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Texrat 2009-10-20 20:56

Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
A question for Quim: the current link for Brainstorm defaults to fremantle. I understand that is the general focus, but should always resolve automatically to ? What if we want to brainstorm about possibilities at a higher (or even lower) level?

qgil 2009-10-21 11:24

Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
This thread has the sole purpose of bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum and will be closed once we are done.

If you have questions about the use of this forum ask them here. We reckon things are not fluent or well documented at this point.

We need supermoderator powers to move here the following threads:

Brainstorm: MMS Support

Brainstorm: Landing in Brainstorm

Brainstorm: Maps integration

Brainstorm: Brainstorm discussion split between Brainstorm and Talk

Brainstorm idea: visitor routing/referral

Brainstorm: Make the browser feel more a part of the system

Brainstorm: contacts integration in calendar

Brainstorm: Improving the Brainstorm layout

Brainstorm: Increase opportunities for contribution

Brainstorm: Watching Brainstorm

Brainstorm: Developers should get karma based on the relevance of their software

Thank you!

I was thinking about moving here the threads discussing in free-form the Brainstorm tool itself. I tend to think that it's better to keep those in the Community forum (where all the related discussions are handled) in order to have this forum only to pure Brainstorm proposals. Except the sticky thread (that will have only the first post once we are done with it) and this own thread (that will be closed or even deleted when the bootstrapping is complete).

qgil 2009-10-21 11:27

Re: How to use this subforum
To anybody commenting here: once we have finished the drafting of the sticky topic all the comments will be deleted. You're warned.


Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 353155)
A question for Quim: the current link for Brainstorm defaults to fremantle. I understand that is the general focus, but should always resolve automatically to ? What if we want to brainstorm about possibilities at a higher (or even lower) level?

Landing in Brainstorm :)

mece 2009-10-21 11:39

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum
Here is another brainstorm thread:

Fast application launcher like quicksilver/gnome do

qgil 2009-10-21 11:44

Re: How to use Brainstorm
Sticky edited to provide more context and instructions.

anidel 2009-10-21 12:37

Re: How to use this subforum

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 353755)
To anybody commenting here: once we have finished the drafting of the sticky topic all the comments will be deleted. You're warned.

Landing in Brainstorm :)

This link is quite weird, Quim,:

Which one is the correct one?

EDIT: found it:

EDIT2: I see the error now :) The forum is shortening and adding "..." to the link, you copied&pasted it with the dots.
So, although mine shows dots, the actual link does not.

Sasler 2009-10-23 06:07

Re: How to use Brainstorm
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'm having some problems in editing this post:

I added the tag [Sandbox] in the title. In "Preview Changes" it is there, but when I click "Save Changes" there is no change in the actual title. However, when I try to edit it again, it is there. Am I doing something wrong? :confused:

qgil 2009-10-23 08:07

Re: How to use Brainstorm
Nothing wrong from your side. Apparently only moderators can edit the topic of a thread. Done.

Sasler 2009-12-03 11:37

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Hmm... Has something changed in Brainstorm or is it some kind of malfunction? :confused: There seems to be the possibility to vote for the idea now, which is really good. :) However, voting for solutions has disappeared, including all the votes cast for them. Is this done purposely?

qgil 2009-12-07 13:15

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Sasler (Post 407270)
Hmm... Has something changed in Brainstorm or is it some kind of malfunction? :confused: There seems to be the possibility to vote for the idea now, which is really good. :) However, voting for solutions has disappeared, including all the votes cast for them. Is this done purposely?

Sorry for not answering before, last week was more than hectic.

Now proposals in the Sandbox need a minimum of votes and at least one solution proposed (?) before being promoted automatically to Under Consideration. Solutions can be voted only when their proposals are Under Consideration. This way there is more time to propose solutions while being in Sandbox. Voters see as an average more solutions to evaluate, and not only the first one.

Flandry 2010-01-07 15:54

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Is anyone driving this train wreck? Ok, mixed metaphor or not, this subforum is full of entries not conforming to Brainstorm SOP and so is brainstorm itself. After reading through all three stickies, it seems all activity to clean up and otherwise make Brainstorm a useful tool (ie more focused and structured than the rest of t.m.o) ended in 2009.

Seems that brainstorm is bootstrapped so well it has completely run away from the purpose at hand.

Is there something i can do here to help fix this? Need someone not afraid to get blood on his hands? :P

Flandry 2010-01-07 16:42

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 457518)
Quim has been on vacation and I've been overloaded.

Ah, well that explains it then. And it's just a two man show?

If there's not a reason to keep the moderator count very low for brainstorm, i volunteer to help as time allows. I guess you had better explain how things are done if that is to happen, because my inclination is to just go through and delete all the one-post, structureless threads, and i suspect that's not the politically correct way. :D

Texrat 2010-01-07 16:43

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
I will put in a request to get you mod status and hope it goes through. I trust you. I've also asked chemist if he's interested.

chemist 2010-01-07 17:00

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 457554)
I will put in a request to get you mod status and hope it goes through. I trust you. I've also asked chemist if he's interested.

just do... I will dress up with my nice, black and worn BOFH t-shirt...

sjgadsby 2010-01-07 17:07

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 457549)
And it's just a two man show?

Yes, well, I should be helping more in this forum, but except in those rare cases when Texrat has specifically requested assistance, I've done little more here than delete offensive posts. I'm clearly failing the community in this, and I feel guilty about it, but I find the entire brainstorming process massively overwhelming and confusing. So, given a seemingly limitless supply of threads to move and merge in other forums, I've neglected this one. Sorry.

Texrat 2010-01-07 17:17

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Don't sweat it Stephen-- December was a rough month and this thing caught fire. I feel guilty for neglect too but it was this or community outreach and I made a judgment call.

Are you able to make Flandry and chemist moderators here or do I need to hit Reggie up?

RevdKathy 2010-01-07 17:25

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Who authorised Quim to take a holiday?? I didn't get the memo. OMG WTF Nokia should never allow this!!!

(Seriously, if there's anything I can do by spotting stuff and flagging it for attention, just yell. I visit most places pretty regularly)

chemist 2010-01-10 01:36

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
I think we need to categorize brainstorm at the forums, it will grow with time and we should think of a solution for it. automation progresses will be set up some time but till then we need another help. I didnt start a brainstorm as this is something mods should decide how they like to handle it for now.
I got no mod abilities so 'you' are still two... having p[re,ost]fixes for "asked for brainstorm item", "brainstorm setup but not linked in starting post" and "proper brainstorm entry" would be one idea.
additional subforums dividing "features", "programs", "" may be needed in future days to have better overview.

sjgadsby 2010-01-10 02:26

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 457614)
Are you able to make Flandry and chemist moderators here...

Well, 1. I'm not sure Reggie wants me promoting anyone, and 2. I don't see anything that would allow me to do so if I had the go-ahead.


...or do I need to hit Reggie up?

jukey 2010-01-19 15:23

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Can someone please set the subject of this thread from [Under consideration] SyncML support in Maemo5 to:"[In development] SyncML support in Maemo5!" The reason could be read there (see first solution):

Thanks :)

Helmuth 2010-01-20 13:47

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Could someone of the Moderators / Admins please decide how to merge 2 Brainstorms?

Is this a good Idea?
Should we keep up several ones for the same issue?
Could we add a redicretion link from the one (closed) to the other (still open) Brainstorm?
Or should we delete the second Brainstorm instead of a redirection?

Here is the first: Brainstorm 1
Here is the second: Brainstorm 2

And here a Discussion about how to merge: LINK

Flandry 2010-01-20 13:51

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
If it was up to me (ie a mod) to decide, i wouldn't be waiting for that long-winded discussion about it (in which you were taking quite active part, iirc). Welcome to governance by democracy with no official means of polling. ;)

Post this query in the "Ask the council" thread and see if you get farther than i did.

Texrat 2010-01-21 16:06

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
My previous reply was I'm ok with whatever Flandry thinks should be done. Go for it.

EDIT: if you don't have access to the actual Brainstorm tool, then we can rope EIPI in.

Flandry 2010-01-21 16:34

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Well TBH i got so overwhelmed with the morass of overlapping entries and uncertainty about what was acceptable to do to fix it that i've been doing other things on maemo than banging my head against the Brainstorm while waiting for what seemed like an impasse to resolve. Meanwhile, chemist has been spending a lot of time on it and demonstrating a lot more patience than i have. I would follow whatever lead he wants to set, as i think he probably has the best working knowledge of Brainstorm by far, and thus the best insight on what would work best.

Chemist, would you be willing to put together a brief summary of how the mods should handle Brainstorm? If we have any serious objections to it i guess we can hash them out; otherwise, i think it's time for coherent and consistent action.

Texrat 2010-01-25 18:12

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Understood Flandry. I'm still working on my process diagram along with other needs. Hope to have it soon.

qgil 2010-02-01 14:02

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here doesn't seem to have any related discussion thread. Can we create or reuse one?

Flandry 2010-02-01 14:59

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Originally Posted by qgil (Post 505112) doesn't seem to have any related discussion thread. Can we create or reuse one?

Original talk thread is here: N900 moderator needed to move it.

BTW, the quality of detail and discussion on this proposal is stunning. I hereby retract my opinion that we need to restrict the Brainstorm tool to Brainstorm "champions" in order to achieve some kind of order in Brainstorm.

I'm also selling the Brooklyn bridge, cheap.

I also moved a thread from Games for a Brainstorm proposal that had no thread in Brainstorm.

qgil 2010-02-01 19:51

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here

Indeed, some proposals are getting the 10 votes without much problems even if they are missing the basic quality requirements. This proposal about video calling is a good example.

Helmuth 2010-02-05 16:10

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Okay, I've got a new question:
Why is the Brainstorm "MicroB WebBrowser: possibility to scroll fast in long websites" still in Status Waiting [Sandbox]. The Brainstorm got the Carma 15.

With a Carma over 10 and more than 1 Solution for more than 1 Day a Brainstorm gets the Status [Under consideration] - is this correct or am I wrong? :confused:

Have I overlooked a detail? :rolleyes: Is something wrong or missing?

jukey 2010-02-10 21:04

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Please change the status tag in the topic of the thread:
to "[Implemented] SyncML support in Maemo5!" and please change also the status of the brainstom itself to implemented.

See first solution in brainstorm itself for the reason. :)

Thanks a lot!

PS.: I am unsure if the developer of syncevolution ever read the brainstom or the thread in this area of t.m.o but anyway it's unbelievably great to have a full working solution after less than a half year for this problem! :)

jacktanner 2010-02-17 19:19

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Not sure if this is the right place to ask... but is there any way to switch my thumbs-down vote for a solution to a thumbs-up vote? I clicked on the wrong thing... I meant to vote FOR porting cups to Maemo, not against it.

tempelis 2010-06-17 17:32

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Hello,I am new in the forum. I would like to know if is exist any app like the Psiloc eLog. A full call manager where u can control ur free talk time ect.

merkaba 2011-08-13 09:25

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
My Nokia N900 32GB internal memory is corrupt. I downloaded and installed flasher-3.5 on my laptop. I also downloaded the EMMC image and copied it in the same directory as the flasher3.5 .exe file.
I then typed the following

flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f

and this is what I get;
" flasher v2.5.2 <sep 24 2009>
RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin: %m "

What could be wrong. Could it be that the image is corrupt. I have downloaded the EMMC images several times and each time I get the same result.

Kindly Help

lahamann 2012-02-07 08:04

Re: Bootstrapping the Brainstorm forum - ask your questions here
Hi, sorry about that. its my fault cause I only read the title. carry on then. not really demanding an application. but just throwing around an idea and if such an app exists. anyway thanks

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