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xiskillo 2015-04-09 18:58

NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
I was looking around searching in the web and other sites...

You must see this video from the great Alex

With the grand version of Nitdroid with Android 4.0.4

All of you know that nitdroid forum dead.. and other links with this version n15 beta dissapear..

Somebody still have the file saved in your computer? it could be share and upload for us :)


endsormeans 2015-04-09 20:05

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
Hm..I don't have it...just checked my storage...."that" file I don't have.
Hopefully someone else has it backed up.
as I have mentioned before...
I reiterate the obvious need to consolidate .
in the face of the disappearances ...not just this file...penguinbait's site is gone as well..his pages are available through wayback though the linked downloads of his valuable work via the wayback are shot. they will not work. I have saved (I believe ) all pertinent files and programs and have them available on my google drive. for now.
Just as example... we should somehow integrate these posts..this data somehow/ way/ where in our place here. I know it is more like damage control and reconstruction in this case...but it need not be as bad as the penguinbait situation. Mitigating the amount of work needed is simple in cases where stuff (for now) is still maintained.
Contacting the owners/ maintainers of sites/ progs/ data/ walkthroughs and gaining their permissions to draw their data here for safe keeping would be simpler and easier than trying to find individuals who may or may not have bits and pieces left over from something that once was a complete ...from downloads, patches, walkthroughs, bug reports, and valuable user feedback say the least.
In my experience... a few times now... I have found that after a great deal of hunting down a hope ...resulted in finding nothing left but a program to install. No instructions reference..nothing to go on. It isn't the norm yet...but it could become the norm. Broken bits and pieces and references best.

Instead of being reactive after the fact.
Or do nothing and let time swallow a great deal of work and innovation.
I favour the idea we become proactive.
To hunt down stragglers outside of the safe-keeping of
whether they are programs, catalogues, repositories, how-to's, whole sites of data ...etc.
I mention this for the NIT line specific of course...for I see them in the greatest immediate need due to the length of time some sites have been standing...running...those maintainers cannot do it forever..once abandoned such invaluable data can most certainly be lost for good...
I do suggest a community dialogue to address stem this "erosion by degrees"

xiskillo 2015-04-09 20:26

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
strongly agree

xiskillo 2015-04-13 04:32

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
re-up the post :)

biketool 2015-04-13 05:24

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
I would support this too.
I have wanted to install nitdroid for several years, especially now were there are a few service specific droid apps that are not represented in our repos.
Is there a really good guide to safely installing dual boot onto the SD card for everyday phone N900 users? I have backupmenu installed and do not want to remove this vital package.

endsormeans 2015-04-13 06:22

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
Good question.
I know that we have a ton of stuff in our forum and linked to wherever...
As far as Nitdroid and it's ilk ...especially for the n900 ..I must admit I haven't done a hell of alot of study concerning nitdroid on the n900...
nor hunted down all the varied know which would be best...
other topics ... n8x0 related I'm fairly conversant on...
I decided a few years back to knuckle down and
it's taken alot of reading..alot of hunting ...alot of trial and error ..
I'm pretty much through the n8x0 device line in study...
and the last few months I have just started poring over the n900 ...all the cool applications...all the alt.wm's ...all the alt. os's and the methods of achieving the exact same result or better...or worse ...or just different...or obsolete..or abandoned ...but there is sooo much for the n900 read figure study...
in a couple more years I should be fully up on my n900 :D
...I could tell you then :D
My learning curve runs by this method for the nxx0 : I learn as much as I can about tried and true and successful methods and work my way down to the obscure, little mentioned, partial and finally methods with little to no success and reference.

I'm sure there have to be a few people here who know though...
but yea...good question.

Sure there is always google to find stuff inside and outside and tmo...but...I also know from experience I have chased alot of stuff just as an example ...say on topic of booting some alt os or some wm ...alllll over tmo through multiple threads alone on the same topic AND alllll throught the web through multiple blogs, sites, archives, vague references etc. It can boggle the brain after a bit...just trying to track down hints or references that the "last guy" at the last place you hunted through refers to...sometimes to find something critical missing.... a page, a whole site, a referred-to program or fix or patch or whatever...
That is one of the reasons we need things under one roof I think...
to make the process easier...more fathomable...quantifiable ...
"the one-stop shop"...THE REPOSITORY of maemo works...
and to safeguard against the loss of the data, feedback, walkthroughs, programs etc...
That is why I personally think if a soul finds something outside the walls of ...they should hang on to it ... archive it... safeguard it... however possible... until our organization decides what, how and where to deal with this stuff properly so we don't lose (in the meantime more) such invaluable work which has been done...regardless whether the project failed, was a partial success, or completely successful's loss means a loss for us all.

abdel_95 2015-04-13 17:34

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
hello plz i need this too i've been installing gingerbread and umay12 in my internal mmc but always reflashing due to booting pb. But now i've solve the pb of sd card i can install it therein. Regards

xiskillo 2015-04-14 17:30

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
I was looking in russian forum searching for this version without look at this moment... always redirecting to ""

All you know, site down and without mirror available :\

endsormeans 2015-04-14 20:02

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
yea...did some digging back when you mentioned that you wanted it...found that russian maemo site with the same ...
3 options man.
1- I did can if you wish ...I couldn't find it...I hunted through the deep web. It isn't there.
more serious and really really O RLY! (:D) extensive Deepity-Deep web search "may" provide better results. I mean pulling out some serious wizard-work I don't know ...if you have a horseshoe stuck up your lower intestine may luck out.

2- Getting your hands dirty and asking.
Contacting alecsandru1 or another individ. who "may" have it is probably the 2nd option there is...

3- There is a 3rd option...the worst option... the only option left when all others fail to find a program, wm, or os or whathaveyou which is irretrievably lost forever...
get cracking and spend the time to replicate the same results...yet again...
or try to make better...take a while to epic loss of original effort frankly ...gotta safeguard what we can folks. Or it can end up essentially starting over from scratch.

Dongle Fongle 2015-04-15 12:39

Re: NITDROID N15 Beta for N900
Also on the lookout..

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