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jalyst 2013-09-30 16:16

Instead putting it onto the mods, why don't you/colleagues put relevant content into a locked gdoc.

foobar 2013-09-30 16:23

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1377811)
Instead putting it onto the mods, why don't you/colleagues put relevant content into a locked gdoc.

s/gdoc/wiki page/
pretty please.

Somewhat on topic: The N900's GPS can be annoyingly slow getting a fix, even with A-GPS. Does anyone have any experience with the suggested replacement?

jalyst 2013-09-30 16:36

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by foobar (Post 1377814)
s/gdoc/wiki page/
pretty please.

Yeah, there's always that too.

misterc 2013-09-30 23:03

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377674)
sorry that I am not able to understand the meaning of your posts just like you seem to have difficulties to understand what dos1's post is all about.

What dos1 quoted been a list of options and costs/prices for GTA04,

NOT for Neo900. So the "new plastic case" is meant as an alternative for the hard-to-source GTA02 case - the fact that gave me the idea to use a N900 case instead. It's been stated several times in this thread that Neo900 is a complete device incl case, while the GTA04-NeoN variant is the bare board without case and other parts, and that we plan to offer both variants. First post to clearly state this: #1,

last post on exactly same issue: one of my last 4 or 5 posts!
I honestly don't know how to make the info any more clear so you don't miss it. :-/


i hope you are not going to consider it an insult that i explain what & how i "don't understand"?
  • semantics, 1st...
    see where i'm getting with this?
    • yes, Sebastian used a list in his post but... you blame me for snipping out quotes & seeing just what i want; maybe Sebastian could have "updated" his?
      no offence, but i don't give a $h!t about GTA... :mad:
    • i know you are not a "sales guy"; you are a passionate techie that wants to make a replacement for our beloved N900s available to the Maemo community
      still, maybe you should try to structure your posts a little bit better? an awful lot of the nearly 700 post on this thread are about miscommunication; very quickly the word "insult" is used if someone dares to ask leave alone question; you used the word in 1 of your replies to me as well, a few posts ago...
      and i have only been on it a little over 24hrs :o
      accusing ppl of being insulting will make even the humblest poster on a forum... irritated? calling them trolls after that and... there goes your flame war :confused:
    • so much for the semantics...
  • eBay, BOM? for me, eBay is the last resort when you can't get a part any more; OEM at best, used otherwise. but eBay a supplier for an "industrial" manufacturing process... not obvious, to say the least.
    my impression was that we had to either use an old N900 casing or get one from eBay ourself
    add to that Sebastian's list (10'000...) and... yet another "insult" :(


Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377674)
Your 2nd post I don't get at all. You know pretty good that N900 CPU is rated @ 500MHz continuous, 600MHz temporary overdrive.

? :confused:
  • out of the (NOKIA) box, the N900 comes at 600Mhz
    let's be honest, many here run their N900(s) at 850MHz or even higher - 1GHz? maybe we should make a poll asking what max frequency they set theirs to? :rolleyes: ;)
    might help you choose a proper... "upgrade"?
  • i only used it little over a day so far, but with CSSU Thumb2, the 256MB seem to be sufficient for casual use - okay, i only had 8 windows in the task mgr. with two (or three?) for microb and it started to swap seriously; but honestly, how often do you spend hrs browsing on your N900? in a squeeze, to get some information on the spot more like, no?

thus, my point, reformulated:
  • is 1GHz enough? i have a N9 but i'd say Harmattan got a serious "mobile" overhaul - if you are sticking w/ Fremantle, maybe a little more might be needed? dual core, maybe :eek: :cool:
  • those who have (played with) a 512MB N950 generally agree that it is tight, to say the least... but in all honesty you mentioned the possibility of 1GB RAM.


Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377674)
While Neo900 DM3730 is rated @1GHz, so 2* as fast.
And what the heck about thumb2 in this context? Yes, DM3730 also can do thumb2! This sounds OT nevertheless.

I honestly would appreciate when you would bother to read all the thread so you might find the answers to questions you otherwise post here without prior thinking, and which cause redundance and poor S/N and make the thread unattractive to follow for other readers. Thanks!

see my "lists" above, but remember, nobody is perfect.
no offence intended!
'nuff said

and no, i'm not going to bother starting my own "N900 hardware upgrade" project.
i'll keep using my N900 with Thumb2...
thus if that's all you have to answer, pls don't bother :|

PS: the moment i find your ṔayPal account i'll send over some money :o :)
obviously, without your dedication i wouldn't have been able to set up Thumb2 & all
thanks for that!

misterc 2013-09-30 23:19

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by misiak (Post 1377634)
More like lose-lose. I see in this project a hope for bringing to market [...]

market, 2 to 300 TMO (& GTA whatever) users?
that's not a market.
not even a niche.
that's a community
well, two, joining forces as Joerg put it so nicely

do you have a N9? if it wasn't for the lack of hardware keyboard, i would have switched about a year ago.
and it's not like i haven't tried both a Logitech di Novo & some OEM bluetooth keyboard; doesn't work :mad:

and i think Jolla is going to give us a great N9 upgrade, software and hardware wise.

but to each his / her own, right?

why am i posting on this thread then?
trolling, flaming? of course! what else would one come to TMO for???? ¦-))))))
beside, i haven't seen Jolla's hardware keyboard other half yet, thus, keeping all my options open

misterc 2013-09-30 23:22

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377640)
Yeah insults and maybe trolling, see above comment.


there you go... :eek: :( :mad:

misterc 2013-09-30 23:32

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377681)
Sorry to say you completely missed the point (or are you just trying to troll me



Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377681)
And thanks for your rating of my marketing

see my earlier post...


Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377681)
and "packaging" (whatever that means in this context) [...]

not selling the individual parts, motherboard (maybe w/ CPU & RAM) here, LCD & Co. there, casing from eBay...
seems i'm not the only one having a problem with your semantics

misterc 2013-09-30 23:44

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1377695)

And, how do you propose that this should be done?
For starters, the Cordia which you're constantly referring to has been dead for ages now.
Out of all the MeR derivatives, Nemo & Plasma have been far more active...

came across this thread yesterday and the only thing i have been able to figure out about MeR & Co... is that it is not for end-users :eek: :( :confused:


Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1377695)
Also Sailfish code isn't available yet, & it's still not even clear how open it will be -if at all.

many of the ppl @ Jolla actually developed Fremantle; possibly even "created" it... give them a (2nd) chance, maybe?


Originally Posted by jalyst (Post 1377695)
If they're still working closely with Myriad for the Android layer, & if it's not based largely on libhybris as some have claimed.*[...]

wild guess?
Google [libhybris jolla]...
o, no, sorry, you don't use Google, do you?

misterc 2013-09-30 23:47

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by xes (Post 1377742)
Probably you should....

a good, clearly structured and complete initial post would certainly help (much more then 600+ posts mostly of flaming :mad:)

misterc 2013-09-30 23:50

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by electroaudio (Post 1377751)
A lack of vote doesnt mean a lack of interest, only a lack of vote...

..All of the options are less than one days salary for me, and therefore the same, but as i work as a freelanceengineer i dont know if i will or want to have any work when it is released.

but this is NOT a democracy!!!
it's a meritocracy ¦-)))))))))
you have to vote!
geeee, where is our Gorbatchov?!?

dos1 2013-09-30 23:50

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1377920)
a good, clearly structured and complete initial post would certainly help (much more then 600+ posts mostly of flaming :mad:)

What the hell, man? Six seven posts in a row? Please, at least merge them somehow!

misterc 2013-09-30 23:55

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by joerg_rw (Post 1377807)
I realize that this thread has grown too large/bloated to serve its primary purpose to inform the interested reader about details of Neo900. This in turn causes redundant questions being asked which makes the problem worse (you could say the thread reached its specific criticality, it exceeded the mass needed to form a singularity known as black hole) , while lots of OT posts also do their share to bloat the thread and cause even Nikolaus to refuse to follow this thread.
I'm pondering how to handle this situation - maybe I can come up with some solution when the tmo moderators will help me to copy relevant posts to a new thread which is closed or moderated hard from beginning. This way we could probably cut down the volume of text to read to maybe 10% and - by hard moderation - keep the other thread 'clean' while this thread here is definitely doomed to receive more OT or 'lazy' posts even from honoured members like rzr.
Don't hold your breath for such reorganization to happen soon, it's a lot of work.

best regards

structure & update your initial post & most of the "bloat" (redundant questions) is gone
your are blaming the symptom, not the cause my friend.

chainsawbike 2013-10-01 00:01

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

you seem to have a very strong opnion but my undestanding is joerg is _THE_ person organising this project, and as he stated eary in this thread it will not be a "democratic" process

you are free to post suggestions and he is free to decline them
please respect his decisions as they are his to make

thank you, chainsawbike

misterc 2013-10-01 00:02

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by foobar (Post 1377814)

Somewhat on topic: The N900's GPS can be annoyingly slow getting a fix, even with A-GPS. Does anyone have any experience with the suggested replacement?

did you replace with in Settings => Connectivity => Location?

misterc 2013-10-01 00:10

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by dos1 (Post 1377922)
What the hell, man? Six seven posts in a row? Please, at least merge them somehow!

did you actually read any of them or just counted them?
i'll add yet another one (sorry, stopped counting...)


Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1377913)
  • semantics, 1st...
    see where i'm getting with this?
    • yes, Sebastian used a list in his post but... you blame me for snipping out quotes & seeing just what i want; maybe Sebastian could have "updated" his?

nothing personal...

jalyst 2013-10-01 04:37

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1377919)
came across this thread yesterday and the only thing i have been able to figure out about MeR & Co... is that it is not for end-users :eek: :( :confused:

This doesn't address the point you're supposedly addressing, at all...


many of the ppl @ Jolla actually developed Fremantle; possibly even "created" it... give them a (2nd) chance, maybe?
Ditto, but to humour you, I'm not saying it won't be substantively open, I hope it will be, but we simply don't know yet.
They've made many statements of intent on "roughly" how open they'd like it to be, but statements of intent are just that, statements of intent.


wild guess?
Google [libhybris jolla]...
o, no, sorry, you don't use Google, do you?
No you're wrong (surprise, surprise), android app compatibility layer != dvr layer, not even close.
There's been some speculation that libhybris may be used to some extent for a dalvik emulation layer, but so far it's no more than that.
You are confusing hw compatibility layers with dalvik emulation layers...
Again, libhybris was originally intended for glibc <-> bionic-c translation for binary blobs & similar level sw, nothing more & nothing less.

And what is wrong with you man, why must you "scatter gun" threads like this all the time.
If you really must redundantly address every single post, at least merge them all into one post, basic etiquette.
Anyway all this is completely off-topic, so any further responses just PM me...

dos1 2013-10-01 17:14

Re: Neo900 - finally a successor of N900

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1377928)
nothing personal...

Well, there's nothing to update there, as there's no such list for Neo900 made yet. And I've stated very clearly that this list was about GTA04, which is very similar, and that it is meant to just give some basic insight into how things may look like, as in "better something than nothing".

pichlo 2013-10-07 07:36

Re: Off-topic...

Originally Posted by misterc (Post 1378745)
thread makes me think of ppl who proudly tell that they use some old Pentium® based box as a firewall for their home LAN... with 512MB memory, 10MB SCSI disk (and no display :eek:) ¦-))))))

512MB is hugely overpowered for a home LAN firewall.
Heck, it is hugely overpowered for a Pentium® based box to start with.

(Replied here so as not to increase the noise level in the other thread even more.)

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