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nosa101 2010-04-07 21:13

It's a mobile expense tracker for the N900. has anybody tried it?

chainreaction 2010-04-07 21:31

Re: Toshl
I tried it earlier today and have to give credit for the UI design. They managed to create a good looking hildonized UI. I really like the color scheme. The change from dark to bright gray shades makes it look much nicer than standard dark theme even though the elements are the same.

As a program it seems to work as intended. Didn't test the syncing capability. Though it's a shame it's only intended for expenses, so can't track income. Would be nice also to have some graphs within the phone application.

I'd love to have a theme with the same color scheme.

Rob1n 2010-04-07 21:39

Re: Toshl
I've also just installed it this afternoon - looks very good, but still got to really test all the functionality.

anapospastos 2010-04-07 21:40

Re: Toshl
I ve installed it 3 days ago. Its very useful app and the gui is just fine.

Deaconclgi 2010-04-18 01:02

Re: Toshl
It doesn't show the balance in your account and then your expenses and then your remaining balance. For example, if I enter 1000, spend 100 and have 900 remaining. Toshl only adds up your expenses (spend 25+125=150 spent). It has the most well designed UI that I have used on any OS.

Developer: Can you add the ability to enter a starting total for the acoount and a remaining balance?

Also, I like that I DONT have to register with any service to use the application. All you have to do is select Skip when prompted.

tihi 2010-04-19 09:17

Re: Toshl
Hello! I'm the developer of Toshl on Maemo and I must thank you for your feedback. The UI was really in center of attention from the beginning of development (got quite a few gray hair with gtk theming). It was our usability department's idea not to support income functionality at this point. Same thing for graphs. We wanted to make a convenient easy-to-use app, so we decided not to clutter things up too much at the beginning (but rather extend functionality on

We intend to evolve Toshl consistently (there are apps for Maemo and Android, as well as an iPhone app coming soon) so Deaconclgi, unfortunately, right now I can't add any functionality on my own. We are discussing this option among others, so any ideas for future releases are welcome.

maximilian 2010-05-14 07:10

Re: Toshl
Toshl is awesome in many ways, among all I love the how the "tags" system most, which go along with "time span" just fine.

But a major problem I am having:
with my Nokia N900, I cannot login and therefore cannot sync.

I can register on web via N900 web browser, but then when I open the setting in Toshl app, click login, wait a bit and it open a page in phone web browser for me to login, I type my name and password correctly and click the login button, and the next page is just blank, it loads a bit then stop.

Nothing happen afterward...

moudy91 2011-01-04 19:40

Re: Toshl
its great application but my question is how can i make it privet with my n900 i dont want my girl to check my account from my phone, so can how can i make it open with a password !?
thank you

Dongle Fongle 2015-02-04 10:50

Re: Toshl
Great idea, would be more usable if income is added in an update.
I emailed them..can always try

delmar 2015-08-26 07:50

Re: Toshl
Referred to MeeGo users:

Who is using “Toshl” probably received an E-Mail from support regarding the planned 2.0 update an the possibility to sign up for IOS Beta and Web App Beta application.

Wondering what happens with the MeeGo app I questioned support if we will get the update, if 2.0 will be compatible and so on.

The answer was:
“Hi, we have stopped making updates for MeeGo long time ago, so the 2.0 will not be coming to MeeGo.
The current version should be able to sync once we release the 2.0 though. We will maintain compatibility with the older API, so it should work. I can't give any promises as we won't be testing with MeeGo specifically.
You will be able to use it together with the 2.0 web app. So the MeeGo app can add new entries, but without the new features (categories, locations...), you can add that extra data later on the web app.
I have to warn you that the MeeGo app sync will probably cease to work in about half a year, depending on when we switch to the new SSL certificate. We will need to upgrade to a newer, much more secure version of SSL, which MeeGo doesn't support by default. At that point the sync will most likely cease to work. We will send you a notice a bit before such changes take place. I'm sorry, but the tech progress marches onwards...“

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve understood, that in about six months the MeeGo app will be usable only to manage the expanses/incomes on the phone but it will not be possible to sync with Toshl. :( This is better than nothing, because I like this app.

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