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x61 2010-02-14 04:32

The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
The N900 has proven to be the only modern day phone with primitive features from the 90s. Dont tell me I should have done my research because none of us here knows what an epic failure this phone will be simply by following what Nokia lists as "features" of the device. And those that knew the primitive nature of features such as the GPS maps are the developer and I can guranttee you that they dont have the N900 as their primary phone to perform navigation tasks. It is common for the N900 fanboys here to label people that show displeasure in the phone a "whinner". For Nokia to remain competative in the mobile industry, they must stop producing mediocre devices and the fanboys here have to start demanding more from them.

Gavin 2010-02-14 04:34

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

nokia is doing the right thing by making different devices for different people...

this is where nokia has always excelled...instead of making an all in one device...they simply make phones that cater to each individual needs...

the n900 may not be for you, but its perfect for me...

UNderworld 2010-02-14 04:36

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
lol.. here we go again for another 100+ replies........

Bratag 2010-02-14 04:44

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
For ****s sake mods - please can we put an end to this ****.

mrebanza 2010-02-14 05:29

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 525556)
The N900 has proven to be the only modern day phone with primitive features from the 90s. Dont tell me I should have done my research because none of us here knows what an epic failure this phone will be simply by following what Nokia lists as "features" of the device. And those that knew the primitive nature of features such as the GPS maps are the developer and I can guranttee you that they dont have the N900 as their primary phone to perform navigation tasks. It is common for the N900 fanboys here to label people that show displeasure in the phone a "whinner". For Nokia to remain competative in the mobile industry, they must stop producing mediocre devices and the fanboys here have to start demanding more from them.

You are absolutely right . . . the Nokia N900 is just like the Nokia phones they made back in 1990

UNderworld 2010-02-14 05:29

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 525566)
For ****s sake mods - please can we put an end to this ****.

and please mods can we have only threads which praise the device???:rolleyes:

UNderworld 2010-02-14 05:31

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by mrebanza (Post 525595)
You are absolutely right . . . the Nokia N900 is just like the Nokia phones they made back in 1990

is that where they got the name from N900 from 1900's ??:eek:

jakiman 2010-02-14 05:38

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
It's better than any other phone currently on the market for my purposes. No competition.
If it's not for you, you didn't research enough. I reasearched enough and got what i wanted.

But yeah, N900 definitely has stuff it needs improving BIG time also.

UNderworld 2010-02-14 05:44

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 525604)
It's better than any other phone currently on the market for my purposes. No competition.
If it's not for you, you didn't research enough. I reasearched enough and got what i wanted.

But yeah, N900 definitely has stuff it needs improving BIG time also.

sorry, did u say PHONE?? another answer on "research".. lol...

by the way, I have summarised a few things after reading a few discussions (sorry going off topic)

If u want games, get a PSP
If u want a phone, get a proper phone
If u want loads of apps, get an iphone
if u want a music player, get an ipod
and the list goes on for every shortcoming....

why get a N900 then?

because if u want Internet, simply get a laptop. It might b cheaper and u will have a bigger screen:confused:

fatalsaint 2010-02-14 05:45

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by UNderworld (Post 525606)
sorry, did u say PHONE?? another answer on "research".. lol...

by the way, I have summarised a few things after reading a few discussions (sorry going off topic)

If u want games, get a PSP
If u want a phone, get a proper phone
If u want loads of apps, get an iphone
if u want a music player, get an ipod
and the list goes on for every shortcoming....

why get a N900 then?

because if u want Internet, simply get a laptop. It might b cheaper and u will have a bigger screen:confused:

If you have to ask.. it's not for you. No amount of explaining will help.

Hey everyone look... there's yet another "phone" on the market that has bugs and needs fixing!!!! That's soooo worth posting 30000 times in a forum over... :rolleyes:

maguitodelrock 2010-02-14 05:56

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Yes, if for you the n900 is a 90s phone with no features that u wanna have, so u didnt research enough because its really easy determine:
1) It has Maemo 5, a new os, sucesor of Maemo 4, and for being new it has a few app, and if u reseached a lot u should know that if for the N8xx series was a few app, that will be the same for N900
2) Nokia says that Maemo 5 is step 5/6, and that the N900 was targeted to really high end tech people, so thats why is really a lot friendly with REAL tech guys
Yes, the n900 appears like an unfinished phone, sucks with the not enough battery and it really has not so much apps BUT for me, its really amazing the things that i can do, and for me its really a great device, and pros are way more that cons... my advice is if u can sell the n900, sell it and buy another phone that meet your requirements, and really thank you for giving ypur opinion about this device, its great to see opnion from both sides: love side & hate side :D

gerbick 2010-02-14 06:03

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Oh boy. This should be entertaining since I've: 1) calmed down, 2) got some popcorn and 3) know it'll spark a nigh-riot.

NokiaRocks 2010-02-14 06:15

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
I'm pretty happy with my N900 and would't trade it for anything else.

Crashdamage 2010-02-14 06:27

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Jeezzz...seems there's a awful lot of people who bought N900s without doing enough research on it (yes, I said it again) so that they:

a. Understand what it does and doesn't do.
b. Understand what it's supposed to do and not do.
c. Understand what Maemo is all about.

IOW, the basics you should know before spending a chunka cash on anything. I made sure I understood all 3 of the above so I got exactly what I expected and more. Best 'phone' I've ever owned or used hands down, not even close. For me. For many others. Not for everyone.

But neither is a iPhone, Blackberry, N97 or whatever perfect for everyone. Clearly, each has it's intended users and will only please those owners who choose the correct unit for them. I'm sorry, but if someone makes the wrong choice, it's their own fault not the manufacturer's. If you really need a pickup truck but can't resist getting a Mustang, you don't complain to Ford when you can't haul a refrigerator with it. So if ya don't like the N900, it doesn't meet your needs - fine, sell it and move on to something else.

Can we move on to more constructive use of this forum now? Like actually helping other users, stuff like that?

jakiman 2010-02-14 06:33

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by UNderworld (Post 525606)
sorry, did u say PHONE?? another answer on "research".. lol...

by the way, I have summarised a few things after reading a few discussions (sorry going off topic)

If u want games, get a PSP.
If u want a phone, get a proper phone
If u want loads of apps, get an iphone
if u want a music player, get an ipod
and the list goes on for every shortcoming....

why get a N900 then?

because if u want Internet, simply get a laptop. It might b cheaper and u will have a bigger screen:confused:


PSP can't make a phone call. (I have one btw)
iPhone can't do half the stuff N900 can.
iPod can't make a phone call.
Laptop doesn't fit in my jeans pocket. Maybe it does in yours.

I want 1 device in my pocket for:
- Videos. We all know N900 is better than iphone here.
- Games. SNES emulator is more than enough. (oh. vgba, mastergear, mame, summvm also)
- Apps. To me, N900 has more useful apps than iPhone. (ie. Openoffice, Gimp, truecrypt, MicroB, mplayer etc)
- Music. N900 plays mp3's just fine. There's also Mediabox. Built-in FM transmitter rocks btw. (and I hate iTunes!!)
- Xterminal with root access for full linux experience with Openssh/sftp and scripting.
- Hardware keyboard that can be fully custom mapped. (Up to 4 mappings per key!)
- Capable of downloading a torrent while having 5 web sites open at once while being connected to Skype, Google Talk and MSN IM all at the same time and leave them all running in the background to open up a video file and watch it. (or play a game)

What shortcomings are you talking about?

Tell me a device which is better than the N900 that CAN make a phone call, SMS, MMS and fit in a pocket and do all the stuff i wrote above.If there is one, I'll buy it. I don't think you can argue that N900 is the closest thing to a mini laptop at this current size right now. No competition in the market place from what I can see.

I buy whatever is best for me. I don't care about brand.
When there is something much better, I'll buy it for sure.

joelus 2010-02-14 06:34

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
When I read the title of this thread I thought to myself 'exactly, this is unlike any other phone' but I thought the thread would be praising the N900 for exactly this reason. Maemo is unlike any phone OS I've ever used - it's really powerful with it's multitasking capabilities. It may not be complete yet but the potential here is something other phones will never match, and Maemo is becoming more complete everyday. As it is, it's the best phone I've ever used, by far. It takes some getting used to though...

jakiman 2010-02-14 06:39

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by joelus (Post 525631)
When I read the title of this thread I thought to myself 'exactly, this is unlike any other phone' but I thought the thread would be praising the N900 for exactly this reason.

Exactly. I thought that also. lol.

Crogge 2010-02-14 06:51

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by UNderworld (Post 525606)
sorry, did u say PHONE?? another answer on "research".. lol...

by the way, I have summarised a few things after reading a few discussions (sorry going off topic)

If u want games, get a PSP
If u want a phone, get a proper phone
If u want loads of apps, get an iphone
if u want a music player, get an ipod
and the list goes on for every shortcoming....

why get a N900 then?

because if u want Internet, simply get a laptop. It might b cheaper and u will have a bigger screen:confused:

I just imagine how you are wearing a PSP, phone, iphone, ipod and a 18,4" notebook around :P

Well you have luck, there exist the N900 so you don't need to carry all that stuff :o

I guess that is your "PC":


You are right, why you need a N900 to calculate something when you can use this PC instead? You can even get it free from the trashcan so its cheaper then a N900!

My opinion: You are just another flamer here who wants to get some attention, If I would go in the Dell forum and say "Dell sucks" then it would cause the same reactions. I think we really need more moderators here to close such threads directly and ban people like you from the forums.

Enyibinakata 2010-02-14 06:54

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 525556)
The N900 has proven to be the only modern day phone with primitive features from the 90s. Dont tell me I should have done my research because none of us here knows what an epic failure this phone will be simply by following what Nokia lists as "features" of the device. And those that knew the primitive nature of features such as the GPS maps are the developer and I can guranttee you that they dont have the N900 as their primary phone to perform navigation tasks. It is common for the N900 fanboys here to label people that show displeasure in the phone a "whinner". For Nokia to remain competative in the mobile industry, they must stop producing mediocre devices and the fanboys here have to start demanding more from them.

get away you bloody irritating WHINNER..

daperl 2010-02-14 06:57

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Okay, who else thinks UNderworld is guber99. Their excessive use of


combined with their flamebait is enough already. Time to end both of them. Let's take a vote; I'll need a second.

Enyibinakata 2010-02-14 07:05

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 525641)
Okay, who else thinks UNderworld is guber99. Their excessive use of


combined with their flamebait is enough already. Time to end both of them. Let's take a vote; I'll need a second.

I vote - yes please lets terminate these pests. I come here to learn more about my imperfect yet great device only to be confronterd by garbage posts that make no sense. Who in his right mind will consider a device with an ARM A8 processor plus GPU, 256mb memory, 5 megapixel camera, etc is truly beyond me.

mrebanza 2010-02-14 07:08

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by UNderworld (Post 525606)
sorry, did u say PHONE?? another answer on "research".. lol...

by the way, I have summarised a few things after reading a few discussions (sorry going off topic)

If u want games, get a PSP
If u want a phone, get a proper phone
If u want loads of apps, get an iphone
if u want a music player, get an ipod
and the list goes on for every shortcoming....

why get a N900 then?

because if u want Internet, simply get a laptop. It might b cheaper and u will have a bigger screen:confused:

OMG . . . It is ver clear now that you got this phone for FREE from Vodaphone UK and then are spending your time talking sh*t about it . . . .


Yea, "RESEARCH" I paid $650 for my N900 and I did "RESEARCH" before making my purchase!!!

You, on the other hand, got it for FREE, and most likely ordered it because it was SHINEY!!!

Then complain because it don't make you pancakes in bed and rub your balls at night!!!

I am use to using Linux and I Knew it was a linux phone . . . . That is why I bought it . . . . I bet you didn't even enable the extra Maemo.Org to your list of sources of Apps . . . well I added every source available thanks to . . . yet again "RESEARCH" . . . and I NOW AFTER ADDING ALL THE EXTRA SOURCES have a ton of Apps on my phone and a bunch more that I haven't even downloaded yet . . .

I have Quake and Open Area - Oh and a Nintendo Emulator so I can play all the roms I can get my hands on!!!

I have a torrent client on my phone!!! I can download Music Movies and Nintendo roms by the BOAT LOAD!!!!

The Music Player is GREAT and sync's perfectly with SONGBIRD!!!

If I get tired of listening to my mp3's I have both a client for Last.FM its Call Vagalume and a client for Pandora Radio it's called pyPianobar and requires Pianobar (don't worry it's all free:))

Not to mention ANY webbase or podcasting radio channels . . . like HOT97!

Oh and It makes call BETTER than any other phone on the US Market!!!

T-Mobile Calls over 3G or Edge - And the FASTEST CONNECTION SPEED ON A PHONE!!

3G HSDPA @ 10 Mbps vs 7.2 Mbps on the iphone and Nexus One!!!!

So yea it is a great phone . . . you can even make conference calls on T-Mobile USA for free . . . even Skype Calls!!!

Come on it's not a phone!?!?!

Your joking right?

So yea, If you want more Apps do some "RESEARCH" (yes knowledge is power)

Add some more sources to the N900 Application Manager (it is rather easy, even YOU should be able to figure it out):D

If you want iTunes then please get an iPhone and get out of the Maemo Forums

fatalsaint 2010-02-14 07:09

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by mrebanza (Post 525651)
If I get tired of listening to my mp3's I have both a client for Last.FM its Call Vagalume and a client for Pandora Radio it's called pyPianobar and requires Pianobar (don't worry it's all free:))

Hey.. thanks for the advertising :D.

mrebanza 2010-02-14 07:13

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 525641)
Okay, who else thinks UNderworld is guber99. Their excessive use of


combined with their flamebait is enough already. Time to end both of them. Let's take a vote; I'll need a second.

I second that . . . please . . . we should be focusing on progress not nonsense

mrebanza 2010-02-14 07:14

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by fatalsaint (Post 525652)
Hey.. thanks for the advertising :D.

No thank you for the GREAT Pandora App!!!

I am using it as we speak :D

YoDude 2010-02-14 07:34

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Mediocre Device?

The problem isn't that the N900 is a "mediocre device". The N900 is an excellent device... for what it does. I can do much more with it than any other portable device currently available.

It is a mediocre phone. A very poor excuse for a "navigator", and a complete failure as means to deliver and sell third party software.

However, I can get, view, store, and use just about anything served on the web with it with the exception of the very latest flash, but even that will eventually be available. I can also easily write an app that can use most of the N900's hardware to manage or control anything I dream up in the future... I can't truthfully say that about any other device currently available.

Nokia as a manufacturer, and Maemo as an OS are excellent.
Nokia's marketing is the dang problem. Ovi is the best example of this cluster fsck.

Nokia should continue what it does well but it should fire the whole marketing department and start over.
It continues to make some excellent niche devices and the N900 is one of them... The trouble is it doesn't correctly define the niche and then directly target that market.

Nokia fires its marketing guns too broadly and ends up pissing off a lot of people who may have been better off not knowing about a particular device in the first place... or at the very least been given the opportunity to learn whether the device is right for their intended use.

Instead, as in the case of the N900, they first target past Nokia bloggers who's only knowledge of Maemo may have been that it is on the next device that they could get to use for free. These bloggers and technical writers whip up a frenzy in the general consumer market and raise unreasonable expectations.
By the time real consumers have it in their hands, these same bloggers have moved on to the next device that the may get to use for free. :eek:

Meanwhile, when the IT professionals, scientists, and future software developers (perhaps the real market) does get around to discovering the capabilities of devices like the N900, these same marketing geniuses are feeding Nokia data from the first group that was exposed to it (the wrong, general market).

So the next device will have bells, whistles, and features that at best are imitations of what the competition used in the last device cycle and at worst, hinder or make useless features that the real market is just discovering uses for.

But no worry, this is just "deferred success". Marketing will "drill down deeper" and examine the "granularity" of the data to determine the next "paradigm" shift and provide Nokia the "success metrics" it requires to achieve a "short term solution" to this "value proposition". :rolleyes:

The more things change...
... the more they stay the same.

CEN 2010-02-14 07:48

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
I am just so happy with my N900. Perhaps it's because by previous phone was a HP ipaq running windows mobile 5. Tied up to that awful sync program that you had to have 5 goes before it even started to do anything. I can play and swap ipod tracks , I can use amorak to edit tracks and titles directly on the device and listen to them too. Sure I would like to edit docs and spread sheets, but that will happen one day, yes I would like to cache enough maps to use it as a navigator offline, but that can happen eventually too. That stuff would never have changed on my old phone, just put up with it ! That is the point really, if you have the get up and go to get off your *&^ most realistic expectations can be resolved.
Am I worried if full microsoft exchange server functionality is not implemented, NOT AT ALL, I will never cough up for an Exchange server for my business. It already fills 90% of my wish list, with some of the things I want to do, needing a custom app, but at least it can happen. It's a choice you make, an iPhone that makes the cash register ca-ching at every turn, or Linux that you have to wait or work at the solutions perhaps 6 months or more. I can see a path through to have my N900 be a 98% fit for my needs in 6 months and that there may be a phone that MAY do all I need off the shelf in that time. I will always want a phone to be smaller and have longer battery life, as long as it lasts all day an not let me down when I need it, it's all good. Thanks to the Maemo team ! Thanks to Nokia to have the courage to open the door. That could be a career limiting move in many organizations .

maxximuscool 2010-02-14 08:03

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
who ever doesn't know how to use the Nokia N900 to reach it's potential is a NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB. We are all here happy with the N900 and yes iPhone cannot do what N900 can. I played SNES with PS3 Controller and Wii Controller. I play online game...etc. And yet this device is only just 4months old lol. Comparing to a 3years old iPhone...

By far even it is not a complete product but yet it proven to be the best OS i've ever seen in the market for a mobile phone. Though the camera is only 5MP, but so? does it matter much? I don't use my phone to take professional photograph. But I did wish that it would have come with a 12Mp or Zeon. But yet who'd cares.. What is it now is good than most phones out there.

geneven 2010-02-14 08:33

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
I don't think we need a bunch of fascists running around banning things.

mrebanza 2010-02-14 09:09

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 525705)
I don't think we need a bunch of fascists running around banning things.

I don't think so either but their is a different between voicing your opinion, questions, problems, & concerns AND harassing people with the same negative idea's in numerous threads to the point that it becomes worse than spam.

The beauty about Open Source is you no longer have to worry

"Why can't I do this?"

"Why didn't Nokia do this?"

Rather all you have to do is ask ....

"HOW can I do this?"


@guber99 : I saw a separate App for setting-up exchange mail in the setting and their are also quiet a few Apps in the Maemo.Org Extra-Dev that claim to extend the exchange mails functionality. I don't use exchange mail but I assume if you where to do your "RESEARCH" you might actually find it possible to access your company's MS Exchange Email Severs. The problem is you didn't come to the forum looking for help you came looking for a fight. :(

rambo 2010-02-14 10:55

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 525684)
Though the camera is only 5MP, but so? does it matter much? I don't use my phone to take professional photograph. But I did wish that it would have come with a 12Mp or Zeon.

Xenon flash would have been nice indeed but I doubt that a denser sensor would be of any use given the space available for optics...

HumanPenguin 2010-02-14 12:09

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by x61 (Post 525556)
The N900 has proven to be the only modern day phone with primitive features from the 90s. Dont tell me I should have done my research because none of us here knows what an epic failure this phone will be simply by following what Nokia lists as "features" of the device. And those that knew the primitive nature of features such as the GPS maps are the developer and I can guranttee you that they dont have the N900 as their primary phone to perform navigation tasks. It is common for the N900 fanboys here to label people that show displeasure in the phone a "whinner". For Nokia to remain competative in the mobile industry, they must stop producing mediocre devices and the fanboys here have to start demanding more from them.

It is amazing how many people are able to find this forum after they purchase the phone. Then complain that the research was not available before the order.

This site is populated by developers and community users who in general know the issues and have followed through on the history of maemo devices.

If you have purchased a phone without checking this forum first then go to the places you did the research and complain. We are not Nokia and already know the issues.

If you did your research including this forum then you should have known the issues. Coming here with anything other then constructive advice and bug reports is just being a troll.

We do not mind people discussing errors and problems. But the whole "How dare nokia sell me a phone that doesn't have the exact features I expect from a phone" is not our fu&king issue. Go troll Nokia

slender 2010-02-14 12:20

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by UNderworld (Post 525596)
and please mods can we have only threads which praise the device???:rolleyes:

have you seen any? I haven't but these threads about missing features just keeps coming.How about if people really used search before posting their so important message to other people.

UNderworld 2010-02-14 13:22

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by Crogge (Post 525638)
I just imagine how you are wearing a PSP, phone, iphone, ipod and a 18,4" notebook around :P

Well you have luck, there exist the N900 so you don't need to carry all that stuff :o

Im saying that because every time someone complains about the "PHONE", "music", "gaming" etc features on the N900, there is always a reply like: Get a proper phone, get an ipod if u want proper music, etc....
is it tht hard to understand??:rolleyes::rolleyes:

i knew this is another 20 page long thread, i understand.... its Valentines day today,, show ur love towards the N900 :D:D

UNderworld 2010-02-14 13:25

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones

Originally Posted by slender (Post 525871)
have you seen any? I haven't but these threads about missing features just keeps coming.How about if people really used search before posting their so important message to other people.

Yes I've seen,...... search:D

nickt 2010-02-15 02:03

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
If you're tech illiterate, don't get an N900. It is not the phone, but your inability to fully utilize it that will disappoint you.

What does suck about the N900 is the battery life.

meco-Jamaica 2010-02-17 03:39

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
my gosh where i this world going... i mean cant you see this phone caters for a different audience... definitely NOT a world friendly(bulky and heavy) device but if you need these "1990s" features get this device... its fun to play with old and new technology... thats exactly what Nokia did better off making it open source. No doubt we could use better features and yes we will demand them from nokia but for now its as cool as it gets...

Ps. im not a fan of n900... just tech savvy interested in new devices

step11angelo 2010-03-27 10:44

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Can we lock this thread already?

tyrone2000and10 2010-03-27 10:56

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Why is that everytime someone makes a post flaming the N900 we automatically jump to its defense. This device doesn't need defending you either like it or you don't.

When I usually see posts like this I read them just to see the complaints. But I never post to them because this what they want.

Venemo 2010-03-27 11:42

Re: The N900 is unlike any other present day phones
Actually, I agree with the OP on one thing:
The N900 is unlike any other present day phones. It is vastly superior to any of them.

However, if you don't like it, please sell it off to someone whou does... :)
We have enough whining on this forum.
If you want good navigation, you can purchase Sygic. For my purposes, Ovi Maps is more than enough.

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