repositories, and ALL of the ones suggested to me by you guys, here's my findings..

I SEEM TO (time will tell & I'll report if its just a short-lived romance) really LIKE:

- Canola
- YouAmp

I remember when I first got the n810 couple months back I tried Canola but the interface was so different from what I expect on a PC that I was instantly turned off... but now that I'm more used to seeing different ways of interfacing with all these different maemo apps, I tried it again after your suggestions.

The player works great, able to choose different themes (granted the themes available are limited) but it can see and list all my files, audio and video, once I've specified which folder in which area Canola should look for them. It listed them all great, and then I tried the youtube app within Canola and that worked great too! Yes there's a little wait for loading time but its a nice easy simply interface.. volume, full-screen and not, and the ability to download the video once its fully loaded..nice.

Youamp instantly worked great, a REALLY simple but EASY to SEE and USE main interface..easily the easiest to SEE (ie name, artist, album, etc...)

UKMP while looking snazzy on the maemo site, didn't even work (second time ive tried)

Media box - I LIKE the fact that its on its side (ie portrait instead of landscape), but for me (personal opinion) it took longer to configure things and for the program itself to start up, took longer than Canola. Canola also has not only a youtube app, but a flickr app which i've yet to try but sounds interesting, and also a and online radio and podcast capabilities...very nice.

The rest...Well, I've yet to try some of the more obscure sounding ones like GPE Audio player and kilikali..

but yeah THOSE are my FINDINGS so far..

Until something better comes along, I'm keeping Canola and Youamp installed and ready to use in my n810!

Thanks again for your ideas guys, and please, if anyone has any other suggestions feel free to post a reply to let me know what you think.


wesgreen 2009-06-21 01:26

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
i think youamp works really well. i just wish i didn't have to wait 20 seconds at each start up, while it updates my mp3 collection, to press shuffle again. does anyone know how to keep it in shuffle mode? - while i'm at it, the only other thing i'm missing is the ability to delete files in the application, which mediaplayer can do.

Darveesh 2009-07-29 06:48

Re: What is the best media player for the n810? (audio-wise, like itunes)
If you have supernatural vision, then XMMS does things no other media player for Maemo can do as far I can tell. It is basically a port of the old winamp for the PC. It has an equalizer which I have not seen in any other media player for the tablet, which has so far provided the best sound as far as my taste is concerned. It also has a nice 'play directory' feature which both Media Player and Canola lack unless I am missing something.
I would be extremely grateful if anyone can tell me how to install larger font packages for the playlists. The only one that is available is the extremely inadequate 'medium'.

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