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woody14619 2015-08-14 21:30

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99

Originally Posted by Tomaszd (Post 1479543)
Both downloads always fail around 2-2,5GB

You may want to check what file system you're putting them on. FAT based systems (default for MyDocs on an N900) can only handle files up to ~2G. These ISO need to be stored on a non-FAT storage system first (ext3, NTFS, etc) to be burned to DVD or the like.

I just pulled them (via a linux system, with efs3/4), and it worked just fine. Haven't looked at the contents much yet, but awesome job endsormeans for pulling these tools together.

endsormeans 2015-08-15 00:08

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
The only issue there has been is once a broken link now fixed.
Might want to get it from someone willing to ftp or torrent it for you.
Odd really ...since it has worked for others without a prob.
Because it didn't download for you ...doesn't mean it hasn't downloaded for others...
so I would actually "ask" if others have had an issue with the actual download...
or ask for help even ...
before simply saying it's a waste of time.
As I mentioned ...
the only download issue was a broken link ..
fixed as soon as notified.
I'm guessing it's failing because your speed is low and inevitably timing out the download...
If you are woody mentioned...
trying to download into storage on a fat partition ...
It can't take the download file size.
It was never meant to be downloaded to such a partition.
It is meant to be downloaded via a proper operating system running either ntfs, ext 3, ext 4 ...anything large enough for 2gb+ download....
But this is just a guess...since I have absolutely no specifics...
If you believe it is a waste of time...
Spend your own free time as I did and build it yourself.
I have no monopoly on this..
anyone can do it..
hell I'm sure most here would do a better job than I...
so go for it...
the more options ...the merrier.

@woody- aw ...thanks man...
it was a longggggg snarly-snarly snarl...
but it was also fun...
I know you'll like it....
it's just great to have and just jump into...because you can...
rather than all the ugly-ugly of doing it the old way which was so, so, sooo horrid....
not to mention all the perks like being able to keep it continually updated...
[such a relief to use]...and all the other good stuffs like having it on dvd or usb stick or sd card...etc

on the same topic...
I am hoping before Christmas to have at least 1 if not two more ...revised... and even better versions done and up for grabbing...

jyezie 2015-09-28 14:53

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
why are your posts so... lengthy??:eek:
took me forever and ever to read them(neo900 fan here).
you should add a "tl;dr" section :p
Anyway I feel :
  1. [SAD]If you don't understand what it is, then it's not for you.
    [HAPPY]Did I just found gold?
I am downloading the isos. Let's see if a miracle happen.

endsormeans 2015-09-28 15:46

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
my posts = TL;DR?
your post = TS;PO [Too Short ; Pissed Off] :D
"let's see if a miracle happen"?
o ye of little faith...
no miracles here...
only the straight goods.
I just collated 90% of the ugly work together into distros so people wouldn't have to spend hideous amounts of time installing the same things over and over again.... or have to use completely outdated distros with virtual machines and do painstaking processes of set-up.

When I write and post for enjoyment and chumming with my buds...sure I may go on for a bit...admonishment is due :D are a neo fan?
then you are used to reading hundreds of pages...
1 long post shouldn't hurt.
But when it comes to explanations, instructions and "how to's"...
I've learned over the years...
consequently my posts are exactly the length they must be no more or less...ESPECIALLY for people who are Newmo's [TM-patent pending]...
and must needs include every possible question I end up having to answer over and over.
I'm not interested in repeating myself.
Not answering every likely question means the reader wastes their time asking and my time reiterating.
Which in the end ends up being pages and pages and pages of questions and answers.
This is the solution.
Everything in post 1 ...or clearly stated across multiple clearly labeled posts.

As far as the iso's go they are exactly the same in content...
it is just a matter of the flavour of distro...
I am slowly chugging away at other distros to incorporate ...
the needed tools are there inside the iso's ..
the interested party...especially the Newmo [TM-patent pending] must have a desire to read much lengthier how -to's, manuals and instructions than I write.
Once burned onto a usb or sd card or dvd...pop it in your pc and install or run it persistently [ I do suggest always making current copied back ups at varying stages of your work ...always... no matter the desired methods...that anything wonky and you can pick up where you left off no sweat...]
Have fun puttering.

nokiabot 2015-09-28 17:24

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
call 911
aaaa wee oooo gggg ssss fff eee rrrr ss eee aaaaaaa
my heart is failing

endsormeans 2015-09-28 18:22

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
ah nokiabot you always do a good job of making me laff.

toojays 2016-07-07 13:24

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
I've been meaning to try this for ages, but finally got around to it this week. I'm running solydmaemo in a virtualbox VM.

I was disappointed to find that it didn't have a Maemo 5 scratchbox already installed, since that's what I really wanted. The Esbox tool to install the SDK doesn't work anymore since the nokia repos have disappeared.

Anyhow, I've managed to bumble through a mish-mash of the Maemo 5 Final (ha!) SDK Installation and CSSU-thumb toolchain setup wiki pages.

During the SDK install, I found that the configuration of libgtk2.0-bin would constantly segfault. Setting the vm.mmap_min_addr sysctl to 4096 (it was 64K) fixed that.

Next step: Can't start the scratchbox GUI. Ugh, okay, it isn't supposed to work in the ARMEL target. Grr, I wish it just detected scratchbox and complained rather than looking like it should work. I knew this stuff seven years ago but it's all fallen out of my head by now. :(

Anyhow, I guess I'm dangerous now. :)

biketool 2016-07-07 13:36

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99

Originally Posted by toojays (Post 1509160)
I was disappointed to find that it didn't have a Maemo 5 scratchbox already installed, since that's what I really wanted. (snip)

This was how far I had gotten too, I figured I was too stupid to use the tool and would wait until there was more documentation out and try again in the time remaining for us N900 users. Were there to be .torrent of an image with a fully working SDK/Maemo 5 scratchbox I would get back to my do stuff apps bumbling around which paused around 2009/10.
My dream is/was to have a VM bootable image allowing complete offline development for the N900 with that one tool and never relying on repos which must eventually drop this or that dependency from today until all of the N900s are dust.

endsormeans 2016-07-07 16:37

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
"disappointed to find that it didn't have a Maemo 5 scratchbox already installed" ???

you are lucky I could fit what I did on that solydmaemo iteration.

I tried to put "fully-set-up-and-running-lotsa-stuff" on that iso....
lust ready to use.
BUT ....
there are limits as to the ultimate iso size which can be created.

And a fully-ready-to-use-just-hit-the-button-Maemo5-scratchbox ...
would have been alone,
an iso unto itself if it were doable.

Thing is...
unpacked and set up...
maemo5 fully operational scratchbox is just too big for creating an iso.
If that weren't enough of a reason....
the physics of an iso containing an operating system WITHIN WHICH a resident vdi containing an unpacked maemo5 scratchbox resides....
you try to do an iso of (essentially) an unpacked operating system within an operating system...
tell me how that turns out for you....
I know I tried....

I do feel your pain....
the whole purpose of the iso was and is to make development easier ....
and it does...
but somethings are just asking too much.

I do not understand your disappointment though.
I do believe I preemptively answered every possible issue and query in the write-up and walkthrough...
and I do believe I covered specifically the issues surrounding "not being able to have maemo5 scratchbox fully set up inside the iso"
and as well I do believe I covered the issues surrounding Eclipse/esbox and scratch ... install just the right way... everything works fine... install it wrong and you are going to run into the wall and have a hell of a time trying to get it installed.

EVERYTHING that is needed ... is there... and at worst just a few clicks away from set up.
Including scratchbox ... (although I do admit...maemo scratch setup is more than just a few is still quicker than any other method we currently have..)

If the desire is for premade scratch already set up...
Please make it.
I just tried to cram everything and the kitchen sink...for ease of use without the need of outdated Hardy or any of the old isos... which needed to be run in vm AND THEN scratch run inside of that...
people installing scratch on their systems and having things go sideways..
or .....
ending up stuck with all one's work on just ONE computer...
or worse...
old and new members alike...
trying to learn how to develop by starting with just scratch alone and becoming frustrated with the installation and giving up on devel all together without exploring other methods and applicable tools of devel for the NIT.

So ... yeah....

best answers concisely to your disappointment are:

1- Everything you need ...hell ...all that there is...shy of a couple of tidbits... and the ability to setup maemo scratch more easily than before right there.


2- If better can be done with new methods of iso creation...
then do it...please....I have no prob with that at all...I encourage it.


3- Suck it up Buttercup. :D

toojays 2016-07-07 22:40

Re: The [Almost-Completely :D] Pain-Free Maemo Development OS for Ages 9 to 99
And also I would like a pony. :)

Don't get me wrong meansorends, I appreciate your efforts immensely.

biketool, it sounds like what you want is about where my VM is up to now. It has a working CSSU arm scratchbox, and hasn't had time to accumulate a whole lot of other cruft yet. I'm not sure how big it is (I'm at work now), but could see about sticking it somewhere you can d/l if that would help you.

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