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Wonko 2014-04-03 20:08

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...

Originally Posted by geekgirl74 (Post 1419793)
It does receive the test messages from the app, but - except for a test e-mail, which it didn't receive (and which would be my most wanted feature) - I haven't tested any further yet.

Alright, that sounds pretty good. :)
So, the communication between the Pebble and SkippingStones works.

That it is not doing anything when you receive a "real" e-mail is expected as this is not implemented yet.
Essentially, what is missing is that SkippingStones needs to get a notification about the new e-mail.
As far as I know, the preferred way to get that information should be via dbus.
The implementation of this usually is also pretty much straight forward.
However, one needs to know the correct dbus interface name, method/signal name etc. that is used for getting this information.
Of course, this all assumes that information about e-mails is available via dbus at all.

One starting point would be to use "dbus-monitor" in a shell on the Jolla and see what is going on on the system and/or session bus.
If anyone else has further insights into this, all information is highly appreciated.

geekgirl74 2014-04-03 20:43

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
One thing: even though I have SDK 2.0 version installed, the working things seem to run good so far. I sent myself a test SMS which was received and displayed properly. Outgoing calls are handled as incoming calls, as you already noted. The only annoying thing is the Pebble upgrade warning, which I could live with.

Unfortunately I don't know dbus enough to be of any help :(

Wonko 2014-04-03 22:06

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
Alright, I googled a little bit and found this:

Some more minutes later, I finished this very much untested prototype:

Please be aware that I didn't even had the time to test that on my own device yet.
If you are brave enough, you can give it a try and see if it adds e-mail notification support. ;)
If it is not working, please try to run SkippingStones ("harbour-skippingstones") from the command line and see if anything meaningful is emitted when an e-mail is received.

geekgirl74 2014-04-04 04:56

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
Thank you so much for your efforts. It still doesn't do anything when receiving emails, from the commandline there isn't any update, when an email is received.

HtheB 2014-04-04 06:50

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
vote for this:

Wonko 2014-04-04 06:58

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...

Originally Posted by geekgirl74 (Post 1419828)
Thank you so much for your efforts. It still doesn't do anything when receiving emails, from the commandline there isn't any update, when an email is received.

Thanks for the feedback.
Apparently, I had a misconception about how I would use the information with respect to dbus linked above.
It seems that others also ran into this problem:
Unfortunately, I didn't find any information about a viable solution yet.
Admittedly, I also looked just very briefly due to my lack of time.
Unfortunately, it seems that getting the required information (ideally with email body) requires some more work than just simply listening in on dbus.

Edit: Some more info:

Wonko 2014-04-04 18:03

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
Alright, I couldn't stop myself from looking a little bit more into this.
After all, having an interesting technical problem may turn out to be a little bit addictive. ;)

So, for the impatient ones:
I uploaded a new version that emits at least some information about new e-mails:

But please be warned that this is a really crude hack and that the functionality is far from complete.
One known issue is that the e-mail body is not displayed at all.
Another known issue is that if more than one e-mail was received, only a sort of "summary" like "2 new e-mails" or so is sent.

For the technically interested:
Well, this hack is likely as dirty as it gets.
I started off by looking at this post:
However, as the solution proposed there didn't work, I began to change the hack.

Essentially, what I did now is that my adapter class for interacting with dbus has a "Notify" method with the correct signature to match the dbus method.
The class also has the Q_CLASSINFO to match the involved interface ('Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "org.freedesktop.Notifications"') and the object registered itself at the appropriate path.
Additionally, I manually added a match for "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications',member= 'Notify',type='method_call',eavesdrop='true'".

Overall, this way to get the info is very hackish and dirty.
Furthermore, things are very likely to break with further SailfishOS updates.
Nonetheless, I wanted to share my findings.

Outlook, for volunteers(? ;)):
One way for getting the body of the e-mail could be to fetch it from QMF.
It seems that the message ids as used by QMF are contained in the notification message.
So, this could be the entry point in fetching the body of the e-mail.
However, this could become complicated if multiple e-mail accounts are configured on the phone.

While talking about QMF.
Another way for getting notifications about new e-mails could be by directly using QMF.

Wishlist, for the Jolla devs(?):
Offer an easier to use way to get the required information "out of the box".
Maybe by adding according signals that also contain, e.g., the email sender, subject, and body?
Similarly to the request by Elleo, as linked above.

Dave999 2014-04-04 18:12

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
If i remember correctly i posted in this thread and On topic? I guess someone removed it for no reason. What's going's that sneaky mod?

geekgirl74 2014-04-05 05:04

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
That is just wonderful, Wonko :) Thank you so much.

I'd never thought, that this would be fixed so fast. Feels good to know, that it's not impossible anymore to use Pebble and Jolla together.

Looking forward to the next update/fix :)

Cyrano 2014-04-05 06:11

Re: Pebble Smart Watch...
I also really thank you Wonko. I am really missing the application for the pebble.

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