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konttori 2005-12-04 14:02

Media Converter
Now that quite a few people have their Nokias up and running, I thought to make a small and easy to use media converter for it. It was built yesterday in a few hours, but works pretty nicely at least for me. I would have uploaded it as an attahcment, but the limit has been set to 2 MB.

Comments, bugs and suggestions are welcome.

Usage is simple:
1. Unzip the folder
2. Open folder Media Converter
3. Double click on the butterfly -icon or the mediaconverter.jar
4. Select any .avi files using the add files to queue (you can multiselect)
5. Select proper resolution, bitrate for audio and vide and then click on the convert videos button
6. Wait until Total progress is 100%
7. Check on the source files folder and you should see new files with .nokia770.avi at the end of the file names. These are your converted files.

If nothing happens when trying to open the media converter, then you may need to install java runtime to your computer. You can get java runtime from

Bill 2005-12-04 15:44

Thanks Konttori, it works like a charm.

For those, like me, who couldn't find a barebones, none SDK, java runtime on the page you linked:

Try the following link for Win32:

konttori 2005-12-04 15:54

Thanks for letting me know that it works on other computers beside my own. I'm glad that you like it!

Remote User 2005-12-04 16:00

A suggestion
I would think that the right place for this is in the software and the Wiki HowTo areas here at ITT. If you just leave this info here in the forum the number of people who will actually see it after a few days will be very small in comparison to the info as an entry in both of these two areas.

konttori 2005-12-04 16:15

What a splendid idea Remote User!

I added it to the software section and made a Wiki entry for that.

konttori 2005-12-04 16:20

Bill: I updated the link to java as you recommended. Thanks for that.

ragnar 2005-12-04 16:26

Thank you very much for this! It's excellent. Just the right amount of settings available.

Remote User 2005-12-04 16:52

Thanks, Konttori
You're comfortable with creating new entries so I hope you have some time to look through the forums for useful things that others have mentioned but didn't put in the Software or Wiki sections like they might have and can do it for them, to benefit us all. I think there are a lot of very useful bits & pieces all around the forums.

By the way, do those bat files that you mentioned earlier have any relevance to this?

divxz 2005-12-04 16:53


Originally Posted by konttori
Now that quite a few people have their Nokias up and running, I thought to make a small and easy to use media converter for it. It was built yesterday in a few hours, but works pretty nicely at least for me. I would have uploaded it as an attahcment, but the limit has been set to 2 MB.


Just download and ran the app on my PowerBook running Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger. It ran. Couldn't actually convert anything, but it ran. I'm updating to the latest Java release from Apple right now to see what happens next.

konttori 2005-12-04 17:19

I'm certain that it won't make the conversion on your tiger, even after installing latest java, as the mencoder component in it is windows specific. Did the user interface work on your apple?

On the bright side, there exists a version of mencoder for osx as well. Alas, as I don't have a mac, I cannot easily make a version that would do the trick on an apple. I can try to have a look at it tomorrow.

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