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Anaurafire 2008-11-24 03:48

Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
Hi there guys!

Can anyone tell me how to make a folder in the N810 shared? In XP, you can share specific folders, and I have set up some to appear in my tablet.

How can I do the same so folders from the tablet appear in my XP computers over the wlan network?
Thanks guys!

PS: Using N810, OS 2008 over Wifi network. Shared folders from XP computers appear in my File Manager.

bunanson 2008-11-24 04:19

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
I think this is the easiest,


Anaurafire 2008-11-24 18:56

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
I'm looking for a way just to display Nokia folders in XP. (For synchronizing files using my XP programs).

jolouis 2008-11-25 14:55

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
The problem that you're running into is caused by the fact that the tablets don't actually have a full and functional samba system setup. The only reason the tablet FileBrowser can see Windows shares is because the FileBrowser application itself implements a very basic "windows networking client".

Every windows machine with file sharing setup runs as it's own network server... when you want to access the files, you're automatically connecting to the server and making requests/writes. In the linux world the equivalent to this "windows network server" is an application called "Samba", that performs the same functionality. Unfortunately the tablets don't include a Samba server, so there's no way to just "connect to them" from windows networking. Take a look in the repositories and see if anyone's ported Samba over yet, but last time I looked a few months ago I couldn't find it.


Anaurafire 2008-11-25 18:07

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
Thank you Rob. Sometimes I wish I could just have a small form function XP tablet, sigh.. I'll have a look around. Thanks.

qole 2008-11-25 18:42

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
The very simplest way to share your folders with an XP machine is to plug the tablet into your XP machine's USB port. The SD card(s) will become visible on your machine as removable storage devices.

"a small form function XP tablet" is a bit of an oxy*****, unfortunately... The reason the tablets don't have the folder sharing capability is because the software required to do it (in this case, Samba) is fairly bulky, and the tablets have very very limited storage space "out of the box". You won't be able to put that kind of functionality on your tablet without some kind of hack to get more space, usually involving cloning your OS to an SD card, or installing Easy Debian and then installing Samba there. (The same goes for printing to a shared Windows printer, by the way)

I have installed Samba in Easy Debian, and you can share folders with Windows computers that way, but it is complicated enough that it is probably better to reconsider your "use case" and see if you can do what you want to do another way.

Anaurafire 2008-11-25 20:41

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
Thanks qole. It's unfortunate. What I have basically set up is a software system that records internet radio and syncronizes the refordings onto different folders on my network. Having the ability to have the N810 sync your music directories when you walk into your house seems like a pretty forward and easy thing.. but I guess the software isn't there. )= You've mentioned storage issues, still I would imagine these companies might anticipate users like us who sport plenty off spare GBs....

Anaurafire 2008-11-25 20:44

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
...wait a minute.. you have the ability for XP to recognize N810 folders in the network? I'm prepared to learn if you are up to it.

overfloat 2008-11-25 21:20

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
check out the suggestions here


Ukki packaged proftpd here

jolouis 2008-11-26 15:01

Re: Getting a shared folder to appear in XP
The biggest problem here really isn't so much the tablet's inability as it is a general discerning of technologies. For what you're talking about (syncing folders) something like rsync is a much, much better application as it natively supports it's own network protocol/etc meaning you don't need to use network shares/etc. However I've never heard of anyone using rsync on windows... doesn't mean it doesn't exist though, so might be worth some googling.

One thing I would suggest though is a change of paradigm. Your current problem is caused by a bit of backwards logic... you want your XP machine to automatically sync folders whenever your tablet appears on the network; but that doesn't make any sense since XP never knows when the tablet's there and when it's not without a lot of customized programming. Why not instead do the opposite? Have the tablet sync a local folder (SD card, whatever) to the shared folder on the XP machine whenever it associates with the local AP? This is much easier and practical to do! There's no friendly GUI to make it all work, but a few quick and dirty shell scripts it should be possible... Lookup how to mount cifs shares on the tablet (cifs = windows XP shares). Then look for rsync to sync between your mounted folder and a local one. Finally, something like dbus scripts to trigger it all when you connect to your AP.

(Yea okay that's a lot of searching with only the vaguest of directions, but it's a start... I'll try to give some more detailed instructions this evening or later in the week as this is something that I've been toying doing for a completely different application for a while now).


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