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itdoesntmatt 2016-01-23 13:25

[app request] Signal- textsecure native client
Hi to all. Since whatsup seems to not work anymore and however android app seems to go in the direction of sharing our data with facebook to "improve our experience" i think we really need native alternatives.
We have Sailorgram, telegram client by DAX wich is very beautiful and is in active development. But i was wondering:

Telegram is very similar to whatsapp as UI and is very well done, with improvements over WA. Client side is open source, but the protocol isnt, even if the price for the one who will be able to get it broken is still there. So it is secure, but not transparent.
I think Signal Textsecure would be really the best way, and however a valid co alternative with Telegram.

This thread for having an idea of how much are really interested in this project, as users.
And moreover, to know if and who, among developers, is available and wants to spend his time for this project. (SailSecure)


itdoesntmatt 2016-01-23 13:29

Re: {app request} Signal- textsecure native client starting from here, maybe?

carepack 2016-01-23 15:50

Re: {app request} Signal- textsecure native client

Originally Posted by itdoesntmatt (Post 1496048) starting from here, maybe?

yep. a version for ubuntu phone on go/qml basis. now we need the a developer ;)

itdoesntmatt 2016-01-23 16:52

Re: [app request] Signal- textsecure native client
ok, let's hope someone join us!

tetris11_ 2016-01-24 12:02

Re: [app request] Signal- textsecure native client
damn excited about this - really hope it takes off!

KylliOrvokki 2016-01-24 13:04

Re: [app request] Signal- textsecure native client
It would be really nice to see TextSecure as native Sailfish app. I would use it. :)

tetris11_ 2016-01-24 23:06

Re: [app request] Signal- textsecure native client
If the front end's done, and a backend exists - what's really needed for this? Just a few scripts to mediate control between the two, no?

(I'm sure I'm oversimplifying)

nthn 2016-01-29 20:19

Re: [app request] Signal- textsecure native client
Would be better integrated as part of the default Messages application by creating a Telepathy connection manager, that way it could theoretically also work on desktop applications like Empathy and whatever else makes use of Telepathy as its backend. Separate applications are ******ed if the option to have everything integrated exists. A native Sailfish OS application, not integrated in Messages, fixes nothing with regards to usability, the most it would be able to do would be to remove the need for the proprietary Android compatibility layer.

edit: why is 're​tard' censored, jesus

edit: also, unfortunately it isn't particularly easy to find whether anyone is actually working on something like this, considering the search results for "telepathy signal" aren't very technology-related, to put it lightly.

duesselschorsch 2016-01-29 20:28

Re: [app request] Signal- textsecure native client
I would love to have a native Signal/Textsecure messenger, I think it's cleaner than telegram or Threema and of course Whatsapp, since it's fully open and documented.
And yes, I would, like nthn, prefer to have it integrated into the messages application via telepathy (even if the messages framework on Sailfish OS would maybe have to be beefed up for pictures, media etc.)

Edit: for those who speak Go and want to port the Ubuntu thing, there seems to be a Go runtime for Jolla, here is a nice description:

tetris11_ 2016-01-30 11:48

Re: [app request] Signal- textsecure native client
wow! seriously good find, that is a great starting point!

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