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Maemish 2019-02-05 15:30

To amuse the community
Originally Posted by maemish
This tells you a bit of me, Maemish, one member of this community. I hope this gives perspective on what kind of guys are lurking here and sometimes asking questions. Starting to resemble my father to whom I always laughed when he tried to get the scary grey boxes on windows to disappear before reading what it said in them, and then he shouted to the stupid computer which jammed.

Today I tried to watch the latest maemo leste video. Downloaded it but it didn't work with N900. I was glad I was offered to download it in different form. I did but it didn't work either.

Next thing I notice is that each time when I'm about to close Opera it says there is incomplete download going on. What??? I'm not downloading anything anymore!!!! I close the Opera and open again and it says the same!!! What is downloading to my hacker device?!? Was it a corrupted video package, disguised as mp4 or something phishy embedded to the video? And I was so stupid to just download "something"!!!

Ok, I will empty the history and memory and everything from Opera. Same goes on! I use the cleaning app and autoclean and remove and purge everything which I don't understand what they do but I hope the best. Still saying something is downloadin!!!

Hah, I close the device and open it again!!! That should do it. Still doing it!!! But wait - maybe something is downloading to videos still. I go and check videoplayer and I see incomplete video there. I delete it and Open Opera. It just doesn't go away!!!

So I remove the Opera, use the cleaning app again, install Opera again - but as soon as I open Opera and notice it opens the recent pages (!!!) even though I had uninstalled it and cleaned and everything!!! I'm now sure there is some tunneling stuff going on on back and I don't know what to do.

At last I click the top bar on Opera. Downloads. Hmm. What's this? I cancel the incomplete download and - amazingly Opera doesn't anymore say "download incomplete"!!! Me and my hacker device, which I know how to use to surf web, take pictures, send both (!) sms and fmms and make phonecalls, are safe!!!!!!!

Phiuuu. That was a close one. But I mastered it!!!!!!!!!!! I'm a real hacker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

endsormeans 2019-02-05 15:52

Re: To amuse the community
I don't know about "real hacker"....
1/2 right I think...
you are right Maemish..
like most of us here...
you definitely are a real "something"...
and don't change a thing man...
it is the epitome of Maemishness you would be messing with.

Maemish 2019-02-16 09:34

Re: To amuse the community
What happens when a windows Word user (well used libreoffice writer on linux some time but quite the same) tries to mount loop .img to sdcard? This is another informing post for the community.

Ok, so I just take this script losetup loop0 etc. and it will create a virtual diks mounting point. No rights to use the .img? Whaaat? It is right there on my machine! Who says I am not aloud to use? Googlegooglegoole. Clicking right click and giving rights to read and write and draw and bake. Not working. Something to clean up on sdcard. Re format. Not helping! Googlegooglegoogle. Finding some info of how to make it accessible. So now we are getting it working! Losetup loop loop! Access denied! Whaat? No right to make loop? I’m sudoing you know? Ever heard?

Not possible to mount! What is mounting (the thing mentioned on the script)? Googlegooglegoogle. So it is connecting it to device. But it is connected! Mount. Device is busy. Umount. No such file or path. Mount. Device busy. Umount… No mount point? What point? There is no point in this whole thing!!! Mount point. Googlegooglegoogle. Ok. So there is /dev/mmcblk0p2 and then there is the /media/etc.etc. So which is the mounting point? Googlegooglegoogle. Command mount! Shows that mounting is /media/etc. But the one thread said look system preferences. I click disks and then below partitions there are these +- and gears and click gears and there you see – the mounting point of the partition is something totally different! Googlegooglegoogle. Chown -R user:user plus /dev etc. After that suddenly the command sudo losetup loop0 works!

And scares me like…! There appears a new disk mounted with 6Gb! I didn’t stick anything to my computer! Is someone else on my computer? Googlegooglegoogle. Phew, it is a virtual disk and inside there is the content of the img file. I made it! Now just the next line to mount it to the location I want. Sudo mount loop -t ext4 etc. Aaargh. Access denied to write on sdcard! Whaaat??? Whyyyy??? Googlegooglegoogle. ”In linux we do things the difficult secure way”. Really? No one has rights to do anything unless you give rights. How am I going to give rights? What rights? Googlegooglegoogle. Chmod 777. Everything goes: read, write, whatever and whoever. I just want to make this happen. Trying to mount. Noooo! Are you root? I’m so roots man no one can be! Trying mount. Wrong fs type and super blocks and whaat? Need what helper programs? Feels I need them all! Googlegooglegoogle. Installinstallinstall utils etc. Did they help? NO!!!

To be continued in the next post (got feed back of being too long)...

Maemish 2019-02-16 09:35

Re: To amuse the community
Continued from previous post.

But what are these? Wrong fs type? Fstab. What is fstab? Googlegooglegoogle. Leafpad /etc/ etc. etc. and copy parameters from the net to get all rights in fstab and to have mounbt point there with all rights. Now it should work. Sudo mount loop… No. The whole partition vanished from the folder tree. Remove the parameters. But now I see there is suddenly many different folders on /media. I have created many virtual mounting disks without anything inside! And because they have got different names by my machine and I had got no clue of it I have tried the mounting with every time wrong mounting point path and it has created always a new one!

Use bleachbit with sudo and try to get rid of them and reboot and reconnect sdcard. Hah! They are gone! Let’s look inside sdcard. Nothing there. Back to media - and the wrong virtual disk folders are there again! NOOOO!!!! Googlegooglegoogle. Install pmount. No. Install kpartx and use with -a img but not undestanding what to do then. Just made some new mounting points and dev loops. Googlegooglegoogle. Rm devloop rm devloop rm devloop.

I give up! I try on windows. Download img file. Install 7zip. Un tar. Un zip. Un zip. It’s two a.m. and gonna wake up at six to work. And the 7zip is not doing it right. It needs to be done with losetup loop cause the img is a bit defferent. Sleep 4 hours. To work, open computer and start all over again. Doing same stuff. Nothing works. On a cafe next to me sits a guy, little over weight, hooded, beard, strong glasses. ”Are you a linux user?” Yes! OK, look, when I do this nothing happens as it should. ”Try typing this and that...” Guy looks how I try to find the right keys from a keyboard. ”Yes, I’m trying to install this hacker stuff on my phone”. I’m very convincing hacker. He starts to show me how I can use the keys in terminal to fill line with one clicks and stuff. A wizard! Never learned that magic! But no. Only thing I got from him was one humiliation more. At last think of updating system. On a cafe. With n900 hotspot. 2 hours just watching! After that went to spend time with my friend and decided to upgrade too. 3 hours! Now have spent on trying to sudo mount /dev/loop0 the content of the img to sdcard about 20 hours all together. Still not getting it done. But I have too partitions on sdcard. On the first is well working jessie through easy debbie (after I messed that up many times getting libc6 errors and many more after tried to first upgrade to get telegram desktop work without understanding what am I doing and then when I tried to install kali tools with katoolin by changing repos to kali sana without any success to get anything work).

Tomorrow is a new day. I will erase the whole sdcard, make one partition and start all over again. Maybe it was because of the block numbers of the partition? Who knows. I know only that I don’t.

juiceme 2019-02-16 16:24

Re: To amuse the community
OK hold your horses, in reality it is not that difficult!

One problem when following guides to do the more advanced stuff is that the people writing the guides don't even think about what could a newbie do wrong... when one has lived with this and breathed gnu stuff for tens of years one tends to forget every step is not self-evident to people still learning it...

But the good thing is that you are forced to learn really well when you try to figure out the why's yourself, that's the way to become a real hacker :cool:

endsormeans 2019-02-16 17:52

Re: To amuse the community
I still don't think you get it maemish.
Just chopping a huge post into 2 ...ain't cutting it.

If you expect help.
If you expect to help others with a post of instruction (and its great to do it explaining along the way what didn't work)
If you expect others to read it and understand even ...

Then :

- Cut the superfluous crap
(save it for a different post...not one for help or instructions)

- Keep it tight sentence structure and concept -wise .
(sure somethings may need perhaps lengthier explanation to make
it understood to the new maemo folks who follow you and need
help...thats ok...but keep it as tight as possible.

- Use SOME kind of delineating structure to your explanation /
- Bullet form
"Step 1(a)" format
for each segment of the process...

ANY method to keep it simple for the reader to follow and implement.
It's ok if a particular segment that needs explaining at length is necessary.
Just keep to a format that people can "refer" to...
Not dig or sift or hunt through.

It does a disservice to those needing help your help on the topic in question, and looking in your post for it.
It does a disservice to yourself and others, who have to dig through your post to help you.

(hahaha...funny thing to all this..some folks here thought MY methods of explanation was bad!...yours Maemish....put mine to shame...)

pichlo 2019-02-16 18:51

Re: To amuse the community
Endso teaching how to write readable posts... Now I've seen everything! :D

Maemish 2019-02-16 21:24

Re: To amuse the community
So sorry for writing two confusingly. I really should have checked the header of my thread. If I would no how I would definately change it to "To a moose the community".

But seriously I appreciate your concern endsormeans (you have helped me so much here, even gave me the appropriate name) and I respect you sooooo much. When I'm done of messing while trying and not anymore just sharing my stupidity to a moose the community and show the truth of one member of the community I will definately try to ask help in the way you described, with a proper header and clearly outlined what is wrong, how and when and what I've tried. I have this problem that I'm not willing to give up untill I'm finished (I am finnish). Finished meaning I have not slept for many days and have got myself bad heart problems. And the worst thing is I don't have in my head any folders for computer stuff. if I read anything about worldviews, religion, psychology, philosophy or such everything is connected to previous knowledge and there are the mounting points ready for every folder and file etc. But this linux stuff is like water on a goose, nothing stays or connects to anything and can't make sense of what affects on what and how things work. I'm doing this like jumping from the plane with a parachute and then trying to figure out how it works before hitting the ground.

Starting this thread with this header was my way to answer that call "do not write off topic". Cause I tend to write stuff like that I thought that when people see the header they understand not to look after anything relevant informasion under there. Just to be amused or not, depending what they like the posts. So my thread tries to clean up the forum.

pythoneye2 2019-02-17 00:36

Re: To amuse the community
You may facing known problems.

some newer ext4 filesystems doesnt mount on maemos old kernel.
try "dmesg" after your "sudo mount loop -t ext4" and see its output.
Dont mess with /etc/fstab until you have a working solution with mount. (fstab uses mount)
Your "Chown -R user:user plus /dev" scares me.

maemo uses busybox losetup witch is missing the useful --partscan "-P" option.
So if you img contains partitions you cant do the following.
(On modern linux you can just use losetup -fP <absolute path to img> and you get all partitions like /dev/loop9p1 etc)

commands to mount a "partition image" file under maemo:
sudo gainroot
# prints first free loop device
losetup -f
# you can replace /dev/loop9 with the output from above
losetup /dev/loop9 <absolute path to img>
mount -t ext4 /dev/loop9 <path to dest mount point>
# on error watch "dmesg" !

# cleanup
umount /dev/loop9
losetup -d /dev/loop9

In the bright future maybe
"Better loop mounts with NBD"
is coming and may allow users to get stuff done ;)

if you have a hard drive image with partitons just boot to a more modern distro like devuan or leste on your n900.

endsormeans 2019-02-17 00:58

Re: To amuse the community
hahaha ....I know right?
the irony is palpable ..
(but when it comes to explaining process / instruction I am all business and the fun rambling chat ceases)

The whole "feeling bad" stuff here..and "looking up to" (well it depends on how short you are Maemish..)...and "won't do whatever anymore ..."

Cut the bullsh#t.

This is about more than just yourself here...
Or what I want
Or my ego or yours.

at no point did I infer you can't write fun rambling stuff.

But do it in any other post than one you are:
#1 - trying to explain all you have so far done wrong in getting something to work, and require some help from others in figuring it out.
#2 - showing a process that may inevitably be helpful to others for solutions THEY need.

If you work out the example problem you are dealing with...
in a fun and conversationally rambling way...
Exactly how much help are you going to be for the next guy who needs a solution and looks to your 40 pages for an answer inside it that may take up a paragraph in actual uncluttered step by step direction?

Write fun all means.
But when posting process or instruction ..that is the time to be controlled, exacting, and all business

endsormeans 2019-02-17 01:03

Re: To amuse the community
take how pythoneye has written instruction.
tight and clean.
step by step
One step per line of posted conversation. ( or spaces between or bullet points or whatever)
No fluff, no stories, no anecdotes, save it for later ...after the grunt work is done...

Be the point.

save the fun chat for afterwards.

If you do the same with each of your trials and errors ..
Then they can easily be studied to see where or what you are omitting
or where you are mistyping
or where you have done something wrong.
And those who can help,
can easily see the issue and help you faster.

Maemish 2019-02-17 09:10

Re: To amuse the community
I really don't get it. I purposely made a thread with a header "To amuse..." it to be clearly separated from posts where people either ask questions or give instructions. I put this thread under community instead of a proper place if I would have wanted to get help. In the beginning of both of my posts under this thread I have first clearly explained the reason for the post (which was not either asking help or to give instructions). I have done my best. Have others got it? And because of this I honestly said to you endsormeans that when I'm done trying my best and wan't to get help - I will certainly do it how you said it should be done. There is no ego stuff in my posts. I'm not pissed off of your posts. It just seems that for some reason this time you misunderstood the meaning of my post and this thread . So from my point of view it seems you are giving wrong instructions to this thread which was meant to only to amuse, not to ask or give instructions. I really hope you get this so we don't have to argue about something there really isn't at all and that you wont get too annoyed on me. But of course this kind of arguing may seem amusing if someone sees it right. Hope we get this cleared. If this kind of thread is not aloud - to just amuse - which I thought would be a good thing so no one would be annoyed of messing with real threads... and then I get instructions to write clear guestions and instructions on this thread which is not about doing something like that... and the one giving these is you endsormeans... I mean there is some irony here. Tell amusing stories in real threads - others get annoyed. Tell stories in a thread only made to amuse by telling stories - endsormeans says I need not to do so. I can't explain it more clearly. If someone undedrstands my point I would hope it would be expressed. Or did everyone miss what I am doing?

I genuinly hoped that you endsormeans would have here done freely what in any other thread is not supposed to do. And then it went like this. Or then you are just pulling me off and laughing cause I take it seriously what you are doing. There seems to be a need for some people just to have fun once in a while and this I thought would be a good place. A thread just for that. Should I have put some smileys on the header?

endsormeans 2019-02-17 09:34

Re: To amuse the community
The entirety of your posted attempt at getting specific results and again and again with question marks at the end of queries ...essentially asking "Where or what am I doing wrong?"

Is either :

or ..

If not A... as you are stating now that your entire post...its contents...the trial and error you are doing....
And the way you are asking for help....right down to punctuation..
isn't actually asking for help at all...
But meant purely as rhetorical questions to yourself...
And the entirety of said post was meant only to amuse.

Then ..

It must be

B- you are engaging in mental and (since this is a forum of discussion) social masturbation.

Whether A or B..
I am not impressed ..

We are either mistaking words like "what am I doing wrong?" face value as asking for help..
And we are idiots for doing so since you now are stating the questions you posed are purely rhetorical.
And pointing to the header to justify it.


We are idiots applauding your brilliant navel gazing attempt at amusing us.

Either way...
I'm done....

Seacrest out!

Maemish 2019-02-17 09:43

Re: To amuse the community
Ooops. So sorry. This went down the sewer it seems. No idiots around. Just misunderstanding I think. Darn. And the only guy I had in jmind while writing this, whom I hoped to just fly with words as usual and have fun, is not having fun at all. My bad. Still ironic. Has anyone got it, anyone?

ajalkane 2019-02-17 09:55

Re: To amuse the community

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1554095)
Have othes got it?

I had no trouble understanding your intent with the post. But that could of course be because I'm also finnish.

Carry on. This thread has turned out to be even more amusing.

juiceme 2019-02-17 09:59

Re: To amuse the community
No no, I am very amused by your endeavours!
As I said before, it is the trial and error and going the wrong way following instructions written by people who assume some specific level of knowledge which after all is not self-evident, however much we think it is!

---------- edit ----------
@ajalkane beat me to it :D

Maemish 2019-02-17 10:08

Re: To amuse the community
I wonder what did I do differently this time compared to the first post under this thread? There were also question marks and I got haha as a reply. This time no haha. Gonna be really carefull with my next post.

endsormeans 2019-02-17 11:38

Re: To amuse the community
Crap man...
This place isn't about impressing me...
(Even though it is a great idea..)
Otherwise the place would be called Talk Endsormeans...
Not Talk Maemo.

Impressing me isn't something I desire...
Frankly I would rather you be a grumpy argumentative POS...
like say...juiceme or pichlo...

What really impresses me are folks who help,
Help existing and new members,
Who contribute ...who come up with solutions...
Or techniques or patches or programs or workarounds ..etc.

THAT helps keep our community and our devics relevant ..
And makes us a community in how we work together.

And yes...
larking about is fun...
I enjoy it as much as the next guy...

But it isn't a standalone imperative ...
unto itself....
for me.

And if your last trial and error was indeed meant at humour...
Then it is quite the masochistic sense of humour you have ....
to work yourself into such a state for the amusement of others.

For me ...3 stooges where its at for destructive humour...
Or python...

But I cannot say I enjoy another banging their head over and over trying to work something out ...and say its funny. Rather natural inclination is to ask if help is needed.

But its your sense of humour ...

juiceme 2019-02-17 13:07

Re: To amuse the community

Originally Posted by endsormeans (Post 1554102)
Impressing me isn't something I desire...
Frankly I would rather you be a grumpy argumentative POS...
like say...juiceme or pichlo...

/me tips hat You're welcome :p

Maemish 2019-02-17 15:15

Re: To amuse the community
After trying to give proper rights to mount points in terminal ended up destroying that much stuff that there came a lot of citical errors and had to start to install the whole system fresh. But problems came cause the system didn't recognize the usb boot anymore. Finally got it working and installed ubuntu mate on my Nokia Booklet 3G, the best friend of linux.

Wikiwide 2019-02-18 06:45

Re: To amuse the community
Maemish, yes, I got the point of the thread. Somewhat. As in, trying to speak aloud about your attempt to do something [instead of bottling it up], and finding amusement [instead of irritation] in ongoing troubles, and sharing this amusement with others. And trying to finally achieve whatever you set out to do, by your own means [since asking for help would probably diminish the educational value of the ordeal].

I am not Finnish, I am Russian [originally] ;-) It can be funny to try to pull a huge weed out of the ground, and finding it difficult, and spending hours doing it, and yet sharing the amusement with onlookers instead of getting angry or giving up.

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

Marshall Banana 2019-02-18 16:27

Re: To amuse the community
I'm very amused, thx alot for your posts!

Struggling at reaching a goal that seems to surpass your current skillset and to continue despite repeated setbacks might not be the most successful strategy in short term. But imho it is the best way to learn something new.

Maemish 2019-02-21 15:18

Re: To amuse the community
I have started using linux over 10 years ago, modded and flashed an erickson phone to look like iphone, modded android phone, installed maybe 15 different linux distros (tinycore, puppy, crunchbang, bodhi, slitaz, sparky, subgraph, kali, lubuntu, jolicloud, etc.) to different aged laptops (96Mb ram upward) which all have had their own problems with graphic cards or wifis etc. Yet it has all this time stayed as a mystery to me what are these: bin, dev, etc, initrd, lib, opt, proc, root, sbin, srv, sys, usr, var etc.

I have modified many .conf files and messed around with xorg and all kinds of stuff but just by googling and copypasting according to the instructions I have found. I have now started to think that now after using linux over 10 years it could be time to start to learn those things cause in this forum it would give me a better standpoint on discussions. I don't have friends who use linux and I have never before been a member on any linux site so there has not been a need for understand things, just to use them. And I think that knowing these mysterious things would give me some benefit while I try to mod this N900. What do you think? Should I try to learn what is behind this stuff or is it just a waste of time?

juiceme 2019-02-21 15:52

Re: To amuse the community
Yes, definitely! :)
Search for "linux filesystem hierarchy" and "linux standard base" for starters to get hints on what these mysterious things on your disk are :D

endsormeans 2019-02-21 15:59

Re: To amuse the community
You just posted 2 things

#1 - You just posted a long rhetorical question that you also answered in the same post.

#2 - You explained the fact that since Linux is based on how the particular functions and structure work, and since Maemo works on the same structure ...
whether or not it is worth understanding it.
It is a moot point you have argued.

If you wish validation or affirmation.

It is obviously not necessary to know....
if one wishes to simply "use" an n900....and simply "use" maemo apps available.
Then, of course, one is limiting oneself...
to only what is able to do within those parameters .

But...if one wants to do more, solve more, figure out more, fix more, etc...

It helps to learn more.

Also...remember it isn't a race or contest ...
It isn't necessary to sit down and learn everything all at once ...pouring over "how to's"
Learning as it is needed for whatever one is working on makes more sense than filling one's brain with stuff not needed until it is needed.

Maemish 2019-02-27 09:43

Re: To amuse the community
Text written to amuse, not to ask instructions or as a guide how to do things. You have been warned. Read with your own risk.


I wanted to get whatsapp, Instagram and Telegram on ED Jessie. I always do the mistake that I start with Telegram. And when trying to get it you need to edit sources.list .

I like leafpad but everytime (I have had to reinstall ED many times)when I try to install it it states something about some contrab and statoverride error. I have found an instruction to delete statoverride file/folder as well as some lock fie/folder and then I can install leafpad with apt-get.

But cause I don't know how to install telegram with right way with depencies I wan't to install gdebi. Untill that I have had only dbus and x11 errors shown with update. After gdebi there comes more, dpkg and such which are a bit annoying but I'll manage if I still can install stuff.

Then comes the telegram part. I look for possible repositories which have either .deb packages with telegram or armhf repos. Those I find from Raspberry Pi and odroid forums. Then I add all the repositories and update and try to install telegram.

If not found I look for downloadable packages, download them and then search for answers how to open them with tar and install and launch.

Many times at this point there are some dependencie problems as well as installing error stating that this is not configured and that is dependent of this and not installed, all hindering me from achieving my goal so I search how to fix such. -f install and --fix-missing do something, chown -R and chmod rights are needed for some (don't really know what they do but hope they'll do good for me), and the more sources you have the more good they do, right?

Latest found was aptitude -t and how to fetch stuff from backports repo (isn't that a miracle medicin for fixing dependencie errors?) and wow how apti-dude, my new friend, is trying to fix my problems like a pro! And just to make sure nothing is preventing my img to be fixed no root password!

Someone may wonder am I not scared to mess my device? Of course not! Cause in ED instructions it said something like that there is no problem cause you can just delete the image and reinstall it and your device is safe.

Now I'm not anymore sure it is like that. I have suddenly error on maemo side with package manager saying there are unsupported stuff from some outside sources. My Jessie is not working as should, all kinds of settings suddenly missing and messed, update gives dbus, x11, dpkg, gdebi, gconf2 and some other errors.

But I got chromium 57, whatsapp and instagram working (!!!) - which is to succeed on compromising the device which makes me feel I'm an abuser and molestor. But now I know how to do it! Now just in need to flash my device and start from a clean table and this time, this time I'm not gonna do same mistakes!

Yeah, for sure. Learning curve keeps circling but ain't that how the universe is made, an endless spiral seen in everywhere and in everything? Why should I be something else, some boring line from A to B?

The End

Maemish 2019-03-01 15:37

Re: To amuse the community
Becoming a hacker: The hard way.

I told before in this thread how I used over 20 hours trying to get kali img mounted to sdcard with losetup loop without success. Now I was finally able to spare couple of hours trying it again. Almost nothing had stuck in my mind from previous effort copy pasting scripts to terminal to get priviledge to read and write to sdcard or over the img so I had to google them again. I have now started to think that it could be wise to save these scripts somewhere but not yet got that done.

This is part of the instructions which I have followed.

1. On your PC/laptop issue the following commands:
sudo losetup /dev/loop0 /where/your/.img/file/is -o 128974848
sudo mount -o loop -t ext4 /dev/loop0 /where/you/want/to/mount/kali
sudo mount -t devpts devpts /where/you/mounted/kali/dev/pts
sudo mount -t proc proc /where/you/mounted/kali/proc
sudo mount -t sysfs sysfs /where/you/mounted/kali/sys

These commands will mount kali image file on your PC's/laptop's

Again I used two hours to get these two lines to work. After two hours (with the previous over twenty which I have spent with these) I finally managed to make them work - and understood why it didn't work before. Just started laughing to myself.

So the reason for my failure has been partly because I don't know what I'm doing and partly how it is said in the instruction about the path to the img. By the way, I really suggest that if anyone is giving instructions more publicly and writes as everybody normally writes /the/path/to/the/file/you/want/to/mount you should always add an example path after that. It helps so much. But even though justmemory who has really really tried to help me have used these example paths it didn't help.

The reason for my failure was misunderstanding. I had got in my mind that these two lines are enough to do what we are after: move the img files in open form to sdcard.

sudo losetup /dev/loop0 /where/your/.img/file/is -o 128974848
sudo mount -o loop -t ext4 /dev/loop0 /where/you/want/to/mount/kali

I had never before bumped into mysterious losetup so I thought this dude is mighty with powers and can do magic to img file and then just loop and its opened in the sdcard.

And because of this understanding of mine when in the instruction it says on the line two /where/you/want/to/mount/kali I put the path to the sdcard partition where I wanted it to be.

Do you see the problem?

I have been all the time made a loop mount point with the same name which I have named the sdcard partition where I have then tried to mount it. I just didn't get it the last time because I thought that I'm already trying to copy img to sdard (now I understand that this is not yet that far). And all the time there appeared a mounting point folder with the same name named folder as which was my sdcard mount point name. And because of that I always changed the name of the sdcard but it just did it again and in the end I had mountpoint folders named kali, kalini, kalia, kalaa. etc. cause didn't want to change the name too much. It just drived me crazy! I was haunted by my own computer who was mocking me by creating these folders. And in reality I was fighting against my own stupidity. Started to make sense all the errors I got: device busy (so I umount sdcard but in reality umount the loop mount point with the files) and then get error can't find file, no such directory etc.

But it took about 25 hours for me to start to really think what am I doing instead of just copy pasteing. In my mind started to first time form a folder which has a name linux terminal on it. From this day it is possible that some of this stuff could start to stay in my mind a bit longer.

Being persistent without real knowledge of things you want to do and try to do is a pain in the ... well, the whole body actually. Next line gave a bunch of errors though so I'm not through this yet. And just as a contrast I have masters degree and can comprehend and analyze very complex matters. But it is not masters degree in IT.

Becoming a hacker - may take a bit longer for me. Just can't wait to learn to throw some scripts and try to get access to some really serious places. My destiny is to be famous - but I think it ain't gonna happen the cool way.

justmemory 2019-03-01 19:10

Re: To amuse the community
You indeed did it in the hard way but I'm glad you are on the right path at your learning curve :)

Writing instructions about such things that are not meant to be as a starter for newbies... Quite hard you know because... well... these stuffs are not for newbies so if you do such things you may need some prerequisites and learning a lot. But you did your "homework" I think and you became a magician too :)

Maemish 2019-03-07 09:18

Re: To amuse the community
The longer they become. No one forces to read. Just for amusing purposes.

Got hacked - by my own N900!

My journey with chromium 57 on ED continues. And it got a bit tensious. I have now in 2-3 weeks flashed my device maybe 10 times (is there a limit before it says 'I'm done!'?). And installed ED maybe over 15 times. Why? Experimenting and messing around. Some does not install on ED so I a bit aptitude and a bit upgrade with different repos and bang - device has a hickup. And when I have flashed it doesn't go as it should (once device opened to fremantle with red squares filling the screen). And when I update I always have wrong repos set and there comes conflictions and can't do this or that.

Yesterday I managed to make a good install. Now I would get things work with chromium! But I have had my doubts with installing it from an unknown repo. Is it safe? Do there come unwanted passengers with the packages? And an outdated browser is not safe and after pm with one member I sought for sandbox and found that I can get firejail from jessie-backports and installed it without problems.

There has been another thing bothering me. I used to play with aircrack and installed injection drivers for it but it was like 10 flash since. But while I have browsed my device with ls -a in different places I found them on my device. I didn't put them there! Who did? The chromium?

So with many doubts I installed chromium. Normally I change the lxde desktop getting rid off the network status applet (cause don't know how to make it show cellular and not using wifi) and putting on one panel just what I wan't. But cause last install I lost my menu items execpt for logout and run I this time let it be as it is. I firejailed chromium open and it worked nice. Then I started to notice that the network applet shows occasionally green and blinks. Hah, so it pickes cellular after all. But it didn't really match up with what I was doing. Well I don't know how browser loads or such so no worries.

But then when I finished with my experiments I launched chromium without firejail and WHAM! I see my wifi status icon on fremantle launching and I see my device connecting my wpa2 protected wifi network without me giving any passwords!!! What??? Then I was in hurry. Close ED, disconnect N900 from network, open home laptop (which has f-secure vpn) and connect to router to change the admin and wifi passwords. Fiuu that was close!

Started to look the settings on my device and they had been changed to 'automatically connect to any wlan' and that was not my setting! And there are the injection drivers I have not installed! I was hacked by my own N900!!!

I felt so dissapointed with my loved one but still wanted to give it a change - and flashed again. THIS TIME I will check everything is done right. And not gonna port any settings from a backup as last time. Port settings from a backup? Hmm. I made that backup straight after flashing so there were default settings and after I had hassled with swap and overclocking I loaded the default settings - which changed my own connection settings back to default. Ok. It is possible that was the reason for changed settings. But the wifi password? That backup which I took from my laptop may have been much older one and may have had my wifi password cause i may have tried once the wifi connection. Ok. It may be so. But the injection drivers (which probably can't be used against me but which has a scary name)? First time I read what all is installed with Kernel Power which I have always installed after flashing. Ok. That is undeniable.

Now I have possible rational explanations why happened what happened. Now installing everything again from scratch. I just have to try is it chromium or was I hacked (again) by my own stupidity. I now know quite well though the procedure in what order to install things. After this try I will share the instructions on chromium 57 thread - or give a big warning if I'm hacked again.


a mere wannabee in many things

endsormeans 2019-03-07 09:44

Re: To amuse the community
As amusing as the post is...
I think that before you start pointing at a perceived exploit and hack of the n900,
you better be backing it up with some very detailed posted information from your device that that is actually happening.
As in exact detailed methods done...verbatim ..
and copy and pasted outputs.

as amusing as you are trying to be...
This is a very serious statement you are making...
It raises concern.
and it has broad and wide ranging ramifications...far beyond your initial intention.

Maemish 2019-03-07 13:28

Re: To amuse the community
As always your advices are acknowledged and will be followed under other threads. I will soon edit the first post under this thread to be even more clear of how to situate oneself with everything said under this thread my Maemish. I will probably add in every this kind of post a header stating for new readers to see the first post preface. Thank you again for your seriousness cause it always guides me to proper conduct in this forum and I really appreciate it. And I'm serious now. I will not sign this with Maemish which will be a mark of not to be taken seriously. I hope there is room for my presence of which one part I have tried to box here.

Edit: So far haven't happen again but I haven't yet surfed with chromium, only adjust some settings. But the 'rational 'causes' which I presented seem to be the reason for unnatural behaviour.

wicket 2019-03-07 13:45

Re: To amuse the community
I can't really say I'm surprised you got hacked. Running stuff like "chmod -R 777" over system directories? Running non-admin tasks as root? If it's any consolation, you're not the only one. I see many people doing this sort of thing all the time.

Oh, and then there's also this little Chromium 0-day:

It's generally not a good idea to run unsupported software, but if you you've got to do it, at least try to avoid running things that would tell a hacker, "Hi, come and get me!"

Maemish 2019-03-07 15:11

Re: To amuse the community
I'm trying to use this browser only for two services, using chrome data saver (the two services are already a compromize of privacy so chrome servers do not take away but give a certain amount of security add) and now trying to find right settings for firejail sanedbox which I installed from the jessie-backports. So no intention of using this to anything else than visiting/using two sites. And yes, the privacy matters in linux are not my best area. I just to use subgraph to secure my self but it was too difficult to mess around cause everything was behind something I didn't understand so here I am. Learning. Chmoding and chowing are things I just now learning not yet knowing exactly what they do. Now I have though learned that they do open many places and that I do not want. Trial and error.

Edit: I don't know yet how to do it but hoping to learn to restrict chromium access only to .cache, .config and some folder where I can stash images for downloading to internet. No need to download from internet anything.

And most probably did not got hacked except by myself messing with the settings from backup.

wicket 2019-03-07 15:53

Re: To amuse the community

Originally Posted by Maemish (Post 1554956)
I'm trying to use this browser only for two services, using chrome data saver (the two services are already a compromize of privacy so chrome servers do not take away but give a certain amount of security add) and now trying to find right settings for firejail sanedbox which I installed from the jessie-backports. So no intention of using this to anything else than visiting/using two sites. And yes, the privacy matters in linux are not my best area. I just to use subgraph to secure my self but it was too difficult to mess around cause everything was behind something I didn't understand so here I am. Learning. Chmoding and chowing are things I just now learning not yet knowing exactly what they do. Now I have though learned that they do open many places and that I do not want. Trial and error.

I have to applaud you for experimenting, it's the best way to learn. I'm glad you found and are using Firejail, it's a great little tool that not many know about and will certainly help in securing your apps, but it may not help if you're making general usage mistakes. It's interesting to see that you're using Subgraph OS too, which uses a sandboxing system called Oz, somewhat similar to Firejail. It's fundamentally flawed as users must declare beforehand which apps/programs they want to be sandboxed, it's implemented entirely in userspace and relies on a daemon. Both of these tools actually inspired my Master's thesis. I wanted a something that sandboxes processes with namespaces and seccomp automatically and couldn't be circumvented by taking down a daemon. So I took a Linux kernel with grsecurity and I modified the execve system call to sandbox all spawned processes. I then modified grsecurity's RBAC tool to allow whitelist system call and namespace policies to be applied. It was pretty much a proof of concept but it mostly worked.

Maemish 2019-03-07 16:19

Re: To amuse the community
Now I understand better how bad it must feel to you to read of my learning curve.

There is somewhere on this forum possibly a thread where I discribed my most stupid endeavour which led me to start to learn about linux and security. About 10 years ago and look how far I have made it! I use N900!

endsormeans 2019-03-07 16:45

Re: To amuse the community
I am not trying to be a buzzkill Maemish, nor insist you change your posts..
But saying around here "the n900 hacked me" ....casually...
is an alarming thing to say...
Like saying on a flight "I have a bomb"

For myself I can only speak...
(but I am guessing other n900 users as well ...)
but knowing exactly what you did ....
so as to avoid said issues.

Wicket is dead on the money concerning his post #32.
glad he showed and filled you in..
some things though fun to do aren't the safest...
We have some known weak spots to keep an eyeball on..
My concern was you found a big one.

Most important question is ...
"once your n900 was vulnerable...did they find your porn?"

Maemish 2019-03-07 18:26

Re: To amuse the community
They may only find pictures of me flashing to my N900. Have learned to flash with this device.

endsormeans 2019-03-07 18:33

Re: To amuse the community
bad enough ...

if there is evidence on your n900 of flashing...

Maemish 2019-03-07 18:41

Re: To amuse the community
The guy even got the same coat I'm wearing! Wait a minute... Was it you who got access on my beloved one? I remember that pose.

Maemish 2019-03-11 05:51

Re: To amuse the community
Optimizing your device

I have been doing this for years 'cause I never like to be slowed down. If I have a task and something is slowing me down I like to get rid of it - not the task but what is slowing me down. I have had many possibilities. I have changed the swap parameters, optimized performance to current task instead of saving resources for the backround programs, disabled all smoothing animations to get more rapid responses, disabled indexing, disabled all the update checks for both hardware drivers and programs, disabled automatic defragmentation, as an admin stopped all the services I didn't need, prevented most startup programs, disabled healthchecks and sanity checks from the hard drive, and run the machine like crazy 20 hours a day long periods of time. I have also started overclocking to the limits. I know what is the maximum limit for cpu but still try once and a while if I could hold a hundred more.

What I have gained? Where I have got myself? Not finding anymore files 'cause they are not indexed, the machine has become unstable and not being able to run hard tasks like before. And at last got myself heart problems. I started to think of this and understood that this my machine which I have used like this is now 43 years old. If I overclock it all the time, run 20 hours a day, disable all backround programs which have a purpose of keeping the machine in good shape, disable indexing and sanity checks, no wonder I start to forget things, not being able to do big tasks, and get sudden reboots.

I think it is time for me to slow down the machine and start to use it inside the factory limits and with the parameters ment for it. Not to run fast 10km sprints, multitask all the time with wrong nutrition and too little sleep. 43 years old machine and can't change it. Each year one year older. Sigh. The reality is sometimes so unpleasent place to live in.

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