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sup 2013-02-01 11:23

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
For me, I like it being a good outdoor phone as well (beside everything else already having been said). You can use it with gloves on, replace batteries easily, BlessN900 makes for some decent pictures to my standards.

also the cost of a learning curve and cost of a new device keeps me from moving ot somewhere else. I might buy Ubuntu phone in the future, but I will probably still keep N900 around for travelling (unless they make something with resistive display, accesible batteries and hardware keyboard:-)).

Zero Six 2013-02-01 11:26

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Me too. N900 is my main and only smartphone :D

ir.miringila 2013-02-01 11:52

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
me too. i used it since 2010. bought it from a friend of mine just for USD30. he said this is a stupid phone..(angry). i.. at that time never use a smartphone before.. of course i agree with him now. this is a stupid phone for people who doesnt now about linux. thank god. because of this stupid phone now i'm learning to use linux for almost 3 years.. i have try many linux distro on my laptop and leave windows just because this stupid phone.. i still remember when i suprised my friend friends by telling him his wifi password. he keep asking me how i do that? i told him to changed his password thanks cleven :) my n900 still in good condition but missing the stylus. but i never used it. so its ok for me.. and why n900 still be my only phone just because i just want a stupid phone not a smartphones!

eleseur 2013-02-01 12:34

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Still my main phone as well.

Nothing else i've tried can index 64gb+ of music without dragging to a halt for one, my n900 has taken quite the beating, and suprizingly is still in good shape (thanks to an otterbox/invisible shield screen protector), and the n900 is unique in its features, no other phone can touch it atm.

I'll prob be using my n900 for a couple more years, assuming it holds up (no doubt it will).

I'll retire it when i don't have a choice, or a better linux based phone with roughly the same features comes along, on better/more up to date hardware.

In the meantime, my n900 is and always will be my baby. ;)

Best phone i've ever bought.

phantomR6 2013-02-01 12:53

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

Originally Posted by lucas777 (Post 1319280)
Just a quick thought I was interested in is to how many people on this
Forum actually still use n900 today as their main phone?

Since its release I've had and owned around 7 N900s sold one got iPhone sold iPhone back to n900 sold that got n9 sold that back to n900 you can get where I'm going with it.

I missed it so much I always had to go bak to it but when I had it I got more frustrated with little things as of now

I own two n900s ones dead from cssu devel and I have no USB port so it's gone. 2nd one I have is in mint well almost mint condition which I just bought few weeks ago. Started using it as main phone but it just sits on tv now and I'm using my iphone 4 (yes I know) and a galaxy s3 and android is super customisable but I'm honestly sick and tired of android I really am. Plus as I get older the thought of hacking and tweaking devices is just not as fun as it used to be hence why I'm using iPhone.

Anyway so the question was how many of you still to this day 3/4 years later still using the n900 and why?
Grum - Go Back [Le Castle Vania Remix]
we all go back to n900 :D

l4m3rx 2013-02-01 13:20

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
I currently own 2 N900s ...and I'm thinking of getting 3rd one :)
And I think i'll use it will I die :]

HELLASISGREECE 2013-02-01 14:33

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
I am at a basketball court, suppossed to be shooting some baskets.. yet I'm at the courtside reading your comments from my N900 and smilling. : p

great thread

nman 2013-02-01 14:58

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Another one! N900 is my only phone (well except for the spare n900 I bought recently :D)

Odd, because I'm usually an early adopter... but all the quadcore hoopla doesn't appeal to me at all. I don't care about higher specs if they don't bring much additional capability.
Still nothing out there that tops the n900 for me:
-storage, can't beat 32 +up to 64 card
-FM radio and transmitter
-keyboard (n900 is my first phone with one, and I'm converted)
-resistive screen (I can have a 30x30cell spreadsheet on my screen and still reliably select a cell - try that with cap)
-awesome multitasking
-easy debian
-open-ish os not packed with spyware and great community

andil 2013-02-01 17:20

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Me!I'm using this n900 as main for developing/programming....I'm still a beginner tough.
I'm thinking about getting a n9 for the meego...but I'm not sure now :S

ashrufr 2013-02-01 19:04

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
My usb broke so I "upgraded" to Galaxy Note. After a few months I bought a used n900 and now use it as my primary again. Just love the user experience - sure I miss some android apps but it cant beat the user experience of the N900.

ejcrashed 2013-02-01 20:35

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
I have been using the N900 as my Main an Only phone since 2009.


- December 2009: Bought my First N900, Loved it since.
- August 2010: N900 stolen, had to use a dumbphone for some time, nightmare...
- September 2010: Bought my second N900, still alive an kickin'
- July 2012: Bought a used one (like new) from Ebay for $250, stored just-in-case.

rob_kouw 2013-02-01 20:59

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Bought my 3rd N900 today... (just 60 euros) but only for geocaching purposes really using AGTL / advancedcaching.
(BTW Not a good timing to reinstall this new N900 now, I cannot install packages, too slow!)

Bought my first N900 early 2010, I crashed it while cycling through Amsterdam a month ago.
Bought a 2nd hand N900 as backup mid 2011, gave it away last year as...
I bought an N9 in 2012, and really love it. So that's my main phone right now. I do miss some of the functionalities of the N900 and the constant stream of new apps in the community.

Akkumaru 2013-02-01 21:06

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
I DID IT!!! I successfully flashed both of my N900's cleanly! One of them has a really bad usb port though, so using the bad one first until it dies. I will try to fix the usb later :)

GrimyHR 2013-02-01 21:29

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
still the only phone i use, until i buy 808 for multimedia and camera, but n900 stays my primary

sondjata 2013-02-01 21:30

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Between the repositories being down for weeks (months?) and GoogleVoice now being unusable with the RTCOM won't be my main phone for much longer.

chill 2013-02-01 22:14

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

Originally Posted by frafI (Post 1319522)
I still use mine as my only smartphone, but I actually have to admit that I don't need a phone at all and the phone is probably the worst application of the N900 (e.g. answer button lags sometimes).

Just yesterday I used shorcutd to map the camera button to a "custom shell command", the command being the dbus command to answer the call. I don't know yet if this will solve the screen button lag problem; I'm testing it now.

ibins 2013-02-01 22:42

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
N900 is my phone since its coming to market. Combined with its
  • multitasking
  • root-access
  • CSSU
  • IPv6-capability
  • OpenVPN 2.3
  • fully functional terminal
  • hardware keyboard
It's unmatched. Nothing since 2010 ever came close to such a phenomenal pocket device. It's beautiful, small and as powerful as a netbook. It has a hardware keyboard that allows interaction without loosing the little display space a smartphone has to offer to a stupid virtual keyboard.

I will definitelly get a Jolla Sailfish device - N900 still will remain as daily used device. The new devices will have to have at least N900 capabilities before it gets replaced.

Thank you, Nokia, for creating such a superior device and platform and damn you for abandoming it prematurely. Burn in hell with WPx, traitor.

Mentalist Traceur 2013-02-02 03:41

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Been using it since I got one summer 2010.

I've had two fail on me with "All Telephony Functions Have Been Disabled" errors, whereupon I just buy another one, and retire the older ones for programming on, experimenting with possibly reflash-inducing stuff, and the like.

JadeH 2013-02-02 05:49

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
I still use the n900 daily as main phone, and don't really want to change until it breaks or a better phone comes out.

McCloud 2013-02-02 06:20

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Primary phone here to! Writing from it rigth now and changing chanels on TV, because 2yo dougter hide the remote :D

McCloud 2013-02-02 06:41

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

Originally Posted by BaronKatz (Post 1319553)
Why is the N950 not useable as a smart phone? .......

3. FM Transmitter, it's a great feature but hardly works in any car stereo I tried it with, the signal just seems to be far too week. The same goes with the IR as a remote control, week signal.

.....beautiful just opening and typing in there.

pierogi works on philips 58pfl9955 from 5+ meters. On friends Samsung TV its only 3 meters. So it depends what TV you have.

sophocha 2013-02-02 08:51

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
still my primary phone since January 2010.Although a Samsung galaxy would be great this is still by far the best phone I had.

rotoflex 2013-02-02 11:44

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Still my primary phone, also.

Can you still add a poll to this topic to get a sort of count?

theonelaw 2013-02-02 14:23

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Even after buying sackfuls of the other phones for family and friends,
I am still not even tempted by the other kludges out there.
( iphones, samsungs, experia, blackberries, etc. )

I hope the ubuntu phone makes a difference,
but I am definitely not wasting any time waiting for whatever
could possibly replace the n900 - it is still by far the best
thing to ever happen to telephony.

I have two I use every day (one for telephony and one for datacomms)
and all my friends are still jealous of what I can do with the n900.

If I could ever get Sabayon on a handset the game may be over,
but until then my phones remain n900.


abubakar 2013-02-02 14:42

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
n900 is primary, second cell was nokia 1100 but its got some strange problems that repairing guys cant repair so its done. N900's usb port is a bit messed up, i have to fix it myself but i dont have the tools, solder iron etc. But i did practice opening it all apart and then assembling it back. Anyway n900 does charge, but i have to put some pressure on its cable, but ppl tell me it'll break and n900 will be dead for me. So i am prepared to buy a second hand n900 if that ever happens. BUT, soon, n900 wont be my primary "Phone", no it wont be, but it'll remain the love-of-my-life-gadget for a long time i'm sure. Why wont it be my phone, cuz i'm about to dedicate it to learning finally, learning linux and gtk, i'm building an app for it so thats whats up.

Since i'm not a big phone dependent guy anyway, i'll be buying a low end device,, maybe some low-end lumia, or a symbian phone, but i was also trying to buy a Nexus 4, only cuz ubuntu phone os has got me so excited, so if i buy n4, i'll put ubuntu on it or something else of my open-source choice.

I dont know if any company will ever make a device like n900, if i ever got millions of dollars, i'll give old n900 team the thank-you treat of their life!

lucas777 2013-02-02 15:37

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Didn't think id get so many replys lol ok how do I now add a poll? I didn't think of adding one when I made the thread..

Shinigamijim 2013-02-02 16:38

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
I do and It is the envy of many of my friends because it is a phone from 2010 and still keeps up with all the new phones out there =)

Im keeping it till 2014 i guess or get enough money to get me a brand new phone in the market.

HELLASISGREECE 2013-02-02 16:42

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

Originally Posted by Shinigamijim (Post 1320164)
[..]because it is a phone from 2010[..]

Make that 2009 ; )

juise- 2013-02-02 16:52

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Been using my N900 as primary since I bought it when it first came out (can't remember when anymore).

Just last summer, replaced the back cover with a new one, cost me 15€. Also got a brand new battery as a gift from a kind ex-Nokia employee (their whole unit was being shut down and no one there seemed to have any use for their BL-5J stockpile).

rob_kouw 2013-02-02 20:01

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Hmmm, I was so proud to buy a used N900 for 60 euros, now the GPS, main reason for buying, appears to be broken. It really was too good to be true.
Anyone interested? ;)

ffha 2013-02-02 20:23

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Originally posted in: How many working N900 do you currently own?


Originally Posted by ffha (Post 1299214)
Three N900.

The cellular connectivity and wifi modules of my first one broke down, so I turned it into a homeserver by hooking up an ethernet adapter and a hard drive, which required some custom cabling to hook it all up together without either the N900 or the hard drive dying because of low power.
It hosts a website, has mpd (hooked up to a big stereo set) and shares content (mostly family photos) from the hard drive with DLNA.

The second one was a fine replacement, but a short while ago the USB broke off and I was unable to solder it back in place, which rendered it incapable of being my day-to-day phone.
I hooked up two BL-5J batteries and a li-ion charger in series to the N900 to keep it charged at all times, shoved it into a small replacement shell and hooked it up to my television set, where it now acts as a retro emulator (mostly PS1, NES, SNES, Genesis).
To control it from the couch, I wrote my own sixaxis control scheme which enables me to control the mouse pointer with the right analog stick (and I added the ability to click, of course, by pressing R3). To actually have a visible mouse pointer, I extracted a program from freemangordon's extmouse and made it run on startup.

The third is my current phone. The fact that it is, saddens me greatly - since the N900, no other phone satisfies my needs. My girlfriend has a Galaxy Note, which is a nice piece of hardware, but she can't even play a music video on YouTube and chat with me at the same time (official YouTube-app) with that thing... "Smartphone".
Looking forward to Jolla breaking the current monopoly that is Android and iOS!

I love the N900 and I actively use all three of mine on a daily basis.

rmh 2013-02-02 20:24

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Just an observation. Since most of us here are still rooting ( pardon the pun ) for our beloved N900s, has anybody conceived yet / raised a request already to emulate the maemo 5 fremantle os using the N9 meego/harmattan hardware & software?

Below are my thoughts & ideas as to why this might be a feasible project:

- In terms of performance, imagine running the maemo 5 os an N9. Everything will be snappier.

- Nostalgia left & right. We have the panoramic desktop with all the widgets we're longing for and all the rest of the features of the fremantle os running on an N9.

- A multitude of apps that can run natively eliminating the need for porting.

These are just some of what I had in mind. Think of it this way guys, I love and miss my 8-bit NES graphics that's why I try to reconnect with them every once in a while with my PC.

What can I say? I'm a nostalgic type of guy who appreciates using a tried & tested platform.

regards to all,

jukra 2013-02-02 20:27

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
N900 is my primary phone and pocket linux box, has been since Dec 2009. Sometimes it also acts as my Swiss army knife when battling at digital frontier of working life.

At work I use primarly N9 as a businness phone. It just makes me smile, when colleagues are strugling with their WP-devices while my N9 shows uptime of 21 days...

And the coding competition 2012 award N950 is my phone for Sundays =)

I guess I'll be happy Nokia Linux phone user for many years to come.

zeebra 2013-02-03 12:00

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Nokia N900 is my only device. I bought a second one as insurance before it was taken out of the market. I hope these will get me going to 2020 :)

Peraps the world is more free then.

I bought the N9 as a toy. Don't like the interface, and hate touch keyboard. It's far better than the "kid toys" Iphone and Android regarding interface, but not anywhere near the N900.

Iphone is basically like symbian with some smarter apps. Thats it, the interface is so 2001.

N900 is still the BEST mobile device that exist, but I imagine by 2015 there will be something better. Iphone just cought up with the storage space of N900, so did some android models. :p

But I could just use a 64gb micro SD and catch up with them again.

I do however wish I had the N9 as the screen on N900 and Galaxy S3 performance/smoothness/specs.

N900 does what I need to, and it does it in a brilliant way, far more intuituve for me than the nasty huge but thin phones without proper keyboard does.

legendracer 2013-02-03 16:38

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
im new to this website as well as N900...bought a second hand N 900 last month and trying things on it..i had been using nokia S 60 mobiles so far....
i tried a lot to flash the mobile as it has many troubles...the story is very long as of my flashing...still not fully successful....
i hope i'm in right place for help...where can i ask my doubts regarding N 900?
kindly reply..

teroyk 2013-02-03 18:04

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
N900 is primary phone.
Because I like Maemo OS, so
N900 is hard to replace with anything else.

Ofcourse I like put USB-stick to phone
and change second battery on the road
if first one is empty.

teroyk 2013-02-03 18:15

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

Originally Posted by rmh (Post 1320213)
raised a request already to emulate the maemo 5 fremantle os using the N9 meego/harmattan hardware & software?

Ofcourse, but different device. It would be nice not emulate, but install Maemo as only OS in another phone. Example forth coming Jolla Phone or Nokia E7 or N950 or just Maemo terminal to Nokia 9500.

HELLASISGREECE 2013-02-03 23:46

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
Today I went on a head to head music-quality (through headphones) comparison between N9 & N900.

I have both phones in high esteem when it comes to music (among other things of course) but I have to give it to the N900.

A tad louder, more bass, and wider "audio spectrum" (if I can call it that).
N900 also takes less time switching between songs. It is noticable faster. It is almost a good 0.5'' faster. Almost gapless.

N900 takes... 0.6'' and N9 takes around 1.1''

*artists tested: Daft Punk, The Prodigy, Metallica : D

j2u 2013-02-03 23:54

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?
I have used the N900 since purchasing it 4 years ago. It is still the best phone in so many ways. Just my opinion, naturally,


HELLASISGREECE 2013-02-04 00:28

Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

Originally Posted by j2u (Post 1320576)
I have used the N900 since purchasing it 4 years ago. It is still the best phone in so many ways. Just my opinion, naturally,


4 years ago it didn't exist : )

It came out fall 2009.

*You are an old N900 user, you should post more tbh

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