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ajflex 2010-06-04 01:41

Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
Update of firmware show future of any device by far maemo os only as 290 crappy apps with the exception, of bounce ,openarena angry bird and about two more.

Update to something else show more for future by far for device
The n900 is too powerful to continue with maemo 5.
It need a new turn around to meego os with maemo harmatton are the phone will die.
Take look at iphone over 10000 apps android 5000 apps
Any phone that take a while to bring some good to its consumer they will not support, so nokia think fast

I am a person who have choose nokia phones for reason
durablilty strong uses of the phone.
Nokia n900 will die if it continue with maemo os.
Meego Os or Maemo 6 os with new things

if this phone was only for geeks i guess nokia is joking
this phone have all potencial to become the best thing nokia every built since the n95 and e90.
So please give the n900 choice the geek continue their thing with maemo 5
And give us N user Meego Os harmatton

nosa101 2010-06-04 01:46

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
290 crappy apps? Wow..just wow.

Texrat 2010-06-04 01:55

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
I love rank hyperbole. It's almost as useful as sarcasm.

gerbick 2010-06-04 01:57

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
The phone won't magically die when MeeGo comes out. It'll keep working just fine. It'll be the same "shiny shiny" as the day you bought it; just have to have hope that they will complete any major grievances.

Apps don't make the Maemo platform. The OS does. And to have something that is as open as Maemo where you can program, compile on the phone itself... that's a good thing for developers.

The apps you listed as good apps - I agree, Angry Birds is crazily addictive - are indicative that you were looking for a more consumer based phone. Which... isn't the N900 by a stretch.

Who knows what will happen in the future, but I have to reiterate that your phone will not magically die the moment MeeGo comes out. If Nokia had implemented something like that... then be angry.

I get your grievance and just wanted to meet your post with a kinder, gentler post in hopes that you discuss exactly what you were looking for - I'm guessing above and now that it was a consumer phone - and that you are hoping for something to come out to further justify the purchase of the N900.

Take care.

Frappacino 2010-06-04 02:08

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
>> if this phone was only for geeks i guess nokia is joking

Yes they are "Joking".

This phone really IS for geeks and IT power users only.

For a normal user who just wants things to "just work", this is not the phone for them.

If you bought this phone expecting things to "just work", then sell your n900 and get something else now.

This is 1 aspect of the phone that will NEVER change. Both fanboys and trolls agree on this.

Nipperoid 2010-06-04 02:20

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
We should recode angry birds and replace the birds with the angry commenters and the pigs with nokia execs, call it "angry nerds" :D

leetut 2010-06-04 07:03

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
i dont want meego!

crisismt 2010-06-04 08:05

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900
I can't understand this thing. THIS PHONE WAS MADE FOR GEEKS. Seriously if it were, nokia would have advertised on billboards and the n900 trailer would be quite different. Before I bought this phone I made my research and listened to alot of reviews and I thought oh what a great phone.

I agree with ajflex. yes the 290 apps are crappy indeed. I feel like I'm not getting what i paid for.

johnel 2010-06-04 08:16

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900

290 crappy apps.
Well f*** me that's gratitude for ya!

Personally I feel I am in-debted to the people who have written useful applications (all of them?) for the n900.

Due to the developers spending their free time and risking their sanity to write software the n900 feels like a proper little linux computer.

These guys have my undying grattitude!

As someone once said to me:
"Programming is an art form that fights back"

nosa101 2010-06-04 08:20

Re: Nokia should support meego os comercially for the n900

Originally Posted by crisismt (Post 699098)
I agree with ajflex. yes the 290 apps are crappy indeed. I feel like I'm not getting what i paid for.

Sarcasm or not?

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