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otsaloma 2016-05-28 15:26

[Announce] Poor Maps

Poor Maps is an application for Sailfish OS to display tiled maps (e.g. OpenStreetMap), places and routes with a flexible selection of data and service providers.

Offline maps, search and routing is possible with OSM Scout Server. Poor Maps will list OSM Scout Server among the providers if you have it installed. For it work, you'll also need to have the server running and a map database on your device. See the OSM Scout Server documentation for details.

Download at OpenRepos.

Source code and issue tracker at GitHub. Translations at Transifex.

Donations appreciated:

nodevel 2016-05-29 13:56

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Thanks for the update!

Just curious - why did you delete the old thread (can be found here) and all your posts on TMO? Or was it someone else who deleted it?

otsaloma 2016-05-29 16:51

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1506465)
Just curious - why did you delete the old thread (can be found here) and all your posts on TMO? Or was it someone else who deleted it?

A moderator deleted all my posts and all threads started by me and gave me an infinite ban. Why? I don't know. An admin let me back in, but said posts are too difficult to safely recover.

peterleinchen 2016-05-29 17:01

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Glad you are back and re-opening this one ...
(what kind of weirdness did happen here?)

juiceme 2016-05-29 17:12

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
It was some kind of weirdness that should have not happened but did :eek:

There was a spamfest attack last week and moderators were struggling with it, killing off the spam as fast as they could. (You probably noticed it, at least I saw 20 new messages come in inside few minutes and then disappear...)

There's a gadget in moderators toolbox that allows for them to fireban spammers quickly by removing their account instantly if needed, and misfiring the thing got Otsaloma deleted by accident. Somehow more strange is that the tool should only work with recently-created accounts but it still did, even as his account is an old one!

nodevel 2016-05-29 17:44

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1506473)
A moderator deleted all my posts and all threads started by me and gave me an infinite ban. Why? I don't know. An admin let me back in, but said posts are too difficult to safely recover.

I am sorry to hear that!

I was waiting with updating, as I worried your account might have been hijacked. Glad to hear that's not the case, but this is unfortunate too.

On the bright side, you're now an owner of what's most likely the account with the highest Thanks / Post ratio on this forum :D

pichlo 2016-06-08 19:31

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1506473)
A moderator deleted all my posts and all threads started by me

That must be why I could not find the post I was looking for. I recently upgraded my car head unit from one with just the radio and the CD player to one with about a million functions including a kitchen sink. Amongst other things, it also does navigation. Which is what has brought me here. I recalled that there was a discussion here somewhere about what units to use apart from metric. This new unit of mine used miles/feet by default and it just felt so alien that I was going to switch to metric, despite all the road signs being in miles. Luckily there were three options: metric, miles/feet and miles/yards, just like you eventually concluded :)

otsaloma 2016-09-04 14:24

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Version 0.25 available at OpenRepos.
  • Fix padding, spacing, icon sizes and font sizes to work better across different size and different pixel density screens
  • Move the menu button to the bottom center of screen
  • Use Mapbox's navigation icons
  • Add scale filters to a pulldown menu in the basemap page
  • Remove MapQuest Open tile source as tiles are no longer available
  • Add @2x variants of OpenCycleMap and Thunderforest Transport
  • Include scale in all tile source names, including @1x
  • Remove Nominatim geocoders
  • Add OpenCage and Photon geocoders and make OpenCage the default
  • Use the latest version of the OSRM router API
  • Make Mapzen Turn-by-Turn the default router
  • Indicate in lists of providers which is the default one
  • New design for HSL Journey Planner results page
  • Handle initial centering and zoom level better on first startup if positioning data not available
  • Raise API connection timeout to 15 seconds

Some notes about the tilesource scale updates. @1x devices and single-scale providers are getting rare, hence the changes.


Include scale in all tile source names, including @1x
This also means that if you have a symlinked cache shared across map apps or a precious huge archive of tiles, you might need to manually rename your directory or symlink. e.g. OpenStreetMap tiles used to be cached under ~/.cache/harbour-poor-maps/openstreetmap, but are now under ~/.cache/harbour-poor-maps/openstreetmap_@1x. I didn't add any migration for this, but any possible cache expiration and tile purging applies to obsolete directories as well.


Add scale filters to a pulldown menu in the basemap page
If you have configured additional tile sources of your own (under ~/.local/share/harbour-poor-maps/tilesources), note that the new filtering is based on tile source names (not the scale field!), so you might want to add @1x or @2x to the names of your tile sources.

otsaloma 2016-11-01 20:31

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Version 0.26 available at OpenRepos.
  • Add OSM Scout Server offline tiles, geocoder, nearby search and router – only listed in Poor Maps if you have OSM Scout Server installed and will only work if the server is running and you have made OpenStreetMap data available for the server (rinigus)
  • Increase download thread count to match CPU core count for localhost (offline) tile servers
  • Increase download timeout for localhost (offline) connections
  • When navigating, make centering and auto-centering on position center the position on the part of the map visible below the navigation narrative, and further, if auto-rotate is on, center lower so that more map is shown ahead than behind (#14)
  • When navigating, auto-rotate to match the route polyline instead of bearing calculated from GPS data, which should make the map rotate faster after a turn (#13)
  • Fix smoothing of maneuver node icons along the route polyline
  • Fix removing an item from search history to not show the removed item in the UI after refiltering

Thanks to rinigus, we have a sensible, modular solution for offline maps in the form of OSM Scout Server. Thanks also to Martin for repeatedly arguing in favor of a modular solution both here and at TJC. You can pester rinigus about how to actually set it up. It's somewhat alpha-quality, but the integration in Poor Maps should be stable, meaning no new releases of Poor Maps should be needed to make use of improvements in the server.

rinigus 2016-11-02 08:01

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
@otsaloma - thank you very much for adding the support to the server and all additions that you made to make navigation with Poor Maps better!

MartinK 2016-11-02 23:17

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1517867)
Thanks also to Martin for repeatedly arguing in favor of a modular solution both here and at TJC.

Thanks, I'm glad I could help! :)

Now back to making this actually useful also for modRana users. :D

otsaloma 2016-11-20 02:27

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
OpenStreetMap Funding Drive 2016, a bit more left to go:

otsaloma 2016-11-27 00:45

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Updated RPM available for early access users of Sailfish OS 2.0.5 "Haapajoki". Not compatible with previous Sailfish OS releases.

pagis 2016-11-27 10:42

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1519454)
Updated RPM available for early access users of Sailfish OS 2.0.5 "Haapajoki". Not compatible with previous Sailfish OS releases.

hello, I got a dependency problem:

Fatal error: nothing provides qt5-plugin-geoservices-here


nodevel 2016-11-27 12:59

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by pagis (Post 1519464)
hello, I got a dependency problem:

Fatal error: nothing provides qt5-plugin-geoservices-here


As usual, you need to refresh your repositories first with

pkcon refresh

robthebold 2016-12-02 23:02

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1519467)
As usual, you need to refresh your repositories first with

pkcon refresh

I'm having the same install dependency error as pagis, and refreshing repos didn't do it.

Now I'm entirely new to Sailfish, which I just installed under MultiROM on a OnePlus One. And my last experience using RPM packaging was about 13 years ago. And the Sailfish port was missing a few things to start with that I had to install manually -- so I think it's possible that I just don't have the right repository enabled. I can do a pkcon search for "qt5-plugin-geoservices" and not find the "here" package but the "nokia" and "osm" ones are found (in installed state, btw).

I running the community port of Sailfish by yacuken on the forums.

Ideas anyone? Thanks.

otsaloma 2016-12-03 00:58

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1519869)
I running the community port of Sailfish by yacuken on the forums.

If you have Sailfish OS 2.0.4.x or earlier, then use Poor Maps 0.26, if you have Sailfish OS 2.0.5.x or later, then use Poor Maps 0.26.205. This is due to the Nokia plugin being renamed HERE plugin. As far as I can tell, I can't easily work around that and support both.

If you use Warehouse, it might not be convenient that the latest RPM is not compatible with your OS version. I don't use Warehouse myself, I don't know what to do about that. You can try asking in the Warehouse thread.

robthebold 2016-12-03 01:42

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1519871)

If you use Warehouse, it might not be convenient that the latest RPM is not compatible with your OS version. I don't use Warehouse myself, I don't know what to do about that. You can try asking in the Warehouse thread.

Thanks. I appreciate the response. Not what I'd hoped to learn, but at least it's no longer a mystery. I'll see what I can figure out in the Warehouse thread. As a user of a community port device, the Jolla store isn't an option. (Jolla fancies itself as the pretty girl in the midst of the chess club/glee club/AV club of community port devices, and we're too 'grody-to-the-max' to even talk to.)

If I find out something useful in this situation, I'll post it.

otsaloma 2016-12-03 01:53

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1519872)
As a user of a community port device, the Jolla store isn't an option.

Poor Maps isn't even available at the Jolla store, so the alternative to Warehouse is to install packages manually. Just open the web browser, tap the RPM link at OpenRepos or GitHub and tap again at the downloads list to install.

robthebold 2016-12-03 02:48

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1519873)
Poor Maps isn't even available at the Jolla store, so the alternative to Warehouse is to install packages manually. Just open the web browser, tap the RPM link at OpenRepos or GitHub and tap again at the downloads list to install.

Eureka! picking the 2nd latest build (0.26-1) on website, rather than using the warehouse app did it. Thanks.

Looks great, thanks very much!

juiceme 2016-12-03 10:24

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by robthebold (Post 1519872)
As a user of a community port device, the Jolla store isn't an option. (Jolla fancies itself as the pretty girl in the midst of the chess club/glee club/AV club of community port devices, and we're too 'grody-to-the-max' to even talk to.)

Jolla devices are not the only pretty girls in the company, my Hammerhead/SFOS is a top girl too :p

bomo 2016-12-05 07:23

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Are there already plans to have routing announcements e.g. via TTS?

How can i donate to the dev(s) of this great project ?

otsaloma 2016-12-05 14:32

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by bomo (Post 1520017)
Are there already plans to have routing announcements e.g. via TTS?

Text to speech? To my knowledge, there's no such thing in the Sailfish platform. I once tried espeak, which someone had packaged and distributed at OpenRepos. On about the fifth call, it crashed the whole OS, so it didn't seem ready for use. It would be fairly easy for me to add TTS calls to navigation, finding a working TTS library/program is the difficult part.


Originally Posted by bomo (Post 1520017)
How can i donate to the dev(s) of this great project ?

I don't currently need donations. I'm all right and we're currently on free of charge plans with all service providers due to the low user count.

Apparently Qt 5.6 is going to be in the next update. That will probably result in Poor Maps being allowed at the Jolla store, which could bump the user count maybe tenfold and thus bring costs with the service providers. I'd prefer to cover the service costs by simply charging for the app, but while Jolla still doesn't have payment systems in place, I'll likely ask for donations. (7b)

taixzo 2016-12-05 16:19

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1520038)
Text to speech? To my knowledge, there's no such thing in the Sailfish platform. I once tried espeak, which someone had packaged and distributed at OpenRepos. On about the fifth call, it crashed the whole OS, so it didn't seem ready for use. It would be fairly easy for me to add TTS calls to navigation, finding a working TTS library/program is the difficult part.

The issue with espeak, as currently packaged, is that it crashes while trying to output to a sound device. In Saera, I work around this by having espeak write to STDOUT instead, and piping that to gstreamer. This can be done via:


espeak --stdout "Some text" | gst-launch-1.0 -q fdsrc ! wavparse ! audioconvert ! pulsesink
A similar approach can be used with flite. The main issue with flite is that it cannot output to STDOUT - or, for that matter, any pipe, due to how it interacts with file handlers - but it can write to a file; so my approach here is to have flite save to a file and then have gstreamer play that file. Command line for this is:


flite -t "Some text" -o /tmp/out.wav && gst-launch-1.0 -q filesrc location=/tmp/out.wav ! wavparse ! pulsesink
Finally, I would like to mention that for anyone looking for a TTS-enabled GPS solution on SFOS, there is one in development in Saera (and should be released soon).

otsaloma 2016-12-05 17:04

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Thanks taixzo, your approach makes sense.

What is a TTS-enabled GPS solution?

taixzo 2016-12-05 17:08

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1520043)
What is a TTS-enabled GPS solution?

Something that gives point-to-point GPS directions via text to speech. Saera is not a mapping app, but it does give turn by turn verbal directions if you ask it to.

rinigus 2016-12-05 19:03

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
@otsaloma, from reading @taixzo messages, it seems to me that its possible to pre-synthesise the routing messages and just play them from a file at the right moment. Since you have the data for the whole route, there should be plenty of wall time to do that. You would even have an advantage of knowing how long each phrase is. Note that since /tmp is mounted on tmpfs you could even do it without any need of writing it to storage...

I have never looked into the sound part, but I presume its easy to play it from the file.

Would that help to implement spoken instructions?

taixzo 2016-12-05 19:31

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Pre-synthesis isn't really necessary on modern phones. In my tests on Jolla 1, flite synthesizes at about 25x playback speed, with a fairly processor-intensive voice; espeak is even faster, at ~100x. Even for very long directions, the audio is generated in under half a second worst-case.

otsaloma 2016-12-05 19:57

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Agreed, as far as I know, the technical solution is no more complicated than just calling the above commands with some predefined advance before each maneuver.

But there's other stuff prioritized ahead: Finnish public transport routing (because I need it myself!), i18n, Qt 5.6 and Jolla store.

bomo 2016-12-06 22:16

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1520038)

I don't currently need donations. I'm all right and we're currently on free of charge plans with all service providers due to the low user count.

Apparently Qt 5.6 is going to be in the next update. That will probably result in Poor Maps being allowed at the Jolla store, which could bump the user count maybe tenfold and thus bring costs with the service providers. I'd prefer to cover the service costs by simply charging for the app, but while Jolla still doesn't have payment systems in place, I'll likely ask for donations.


will the app remain open source if it goes commercial ?

bomo 2016-12-08 17:36

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by otsaloma (Post 1520038)

I don't currently need donations. I'm all right and we're currently on free of charge plans with all service providers due to the low user count.

Apparently Qt 5.6 is going to be in the next update. That will probably result in Poor Maps being allowed at the Jolla store, which could bump the user count maybe tenfold and thus bring costs with the service providers. I'd prefer to cover the service costs by simply charging for the app, but while Jolla still doesn't have payment systems in place, I'll likely ask for donations.

Will the app remain open source when it's goes commercial ?

otsaloma 2016-12-08 18:43

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps

Originally Posted by bomo (Post 1520254)
Will the app remain open source when it's goes commercial ?

I don't expect Jolla to add support for paid apps anytime soon. Even if/when they do, I'd be looking to cover service charges, not charge for the app itself, so I don't see any reason to change the licensing. If really necessary, the worst thing I'd do is take the API keys out of the source tree and only add them during RPM build.

otsaloma 2016-12-13 21:07

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Version 0.27 available at OpenRepos.
  • Replace HSL geocoder and router with ones that use the new Digitransit API (adds geocoding for whole Finland, real-time routing and experimental routing for Waltti and whole Finland regions, #19)
  • Show route summary in the maneuver list page (#28)
  • Don't show time remaining in the navigation instruction block to avoid overlapping text

The HSL router (a.k.a. Reittiopas / Journey Planner) should work as before, although will in cases return slightly different alternatives due to being based on OpenTripPlanner now. The new router supports real-time information, i.e. will account for individual vehicles being late or early. Not all vehicles yet send real-time data, but coverage will improve with time. This router is the same as at, so maybe beta quality, but seems to work fine.

In addition to HSL, Digitransit provides two other routers, one for Waltti region and one for whole Finland. These seem a bit experimental to me, but maybe will get better with time. The whole Finland routing should be about the same as To my knowledge, there's no website for the Waltti router, but there's at least, which might be based on it.

otsaloma 2017-01-04 20:23

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Version 0.28 available at OpenRepos.
  • Add user interface translations

You can now use Transifex to translate the user interface to your language. I'll pull translations from there before each release. Currently only Finnish is included. I'll keep updating the Finnish translation, but feel free to use Transifex to fix that if I got some terminology wrong.

itdoesntmatt 2017-01-04 21:19

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
otsaloma your app is great ..for me is absolutely one of the best app available for sailfish. thank you

atlochowski 2017-01-04 21:23

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Thanks, it will be easier to translate Poor Maps.

velox 2017-01-05 20:52

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
I've added a first draft in german, but am not entirely sure I got the context right every time.

eson 2017-01-06 07:56

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
3 Attachment(s)
I have translated into Swedish, and found some translation strings either missing or not working. Here's some screens to give you an idea...

mosen 2017-01-06 09:43

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
I just wanted to say bravo!
Since some weeks i substituted waze with poor maps and really like the turn-by-turn reliablity in my region.
User experience is much better than one would expect given the circumstances.
Well done Otsaloma :)

otsaloma 2017-01-06 17:46

Re: [Announce] Poor Maps
Thanks guys, I see lots of translations coming up.


Originally Posted by eson (Post 1521491)
I have translated into Swedish, and found some translation strings either missing or not working. Here's some screens to give you an idea...

The translations in your first screenshot do work, the problem is probably in whichever way you tested it. For a proper test, you should have Qt Linguist and gettext installed, run "make rpm", which also generates the translations files from po files, and install the resulting RPM. This might not work on the device (gettext too old?), I make the RPMs on my desktop Linux system.

The time remaining ("1 h 34 m / 1 h 34 m") is used for brevity. "1 h 34 min / 1 h 34 min" would be split across two lines, at least on the Jolla 1 screen. I'm open to better suggestions.

The navigation instructions come in most cases from the provider APIs. The providers don't support all languages. Mapzen supports cs-CZ (cs), de-DE (de), en-US (en), en-US-x-pirate (pirate), es-ES (es), fr-FR (fr), hi-IN (hi), it-IT (it) and MapQuest Open en_US, en_GB, fr_CA, fr_FR, de_DE, es_ES, es_MX, ru_RU. OSRM is English only and Digitransit translated as part of Poor Maps.

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