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kick 2018-05-08 17:33

(solved)sound stopped working(aqua fish)
so my device was acting funny this evening and wouldnt boot up i left it in boot state for quite a while before looking at it again i noticed something soon that the sound wasnt working i looked online and found some stuff for increasing the volume through the terminal as it said it was muted i did the first step and it returned the following error


[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ pacmd list-sinks
No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.

i then ran csd after that here's the entire log by just running the csd and exiting the application


NOTICE: Env value ignored HYBRIS_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/syst
| SailfishOS (Lapuanjoki)
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ pacmd list-sinks
No PulseAudio daemon running, or not running as session daemon.
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$ csd
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
[D] unknown:0 - Supported hardware features: ("AudioMic1", "AudioMic2", "BackCa
mera", "Backlight", "Battery", "Bluetooth", "CellInfo", "CellularData", "FmRadi
o", "FrontCamera", "GPS", "GSensor", "Headset", "Key", "LCD", "LED", "LightSens
or", "Loudspeaker", "ProxSensor", "Receiver", "SDCard", "SIM", "Touch", "UsbCha
rging", "Vibrator", "Wifi", "VideoPlayback", "Suspend", "Reboot")
[D] unknown:0 - Enabled factory tests: ("AudioPlayMusicLoudspeaker", "AudioPlay
MusicReceiver", "AudioPlayStereoLoudspeaker", "TouchSelfTest", "VerificationAud
io1Mic", "VerificationAudio2Mic", "VerificationBackCamera", "VerificationBlueto
oth", "VerificationEcompass", "VerificationFmRadio", "VerificationFrontCamera",
"VerificationGpsRadio", "VerificationGyroAndGSensor", "VerificationHeadset", "
VerificationKey", "VerificationLED", "VerificationLcd", "VerificationLcdBacklig
ht", "VerificationLightSensor", "VerificationNfc", "VerificationProxSensor", "V
erificationSdCard", "VerificationSim", "VerificationTouch", "VerificationUsbCha
rging", "VerificationUsbOtg", "VerificationVibrator", "VerificationWifi")
[D] unknown:0 - Enabled run-in tests: ("VerificationFrontBackCamera", "Verifica
tionReboot", "VerificationSuspend", "VerificationVideoPlaybackVibrator")
[D] unknown:0 - Flash variable found, value:  true
[D] unknown:0 - LED single color variable found, value:  true
[D] unknown:0 - ModemCount variable found, value:  2
[D] unknown:0 - "FmRadio/DefaultFrequency"  variable found, value:  98.7
[D] unknown:0 - "GSensor/MinY"  variable found, value:  -3
[D] unknown:0 - "GSensor/MaxY"  variable found, value:  3
[D] unknown:0 - "GSensor/MinX"  variable found, value:  -1
[D] unknown:0 - "GSensor/MaxX"  variable found, value:  1
[D] unknown:0 - "GSensor/MinZ"  variable found, value:  8.8
[D] unknown:0 - "GSensor/MaxZ"  variable found, value:  10.8
[D] unknown:0 - "Gyro/Min"  variable found, value:  -1.3
[D] unknown:0 - "Gyro/Max"  variable found, value:  1.3
[D] onValidChanged:77 - Modem count: 2  (expected: 2)
[D] expression for onDeviceAdded:70 - Bluetooth device found: 00:00:46:65:82:01
[D] unknown:0 - bluetooth-device-discovery: 875ms
[D] expression for onDeviceAdded:70 - Bluetooth device found: 24:FD:52:D3:1E:59
[D] expression for onDeviceAdded:70 - Bluetooth device found: 28:F3:FC:DB:62:61
[D] expression for onDeviceAdded:70 - Bluetooth device found: 2C:CC:15:AF:21:2F
[D] expression for onDeviceAdded:70 - Bluetooth device found: 30:22:00:06:A0:D8
[D] expression for onDeviceAdded:70 - Bluetooth device found: 60:6C:66:D4:BD:76
[D] expression for onDeviceAdded:70 - Bluetooth device found: FF:E4:07:72:26:F9
[nemo@Sailfish ~]$

can someone help me theres no audio devices under power consumers as well

kick 2018-05-08 17:46

Re: sound stopped working(aqua fish)
1 Attachment(s)
some more stuff on it

kick 2018-05-08 19:31

Re: sound stopped working(aqua fish)
okay so i did some more digging around in the mobile and the internet to find stuff related to PulseAudio

i managed to fix the sound of the device by deleting the config for pulseaudio by doing


rm /home/nemo/.config/pulse

coley 2018-05-09 20:44

Re: (solved)sound stopped working(aqua fish)
sorted me too thanks! on a Jolla C.

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