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rinigus 2018-03-09 17:57

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by olf (Post 1542195)
Hello @ringius (and @jdrescher, @otsaloma, @MartinK),

I was surprised to find mapboxgl-qml installed on my Jolla 1 phone. While OSMscout server, PoorMaps, ModRana and Laufhelden are installed, PoorMaps GL and associated libraries were not installed (at least not manually and deliberately).
Looking for the reason, I found that Laufhelden's RPM Spec-file pulls in mapboxgl-qml unconditionally.

As supposedly mapboxgl-qml was already installed for some time and I did not experience any effects, I wonder:
  • May mapboxgl-qml cause any negative effects on Jolla 1 phones, besides the disk space used and having another RPM installed (plus eventual dependencies)?
  • Can mapboxgl-qml be of any use on Jolla 1 phones (i.e. albeit slow, is this technically feasible at all)?
  • If not, why does it install at all (in an unsupported environment)?
These questions are aiming in two directions:
  • How should authors of software handle a potential dependency on mapboxgl-qml, which varies with the environment (i.e. device / installed libraries)?
  • Is there any chance of enabling mapboxgl-qml to run on Jolla 1 phones (no matter how slow)?
Many thanks to you all for your marvelous work!


mapboxgl-qml should not pull any additional packages. Its dependencies are given at

Except disk space usage, I don't see any possible side effects of having it installed on the phone if it's not used. We have debugged J1 a while ago and I might have forgotten some details, but as far as I remember, Mapboxgl was crashing itself, without bringing down the whole device. Note that some trivial maps did seem to work on J1. So, we can speculate that its possible to reduce some internal memory consumption by simplifying the schema of the map. However, its not guaranteed to work, maybe limited only to some targeted Mapboxgl versions (not work with the next release), and will probably require lots of work. Taking into account that all newer devices seem to be fine, we may just have to accept that J1 is showing its age and is going to retire with the respect of this application.

As for having it as dependency, I don't know how Laufhelden can specify them depending on the device, unless some special stripped down version will be provided without the maps.

I don't know how Laufhelden disabled the map on J1 (assuming that's your question), you probably can enable it back in the source.

rinigus 2018-03-10 15:25

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
New release is out: 1.3.0

This release has panning threshold enabled to avoid accidental panning of the map when you want to just click it. Implemented and proposed by @otsaloma - thank you!

This release brings us to the latest Mapbox GL Qt bindings version - 1.3.0, released two days ago. To put in perspective, its not even yet in Qt 5.11 :)

The bumped Mapbox GL version has few bugfixes and new features. The one I was waiting for is the ability to show map styles which have missing icons in them. For example, styles based on openmaptiles have this problem. Earlier Mapbox GL versions just refused to render anything after an error - now the error is not fatal and other layers get drawn as they should. So, Cartago is shown much better now.

I haven't looked through the changes introduced lately, so cannot tell much about the new features. For interested, look through pull requests at from about 8 March to end of Aug 2017 (qt-v1.1.0). [Version 1.2.0 had an annoying bug, so I skipped it].

For my surprise, OBS was fine with compiling the plugin for SFOS I have no way to test whether it actually works. For those interested and such old SFOS version, you are welcome to test. Get packages at .

Enjoy and let me know if something doesn't work.

jdrescher 2018-03-14 13:58

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by olf (Post 1542195)
  • How should authors of software handle a potential dependency on mapboxgl-qml, which varies with the environment (i.e. device / installed libraries)?
  • Is there any chance of enabling mapboxgl-qml to run on Jolla 1 phones (no matter how slow)?

Hi olf,
I wouldn't want to prevent mapbox-qml from installing on Jolla 1 because it does work. Only when you zoom in too much then it gets unstable and might cause the app to crash.
In the map settings of Laufhelden you can enable/disable map support.

olf 2018-04-02 14:30

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
Encouraged by @PamNor's experience (while @rinigus originally sounded quite discouraging), I tried vector maps on a Jolla 1 phone (with SFOS

mapboxgl-qml 1.3.0-10.35.1.jolla is working properly with both, WhoGo Maps 0.92 and Laufhelden 1.0.0-1, no matter if using online or offline vector tiles served by OSM Scout Server 1.4.3-10.29.1.jolla!
With OSM Scout Server as map provider, using vector maps seems to be a bit faster than than OSM Scout based bitmap tiles (in Poor Maps; I have never tried Mapnik offline bitmap tiles due to their enormous map sizes).

Kudos to you all, this is quite an achievement.

nodevel 2018-06-11 13:19

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
I am about to begin playing with this promising plugin, but while reading the documentation, I might need a slight push:

Could anyone give me a hint how to do an image overlay, where the image position on the map is given by two of its diagonally opposing corners in the form of (lat, lon) coordinates?

Thanks in advance!

And of course big thanks to rinigus for carrying the whole bag of mapping capabilities of SailfishOS on his back in such a spectacular way. Much appreciated!

rinigus 2018-06-12 03:59

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by nodevel (Post 1545330)
I am about to begin playing with this promising plugin, but while reading the documentation, I might need a slight push:

Could anyone give me a hint how to do an image overlay, where the image position on the map is given by two of its diagonally opposing corners in the form of (lat, lon) coordinates?

Thanks in advance!

And of course big thanks to rinigus for carrying the whole bag of mapping capabilities of SailfishOS on his back in such a spectacular way. Much appreciated!

I am traveling right now, so couldn't test it.

It looks like you could use and a layer that draws it. See for an example.

In this plugin, approach is the same as in the example - add source and then layer rendering it. Hope that helps.

rinigus 2018-09-04 06:52

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
As MartinK pointed out in modRana thread (, there is an ongoing work on updating QtLocation. I have asked whether new packages would include MapboxGL plugin and got a reply - no. See discussion at

Looks like its induced by old gcc. From this I expect that no major gcc is coming for SFOS 3. I wonder why they don't use neochapay's packaging of gcc?

Anyway, the situation with the respect of MapboxGL plugin is more clear now.

rinigus 2018-09-15 17:32

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
While testing with @pichlo issues with Pure Maps, we observed that map scale changes were reported very frequently. Release 1.3.1 of this plugin allows developers to specify the tolerance at which metersPerPixel property changes are reported. For example, by setting


metersPerPixelTolerance: metersPerPixel*0.01
Since this new property was just introduced, on its use, specify that you need 1.3.1 version of the plugin in the SPEC file as well.

jdrescher 2018-09-21 16:47

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
1 Attachment(s)
Hi @rinigus,

I have a small question maybe you can help me with this. In my app there is a page with a map on it. Problem is now, when I swipe left over the map, often the page stack action (back) is called. Can I somehow lock the map so that it won't trigger a page stack action on swiping?

rinigus 2018-09-21 17:19

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by jdrescher (Post 1548752)
Hi @rinigus,

I have a small question maybe you can help me with this. In my app there is a page with a map on it. Problem is now, when I swipe left over the map, often the page stack action (back) is called. Can I somehow lock the map so that it won't trigger a page stack action on swiping?

I could see that the problem is when the map is a part of a page with the map not full screen. I don't know why, its probably some interaction with Silica where Silica takes over a swipe action. Don't know how to fix it though. You could try to take Mapbox mouse interaction area and check if that needs to be changed to get higher priority than Silica

jdrescher 2018-09-23 19:30

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by rinigus (Post 1548754)
I could see that the problem is when the map is a part of a page with the map not full screen.

Thanks for your advice. I will introduce a full screen mode for the map on that page. That should solve the problem.

rinigus 2018-11-07 20:26

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
New version is out: 1.3.2

The main change is the introduction of OpenSSL lock on widget initialization. During testing, @pichlo observed slow down of Pure Maps loading on J1 and, while I hoped so, it did not resolve issues with the closure of Pure Maps. In my case, I haven't had any issues with closing Pure Maps since using this version of Mapbox GL widget (~2 month).

Let me know if something breaks with it.

jdrescher 2018-11-27 12:11

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
Hi Rinigus,

just a little question. The MapboxMapGestureArea does not seem to have the same events a MouseArea normally has. Particulary I miss the onReleased event. I need something to determine that onPressAndHold has stopped.

rinigus 2018-11-27 12:32

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
Hi! Code is here -

We probably need then to forward the signal to the main item...

jdrescher 2018-11-27 13:57

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by rinigus (Post 1551182)
We probably need then to forward the signal to the main item...

That looks good. I can make a pull request if you like.

rinigus 2018-11-27 14:02

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by jdrescher (Post 1551183)
That looks good. I can make a pull request if you like.

Please do so :)

jdrescher 2018-11-28 13:39

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
The onReleased event is now fired accurately.

But I noticed that the onPressAndHoldGeo is never fired, activePressAndHoldGeo is set to true. This is also the case with the old version (current openrepos).

By the way, do we need something like activeReleased, in case the user does not want the new onReleased event to be fired?

rinigus 2018-11-28 20:08

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin

Originally Posted by jdrescher (Post 1551205)
The onReleased event is now fired accurately.

But I noticed that the onPressAndHoldGeo is never fired, activePressAndHoldGeo is set to true. This is also the case with the old version (current openrepos).

By the way, do we need something like activeReleased, in case the user does not want the new onReleased event to be fired?

Strange. It works over here. Its a signal that's used for adding POIs in Pure Maps. Just tested at desktop as well - all worked as expected.

rinigus 2018-12-22 17:08

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
Mapbox GL QML has been updated to 1.3.3. Changes are

* addition of onRelease signal by @jdrescher.

* compilation of QMapboxGL with ICU support. Turned out that right to left scripts (such as Arabic and Hebrew) were plotted wrong, thanks to @planetos for reporting Not sure why, but Qt internal BiDi support wasn't used and I recompiled Mapbox GL with direct ICU linking for BiDi support.

Mapbox GL library is still at the same version, nothing has been released yet for Qt.

rinigus 2018-12-27 12:16

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
Just heads up: RTL languages are not resolved, we have a crash at high zoom level observed for the countries with them (

rinigus 2018-12-30 11:07

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
Crash induced by RTL languages was fixed upstream. I have updated Qt bindings used by us to the latest available state (Aug 6 2018). This state looks to correspond to qt-v1.5.0, but it wasn't tagged properly by Mapbox.

The current version (1.5.0) looks to have somewhat slower loading when the app is going from minimized to focused state, but I didn't find why. Cannot provide the changelog though, anyone interested can checkout commits from May to Aug 2018 at - there are plenty.

rinigus 2019-07-29 08:11

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
New version ( is out and it brings ability to perform run-time styling of the map. This version will be required by the upcoming Pure Maps (1.22.x) and is fully backwards compatible.

For 3.0.3.x and later, get the packages at OpenRepos. For 3.0.2.x and earlier, please use OBS .

It exposes changes in underlying style JSON induced by loading of the maps via style URL, a common way to load styles. As soon as style is downloaded from URL, styleJsonChanged is fired and you could process the loaded styles and update styleJson property of the widget. As a result, its easy to implement language changes, if the style support multiple languages.

rinigus 2020-06-30 18:42

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
As mentioned earlier in Pure Maps thread, new Mapbox GL Native and its QML plugin have been released.

This is a major change. Instead of following QtLocation code for almost two years, we are moving to the library directly ( The version packaged now corresponds to with few extra fixes for building.

It was made possible by changes in the library build scripts made by Mapbox developers. I hope to be able to follow now the library closer allowing us to use more advanced styling options.

In terms of packaging, QML plugin should pull now extra library (qmapboxgl from as its dependency.

For devs using this QML plugin: ensure that you don't tilt over 50 degrees or you maybe hit by

Let me know if you hit some strange bug. I have been testing it for few weeks and it seems to work fine.

rinigus 2020-07-04 18:50

Re: Mapbox GL Native QML plugin
I have just updated QML plugin and its map interaction area. Now it supports flicking (finally). In addition, when you zoom via pinch, there is inertia added at the end of the gesture allowing to zoom faster.

Apps using the plugin (Pure Maps, Kuri and Laufhelden) don't have to be updated, all should work by just updating the plugin.

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